The era of ruthless men

Chapter 517 Demon Tribulation, Protoss Attacks

Chapter 517 Demon Tribulation, Protoss Attacks

"One escaped." Ye Youwei looked at one side, feeling a little melancholy.

"Don't pretend to be good when you get cheap, you're just lucky." Although the startled salamander was also shocked, she knew it was just a coincidence, not suppression.

Even Ye Youwei, who now possesses immortal skills, can never survive under the three half-step immortal kings and a true immortal king.

"Haha, luck is also a means of uncertainty in combat." Ye Youwei shrugged indifferently, turned around and smiled at the startled salamander, and immediately stepped forward to ask: "How is it, have you recovered?"

The startled salamander nodded at this time: "The skill has recovered to seven or eight levels."

"That's fine, let's leave the Demon Emperor's Land as well. I don't know what's going on in the Demon Realm outside. I'll help." Ye Youwei said.

"You're worried about that girl Meng from before." Startled Salamander said.

"Thinking too much, I was hunted down by the gods all the way, and the demon world is now opposing the gods. One more ally, I will feel less pressure." Ye Youwei said: "As the saying goes, if the kidney deficiency is a serious problem besides the demon world, the next The target will definitely lock me up directly."

"It's such a cold mouth, and you know so much at such a young age." The startled salamander showed a little appreciation, and the more it looked, the more it throbbed.

"Young age? I'm five thousand..." Ye Youwei closed his mouth before he finished speaking, and cast his eyes at the startled salamander strangely, muttering in his heart, he lived with this man for millions of years in 5000 years Compared with the year, it seems to be a bit small!Depend on!

"Cough cough." After coughing twice, Ye Youwei didn't say much, and said nonchalantly, "It's not the time to compare who is older, let's go."

"Hmm~" Seeing the young man's prudish embarrassment, the startled salamander suddenly smiled.

This laughter suddenly shocked Ye Youwei's heart, he fixed his eyes, looked at the startled salamander, his eyes were more gloomy and sad, because he suddenly thought of Yafei.

"What's wrong with you?" The startled salamander showed a little nervousness in her beautiful eyes at this time, and asked cautiously: "Did I remind you... of something sad."

"Yes, my late wife, her name is Yafei." Ye Youwei smiled softly, did not hide it, but said it generously.

"Isn't it..."

Jing Xi just wanted to say sorry, but Ye Youwei covered his lips, Ye Youwei shook his head: "As you who will marry me in the future, you have the right to know her name, but you don't need to apologize for it, she Although she is deceased, she has been my wife Ye Youwei for life after life, and so will you in the future."

Frowning slightly in shock, she suddenly felt sorry for the white-haired boy in front of her. She had already begun to want to know his past, know everything he had experienced, and then carry it together.

"Let's go outside." Ye Youwei turned around.

The startled salamander did not neglect either, and followed it around, and quickly left in one direction.



Outside of the Demon Emperor's Land, fierce battles are taking place in all major star regions of the Demon Realm!The God Clan army really did what the three half-step fairy kings said!Already killed!
That moat was made by heaven, and it is not surprising that the clans who opened the moat came to kill here, and it was a big conspiracy planned for millions of years!
"Old Pluto! Suffer death!"

"The Demon Race will be destroyed today!"

"Since ancient times, gods and demons have been incompatible! God has planned for so long, just to completely eliminate you group of scourges!"

"From then on, there will be no more demons in the world! Everything will be guarded by justice under God!"

In every star field, the flames were soaring into the sky under the darkness, and the fight was very fierce. The figures of heavenly soldiers and generals kept shouting the banner of "justice" from their mouths!Slaughter the people of the Demon Race!Even a child with no strength to restrain a chicken!

"Hahahaha! Three thousand emperors from ancient times to the present, and I will lower their eyebrows when they meet me, the king of the underworld! Just rely on you?!"

A maniacal laugh rose to the sky, Pluto was being besieged by hundreds of heavenly soldiers and generals, and ten great gods among them all came to the demon world.

"I know it's not easy to kill you Pluto, so we really won't be able to kill you with just a few of us." One of the great gods spoke, with purple lightning flashing all over his body. This god Ye Youwei had seen it before, and he was one of the twelve great gods. One of the Thunder and Purple Lightning.

The body that was beaten by Ye Youwei before exploded, and the god escaped, but now he got a stronger body, the God of the Protoss is really good.

Swish swish!
At this moment, people surrounded the Pluto. There were more than a dozen figures, all of whom were dressed differently. It could be seen that they should be from other families that conspired with the Protoss.

"Soul Clan, Chu Clan, Tianpeng Besieged Clan..." Pluto swept through the besieging crowd, and he recognized all of them, including the lineage of the Immemorial Relics and the descendants of the Immortal King of Absolute Beginning.

"It seems that you still recognize us." Someone came and said, "Back then, the second generation of the demon emperor of your demon clan was arrogant and domineering and chased our family. Now, it's time to settle the matter!"

Pluto didn't say a word, no matter what race, everyone has a dark history, it cannot be denied that the behavior of the second generation Demon Emperor is indeed a bit domineering, but he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

"Throughout the ages, the road to the strong has always been to step on the bones. Isn't Shi Hao, the emperor of Huangtian, forced to be like that by you?" Pluto said: "The envy of the nine heavens and ten earths is even more jealous for his talent. If you have the guts to eliminate future troubles forever, why don't you have the guts to admit it?"

As soon as this remark came out, some great gods such as the Shenzu frowned, consciously wronged, and did not immediately open their mouths to refute. At this time, a great god said: "The devil is the devil, and the devil's nature is evil. It is our gods' goal to eliminate demons and defend the way." If you want to blame your profession, you can blame the rules of this world."

"Haha! What a rule in the world!"

A burst of maniacal laughter suddenly resounded when the great god spoke, and Ye Youwei and the startled salamander suddenly appeared around Pluto.

With deep and cold eyes, Ye Youwei glanced around and then stopped his eyes on the great god who just spoke, and said immediately: "Tell me, who made the rules in the world? Good or bad? Who has the final say? Demons tend to be evil, haha, then you protoss are now beheading demons who have no power to restrain chickens, are you doing good?"

A rhetorical question directly blackened the faces of all the Protoss present.

"Where did the human slaves come from! Are you tired of working?" Zi Dian shouted heavily, glaring at the figure who broke into the battle suddenly, although he was a little familiar, he didn't remember who it was for a while.

"The Twelve Great Gods of the Protoss, Zi Dian, have you forgotten who beat you to the ground and fled?" Ye Youwei opened his eyes, and the terrifying killing god domain directly overwhelmed the sky, shocking everyone!
The startled salamander next to her was surprised, she didn't expect Ye Youwei to have the realm of killing gods, Shura God Treasure!


"Who is he?"

"The Dacheng Saint Physique is only comparable to the Great Emperor, why do I feel the Immortal King Qi in him..."

Many of the reinforcements from the Protoss side showed astonishment and murmured inconceivably.

At this moment, Zi Dian also knew the identity of the white-haired boy, and it was Ye Youwei, the black hand behind the god-slaying scene who was wanted by their protoss!
"It turned out to be you!" Zi Dian's eyes were bloodshot, his body trembled, recalling the battle with Ye Youwei, it was his lifelong shame!

(End of this chapter)

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