Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 104 Leading

Chapter 104 Leading
It was already night, and it was raining heavily, which was a big obstacle to the line of sight.

Being in Borneo, you need to be on guard against python attacks at all times.

After all, human eyes are adapted to the daytime, and they suffer too much at night.

Wu Xian also relied on the strengthening of his eyes and the use of his mental power to grasp the details of the surrounding hundreds of meters.

Johnson and others do not have such supernatural powers.

After briefly talking about their current environment, even the rather calm Johnson's face changed a few times.

The situation is too bad. If they can't board the ship today, they must be prepared for the destruction of the entire army.

Fortunately, the ship has been built, and you only need to take the ship to leave this terrible place, and there will be no worries.

Not only Johnson, but the rest of the expedition team also had this idea in their hearts.

With a little rejoicing, Gail urged: "Since we all know what will happen when we stay here, what are you waiting for, hurry up and go."

Greeting and leaving, Achuan supported Mitch, who was still a little unsteady.

Wu Xian followed behind silently.

Let's hope they don't break down in what happens next.

Sure enough, when Johnson and the others came to the river, they found that the boat had been stolen by Jack while they were saving Mitch.

The hard-won life-saver, Jack stole it.

Kerr yelled and cursed, all kinds of swear words without repetition.

The two ladies crouched on the ground with their heads in their hands, unable to bear the sudden blow.

It is impossible to rebuild it again. When they built it earlier, in order to prevent the ship from sinking halfway, they used a lot of thick bamboo poles.

The native wooden house was demolished. Although the house where Mitch was attacked by the python was not destroyed, it was a pity that it was not enough to rebuild a strong boat.

They don't want to drown on the road.

The scene was a little out of control, the veins popped out of the clenched fist, and the cold sweat from the forehead mixed with the rainwater flowed down.

Without boats, they would not be able to leave the Toku River smoothly and return to the city.

"Jack has never given up on finding the Blood Orchid. He must have stolen our ship to go to where the Blood Orchid is. I have seen the map. As long as we are fast enough, we can find him at the turn ahead." Jess stood Woke up, with the madness of living in his eyes.

Johnson withdrew his gaze from a distance, with a solemn expression: "I know I can intercept it in front, but the adventure of crossing the rainforest is too difficult. We can't guarantee whether we will encounter a python on the road. If we do, we should what to do."

Jess was at a loss for words, obviously she hadn't considered these questions, so she couldn't answer for a while.

Another lady, Gail, also stood up, casting her seeking gaze on Wu Xian.

As long as this mysterious young man can help them, although crossing the rainforest is dangerous, it can also guarantee a certain degree of safety.

They saw the method of killing the crocodile with their own eyes. Mitch was poisoned by the stone spider's venom and couldn't move.

This kind of toxin, which is said to be able to make people unable to move within two days after a small sip, was easily resolved by Wu Xian.

The specific treatment process is not clear, but Mitch standing in front of them intact proves Wu Xian's ability.

Now this expedition team is like a dying grasshopper, as long as there is a straw in front of its eyes, it will firmly grasp it in its hands.

Johnson also expected Wu Xian to help them.

He had to admit that the current situation was too harsh, and with his ability, he couldn't bring the expedition team out of here safely.

As expected, Wu Xian didn't show much expression.

Glancing at the rainforest at night, he waved his hand and said lightly, "I can help you, but you must obey my orders. If you don't obey my words, you will be in danger, and you will not be saved at all."

The cold words passed through the water-soaked skin and penetrated deep into the spinal cord.

Shivering all over, he nodded immediately.

Knowing the specific journey from Jess' description, Wu Xian didn't say much, and took a few people to prepare to cross the rainforest.

The heavy rain filled the air, and there was mud underfoot.

It was night again, and the group walked very hard.

Although he spoke harshly, Wu Xian also took care of several people.

In just a few days, I have experienced things that may not be possible in this generation, whether it is physical or mental exhaustion, or even numbness.

The footsteps are vain, and the body is forced to move forward in the vast sea of ​​trees.

If it weren't for the desire for life to support them, they might have given up completely when the ship was stolen.

The mental power is always scanning the surrounding situation, in order to complete the task, it is also a reward for their boating.

Wu Xian will not let these people have problems.

The humid and dark environment is the best time for pythons to come out.

Now it was the mating season for pythons. Wu Xian didn't know how big Borneo was. He thought it would be quite a few hundred pythons.

In the original plot, the underground mud pit where the blood orchid is located forms a huge mating snake ball, which has a strong visual impact when viewed from the film.

After actually entering here and seeing the astonishingly sized boa constrictor, Wu Xian couldn't imagine how big the boa constrictor circle in the mud pit was.

Just relying on these few ordinary people and the expedition team of two soldiers, getting close to the rainforest is the end of death.

From that time on, thinking of the son of the world, the King of Luck, who was followed by the plane, Wu Xian became more and more confused when he thought about it.

When Jess was in danger, he erupted the hidden attributes of a female man, took a machete and chopped off the python's head, and Johnson's flying knife penetrated deeply into the python's body.

It's all whimsical things, but they are deduced into reality.

It is difficult for Wu Xian to break through the scales of the pythons with non-attacks. Although the internal force can penetrate into the pythons' bodies and destroy their internal organs, the mental power can also directly wipe out the python's mind.

Wu Xian learned all these things with his life, but they are not as good as the protagonist who is taken care of by the plane.

The legendary halo of the protagonist does exist, but what is the use of it, and what does the meaning of the protagonist's existence mean to the world?
No one can answer this question for Wu Xian, even the system can improve his strength, so let's explore again.

After thinking about it, I temporarily suppressed it in my heart, and solved the current problem first.

When originally falling into the cave, in order to find Kerr, Achuan, who finally fell into the groundwater, was swallowed by the python.

At this time, with Wu Xian's leadership, not only did he not fall into the crypt, but the journey was smooth.

While on the road, Wu Xian's mental power detected three or four pythons, and as they gradually approached the place where the blood orchid was, the number of pythons increased greatly.

Without making a direct move, Wu Xian shocked the six pythons to death by relying solely on his mental strength. The corpses were not wasted, and they were all swallowed up by the black mist in the book.

He never understood the function of devouring these things. If it weren't for the close connection between mind and mind, Wu Xian would have asked the system.

(End of this chapter)

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