Chapter 519
Hearing the sound, the man's pupils contracted. He didn't expect that a human child would be accepted by the demons and become the fifth generation demon emperor!
He naturally knew what the concept of the word "devil emperor" was. Looking at the entire history of the demon clan, there were not many people who could be called the "devil emperor".


"Even if you become the devil emperor, so what! Betraying your own human race is deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors. Only the devil race full of evil and doing harm to the common people can praise you so highly!" The man said disdainfully. Shen He: "You are nothing but raccoon dogs!"

"It's really stubborn." Meng Youyou frowned slightly, and was about to kill him.

"Wait." At this time, Ye Youwei stepped forward suddenly, stopped her, shook his head and looked at the man who was frozen in the void: "Looking at your appearance, you should be from the ancient blue dragon clan. "

"Hmph!" the man snorted coldly.

"Do you know Dragon Emperor?" Ye Youwei smiled slightly: "Forget it, let's not talk about him first, let's talk about you, anyway, you are also an ancient tribe who dominates the world in the human world, but you are willing to be under the sky. Your family feud?"

"I don't remember any entanglement between our demon clan and the ancient blue dragon, and there is no record in history." Meng Youyou raised her eyebrows and cast a glance at the blue dragon clan emperor, saying disdainfully.

"The demons are inherently evil, and it is our lifelong mission for righteous people to eliminate demons and defend the way!" The man turned his head and said fiercely, as stubborn as a bull.

"Put your fairy shit on!" An elder Mozun next to him yelled angrily at this moment.

"..." Ye Youwei was speechless, he didn't expect this emaciated and amiable elder to have such a tough side.

After a pause, Ye Youwei looked at the Blue Dragon Emperor again, and said, "Brother Emperor, you are too paranoid. In fact, as long as people are evil, and it is precisely because all people are evil, that we need it." frame it by law."

Everyone was puzzled when they heard the words, but at the same time they felt very fresh, and they were eager to know the reason. After all, if people's hearts are evil, wouldn't Ye Youwei even criticize himself?

What a ruthless person, does this mean that he doesn't even let himself go when he speaks?
"Whether the demons, the gods, or the myriad races in the world, etc., all have their own family rules, the family rules are the laws, and where there is a need for laws, there will be evil." Ye Youwei looked at the Blue Dragon Emperor : "To put it simply, if all of your ancient blue dragons are kind-hearted and upright, and you are born knowing that it is your duty to eliminate demons and defend the way, then I have nothing to say."

"You! It's so unreasonable!" Hearing the words, the Blue Dragon Emperor was a little speechless in his angry eyes. After all, Ye Youwei's words really had no reason to refute.

"You are already a great emperor, and you are a rare dragon species of the ancient and powerful. You should live as long as the king of the underworld. I think you know better than me after all these years." Ye Youwei said: "Dragon Emperor Long Qingshui should be familiar to you? The former leader of the Anti-God Faction in the Suzaku galaxy, although you are not of the same race as him, you are also related to him as the ancestor of the dragon. Not to be a pawn under the command of the sky."

"What did you just say? Long Qingshui is still alive?" The Blue Dragon Emperor was startled when he heard this.

Ye Youwei was taken aback for a moment, didn't I mention the Dragon Emperor before?Doesn't this guy know the real name of Dragon Emperor, the leader of the Anti-God Faction in the Suzaku Galaxy?
"Naturally, I'm still alive, and I'm still the leader of the Tutian League." Ye Youwei spread his hands, and said with a smile: "Could it be that you are still kept in the dark by the gods of the protoss?"

"People from the Protoss say that Qing Shui's nephew was killed by the people from the Demon Clan a million years ago!" the Blue Dragon Emperor sneered, his eyes full of anger.

"Three million years ago, this moat separated my devil world from the outside world. How could we possibly go out to the outside world and kill your nephew a million years ago!" Eye Blue Dragon Emperor: "You have lived all these years in vain!"

"This seat was only released in the last 20 years. I didn't go into it. It was my negligence!" The Blue Dragon Emperor showed a little thought.

"Everyone take a step back, I can see Senior Blue Dragon's pure heart and righteousness." Ye Youwei said: "The demons are indeed well-known in the human world, there is nothing wrong with you coming with the gods, but now the misunderstanding has been resolved , I think we can still be friends in the future.”

"Hmph, I will never be with the demon race, even if you are not as hateful as the legends say." The Blue Dragon Emperor said, then paused: "Of course, I will not be with the god race, but only if you take me to see you." Long Qingshui."

"No problem, he's at Xiachanxing in the Suzaku galaxy, and I'll definitely take you to see him if I have the chance." Ye Youwei said, "But not now."

"My ancient blue dragon clan is in the Xuanwu galaxy, and I will wait for you to come to me." The blue dragon emperor said: "Don't be killed by the gods first, then I will be very embarrassed."

After all, the Blue Dragon Emperor came alone, and then left alone. His proud back can indeed reveal his righteousness and righteousness.

"Just let him go like this?" Meng Youyou said: "He came with the gods to destroy our demons, you are now the demon emperor, and you will not bring glory to our demons at all." Rolling eyes...

"Knowing that I've become the Demon Emperor now, isn't your current attitude a bit disrespectful to me, the new Demon Emperor? See, you're rolling your eyes at me!" Ye Youwei teased.

"In my opinion, you are not the devil emperor. I have a vague feeling that you are an out-and-out devil." Meng Youyou murmured: "It's just a great holy body, and two of the three half-step fairy kings died in battle. One injury, and beheaded an Immortal King Beast!"

"You're wrong." The startled salamander next to him said, "He also tricked me, a half-step fairy king, to be his wife."



"It's so scary!"

Following the startling salamander's opening, even Pluto trembled a little at the moment, which is incredible!Surprised to explode!Looking at Ye Youwei with strange eyes...

"What's wrong? Are you looking at me like this? She forced it on herself, not a lie!" Ye Youwei gave up, and rolled his eyes in surprise: "If you talk nonsense, I'll divorce you!"

"If you dare to divorce me, I'll kill you." The murderous intent was revealed in the startled salamander's beautiful eyes.

"I was wrong..." Ye Youwei immediately admitted.

Although he can fight with the half-step Immortal King's strength now, he has also witnessed the strength of the Shocking Salamander girl. Not everyone can block three attacks of the same level by one person alone.

"That's really congratulations, sister Jingxi." Meng Youyou looked at Jingxue with a smile at the moment, full of envy, but she guessed that she was a holy aunt and could not intermarry with foreigners. Now that Ye Youwei became the devil emperor, she could have had Opportunity, but in the end still hide that feeling.

"Thank you." The startled salamander smiled, and then looked affectionately at Ye Youwei, the little woman who turned into love in a second.

(End of this chapter)

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