Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 34 Mysterious Man

Chapter 34 Mysterious Man

In the courtyard, the air was a little frozen and the atmosphere was oppressive, like a huge stone, weighing heavily on Wu Xian and the others.

They didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that they would be attacked and killed by the enemy the moment they moved.

After all, the enemy has not shown up until now, and there is not even a sound. If it were not for Uncle Jiu's vigilance and words, I am afraid that they would be directly killed by the enemy in the dark, that is, they will not know who killed them in the end. of.

Wu Xian tightly held the gun in his hand, followed Uncle Jiu, and kept looking at the yard, the sky, the ground, and for the convenience of catching zombies, Uncle Jiu and the others chose this empty yard on purpose, except for a few In addition to the pillars, the curtains that were originally used for shelter were also destroyed during the fighting.

There was no obstacle in sight, but that was the case, Wu Xian still didn't find out where the enemy was, and was a little puzzled, but seeing Uncle Jiu's serious expression, he had to believe it.

Just when Wu Xian was muttering in his heart, a voice suddenly came from the bottom of his heart.

"Use your mental power to investigate, otherwise you won't be able to see it."

This voice is Uncle Jiu?Wu Xian looked at Ahao and the others in shock, and found that they were still looking around and didn't hear what Uncle Jiu said at all.

"Don't look around anymore, this is a magic effect, hurry up and do as I say."

Although he was surprised that Uncle Jiu could know such a telepathic spell, he heard the anxiety in Uncle Jiu's tone, and hurriedly mobilized the mental power he had learned for a few days to probe outwards.

Immediately, a vision different from what the eyes saw appeared in Wu Xian's mind.

The mental power was like ripples in the water, sweeping across the entire courtyard, not a single place was missed in the ground or in the air.

Just when Wu Xian was immersed in this feeling, a figure suddenly came into his field of vision, breaking his feeling and making him tense up.

Wu Xian saw foreigners in suits and leather shoes wearing top hats, holding an exquisite cane on the ground, smiling and looking at them like a gentleman.

When Wu Xian found him, he was standing in front of them, perhaps sensing Wu Xian's gaze, the foreigner turned his head towards him to show respect.

Wu Xian was breaking out in a cold sweat. He never thought that this foreigner could detect his spiritual power, and through this, he knew that it was his own doing.

Just when Wu Xian was about to ask Uncle Jiu aloud, a burst of laughter startled everyone.

Then, in front of them, a young foreigner with an aristocratic demeanor slowly appeared.

After performing an aristocratic etiquette, the foreigner was very satisfied with the astonished expressions of Wu Xian and the others, applauded and laughed and said, "Sure enough, you are worthy of being the devil-subduing man of this ancient country. His methods are indeed powerful, and I enjoyed watching them very much."

"Aren't you looking for a fight, how dare you laugh at us like this?" A Qiang swung his arms and was about to go up to teach him a lesson, but Uncle Jiu stopped him.

"I don't know what advice you can give us when you come here?" Uncle Jiu asked lightly.

"Let me introduce myself first. According to what you said, my name is Cage, and I am a wandering prodigal son."

"I didn't have any advice when I came here. I just thought it was interesting, so I wanted to take a look. That's all. But I didn't expect to see a big show of fighting zombies together."

Seeing this guy named Cage, he looks like a royal nobleman, behaves gracefully, and speaks with a relaxed and natural demeanor that is completely beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he also speaks fluent Chinese.

What is his origin, how did he appear here, I just came to see this kind of talk because it was interesting, and I just let the ghost hear it, Wu Xian didn't believe that he would come here so easily.

Uncle Jiu just glanced at it and didn't answer or say anything.

On the contrary, Cage didn't care about Uncle Jiu at all. Instead, while shaking his hands, a glass of red wine appeared in his hands. After taking a sip, he shook the red liquid in the glass.

Looking past Uncle Jiu, he looked at Wu Xian and smiled: "Interesting guy, I never thought I would meet someone like you here."

His gaze was very kind, without any malice, but for some reason, Wu Xian had such a penetrating feeling that he didn't dare to look directly into Cage's gaze.

Uncle Jiu shifted his position slightly, and just blocked Wu Xian: "Tell me, don't make such a fool, what is your purpose for coming here?"

Continuing to shake the wine glass in his hand, Cage said casually: "It's the same as saying it several times. I came here because I thought it was interesting. What's wrong with that? Of course, I need to add a little more now, and I found an interesting person." .”

Turning Wu Xian slightly, seeing that he was also in a daze, Uncle Jiu snorted coldly: "Since there is no purpose, please leave here."

"If I don't leave, what can you do." Cage still looked calm and calm before.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Uncle Jiu's slightly pinched fingers showed that his heart was not at peace at the moment.

Wu Xian also became nervous all of a sudden. Although he didn't know why this person named Cage was interested in him, he was still afraid of this person who had always been indifferent.

No matter what you encounter, you can face it calmly. No one like this is easy to mess with.

And this should be the character who appeared at the end of the mission, so it should be a big boss.

He didn't know how powerful Cage would be, or he was afraid.

Suddenly, Uncle Jiu made a formula, waved his sleeves, and his aura gathered to form a huge thrust of energy. In the blink of an eye, he came to Cage.

Wu Xian looked at him nervously, wanting to see how Cage would catch Uncle Jiu's attack.

Unexpectedly, when the attack came, the man didn't make any movements, he just shook the wine glass slightly, and the bloody liquid became more and more thick.

Just when the attack was about to pierce, it was blocked by a blood-colored barrier. After arguing for a while, the energy spur finally failed to break through and dissipated in the air.

"Why, is this the demon descendant from the mysterious kingdom? It turns out that his ability is not very good."

Uncle Jiu was also very surprised. Although this was just a probing attack, the power contained in it was also huge, and he never thought it would be broken so easily.

However, in this duel, Uncle Jiu raised the corner of his mouth. Although he was surprised, it just proved his guess was right.

"I don't care who you are or what you do here. Since you know that I'm the devil's descendant here, you should know that my advantage here is that you want to challenge the system of this mysterious country."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Cage, who had always been calm, changed his face slightly, and finally said seriously: "I don't want to challenge the system, but I want to take away the person behind you."

"He is my disciple, you can't take him away."

"You should know what kind of man he is."

Uncle Jiu didn't answer, only Cage looked at him uncertainly.

"Then I'll try how you protect it." After finishing speaking, Cage threw the wine glass in his hand towards the sky, and the bloody liquid spilled out, turning into boundless bloody horses in an instant, and pounced on Uncle Jiu.

Seeing such an attack, Uncle Jiu also became serious. He drew a dummy on the ground with his left foot, bit his finger, and drew symbols in the air with both hands.

The blood flowed down Uncle Jiu's fingers and turned into a talisman.

Soon, two blood-colored talisman seals were formed, which were like ants compared to the monstrous blood-colored horse training.

Wu Xian and the others watched nervously. Uncle Jiu stepped on his left foot suddenly, the sole of his foot glowed, and the two talismans in front of him rushed over quickly.

The two confronted each other, and the talisman was integrated into the training as soon as it came into contact, and there was no movement.

Wu Xian was a little worried about what would happen. After all, it was no longer a question of missions, but a matter of everyone's lives.

(End of this chapter)

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