The era of ruthless men

Chapter 510 Of course it's the thing that beasts do

Chapter 510 Of course it's the thing that beasts do
After walking for a while, Ye Youwei didn't notice anything unusual, and immediately walked towards the next indicator of the Demon Emperor without hesitation.


However, as soon as he stepped forward, in a dark corner of the ruined city, the quicksand on the ground suddenly gathered, and finally formed a strange human shape, with a strange smile and muttered to himself: "Tchtttttttttttttttttttttttttttts It's been years, has someone finally come in, it seems that the world here is going to be bloody again."

"Sneaky guy, what are you doing here?" At this moment, a girl's voice sounded from behind it, and the shadow covered it like a huge mountain.

This woman is undoubtedly Meng Youyou who came in later.

The monster formed by the quicksand was startled, and then completely collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Meng Youyou frowned slightly, and wanted to grab it, but she couldn't sense any breath, nothing, as if it didn't exist.

"There are all kinds of demons and ghosts in this Demon Emperor's land." Meng Youyou murmured, becoming a lot more cautious. Although she knew a lot about this place from Pluto, after all, like Ye Youwei, it was her first time visiting here in person.


In a certain star field.

Ye Youwei went deep for a long time before he found a planet with life.

The flowers and plants are lush here, and the trees are overgrown. Occasionally, some strange flying creatures can be seen in the sky, and there are also some bird and animal droppings on the ground.

"It seems that there should be people like me here." Ye Youwei murmured.

In the end, the figure flashed, and soon came to a tribe. The building was very old, and there were corpses and bones everywhere. There were all kinds of animals, including humans.

It's just that he found that these bones were almost weathered, and they should have existed for a period of time. He closed his eyes, his soul power was overwhelming, and he let out a long sigh of disappointment.

There is still no existence of cultivation, most of them are small animals with strong vitality.


But at this moment, Ye Youwei suddenly showed a strange expression, and he suddenly felt a strong breath approaching him.

After being a little surprised, he showed some hope. Are you going to see a living person?

With a flash of his figure, Ye Youwei stepped on the wind step directly, and went against the breath approaching him.

What is the secret of the Demon Emperor's Land?How can I become stronger?He had to find the locals who existed in the Demon Emperor's Land to understand these questions, and he couldn't wait.

Of course, if the demons from the outside know that he has this kind of thinking, they will probably be shocked and vomit blood. Others can't avoid the strange people in the demon emperor's land, but he is doing the opposite operation, hoping to meet something... …

As the breath got closer, Ye Youwei suddenly showed a speechless expression, because he found that the breath became more and more familiar!
Isn't it the holy lady of the demon clan, Meng Youyou!

"Oh, shit, why did you follow me?" When the two met, Ye Youwei's eyelids twitched.

"First of all, I'm not following you. There is no rule that only one person can enter the Demon Emperor's Land at a time. Before the Demon Emperor's Land was open, hundreds of demon geniuses entered here together." Meng Youyou said disdainfully. Said: "It's just that no one left alive. After Lord Pluto took power, he sealed the Demon Emperor's Land. Only the top No. 1 of the Demon Race can enter."

"Whatever you say is reasonable, I can't say no to you, I admit defeat." Ye Youwei spread his hands and compromised. He has been here for so long, and he really needs a guide. I really don't know where to go.

After a pause, Ye Youwei looked at Meng Youyou: "Hey, you are a saint, do you know a lot about the Demon Emperor's Land? Where is the copy?"

"I don't have a name?" Meng Youyou glared at Ye Youwei, then said, "What the hell is a dungeon?"

"That's where the villains are." Ye Youwei hit the nail on the head, lazily said: "I'm going to brush up dungeons, plunder a few books of shocking magic skills, so that I can become stronger, otherwise this place of the devil emperor would be too boring. "

"Hmph, I think you look like a villain." Meng Youyou told the truth: "You call me ah, insult me ​​nameless, I will call you Ye villain from now on!"

"..." Ye Youwei, why didn't I realize that you girl is so stubborn before, well, I admit it!
"The danger of the Demon Emperor's Land has already begun from the moment you entered here." Meng Youyou said to Ye Youwei at this moment, telling about the sneaky quicksand monster.

Ye Youwei was very surprised, there is such a thing?I didn't notice it, it was really interesting.

"Can't you catch it too?" Ye Youwei said, looking at Meng Youyou: "You are already an existence at the level of a great emperor, right?

"It doesn't have any breath. It's like a pile of sand. It's very weird. When I want to catch it, it's too late." Meng Youyou said: "Don't think that the Demon Emperor of our demon race is fun, drive carefully Get the Ten Thousand Years Ship."

"It's all up to you." Ye Youwei said, "Where should we go now?"

"There's no need to go anywhere. I've been in the Demon Emperor's Land for several days. Someone should come to see you soon." Meng Youyou looked towards one side, her beautiful eyes showing a bit of ruthlessness.

"So, can we live a two-person world here?" Ye Youwei smiled, pretending to be evil: "I have never found that you are so beautiful today..."

"You, what do you want, you beast!" Meng Youyou was startled, and then took a few steps back.

"Of course I'm doing what animals would do, tsk tsk hahaha." Ye Youwei put on a show, with a street stalker begging for beating, with a small and bad expression, and he really acted well.

Meng Youyou was nervous at first, but as if she saw through something, she pursed her lips and gave a meaningful smile. It seemed that Ye Youwei was expected to pretend to be a tiger: "Hmph! Come on, who is afraid of who! If you are not afraid of the two people who buried you If a wife stripped your skin."

"..." The corners of Ye Youwei's mouth twitched when he heard this, this woman really has a big heart.

Seeing Ye Youwei's appearance, Meng Youyou consciously gained the upper hand, broke Ye Youwei's pretentiousness, and murmured triumphantly in her heart: "I know you are a villain, but you still want to fight my old lady?"

"It's terrible, you old woman, you must see that I'm handsome and want to take advantage of me. I'm not going to be fooled by you." General!Carelessly walked to one side of the grass and meditated with eyes closed.

"You..." Seeing this, Meng Youyou stomped her feet and gritted her teeth. I've seen someone thick-skinned, but I've never seen someone thicker than a wall!I'm so mad at my wife!
(End of this chapter)

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