The era of ruthless men

Chapter 535 Prelude to the war between the three tribes of humans, gods and demons

Chapter 535 Prelude to the Battle of the Three Clans of Humans, Gods and Demons

"It looks like there will be another fierce battle after going to Immortal Realm." Ye Youwei murmured.

A half-step Immortal King fought to the death, and it is estimated that Emperor Fangyuan would have to fight with the entire God Race... This will be a battle of the century.

"Throughout the ages, future generations look at the former, and the so-called dark ages in their mouths must be like this." Wang also smiled helplessly and said: "We are experiencing and creating it at the same time. This is inevitable. We are all in the game. No one Can be alone."

While talking, Wang also glanced at Ye Youwei: "Actually, you should have known for a long time that even if you take Xian'er back to live in seclusion, this protoss is determined to cover the sky with one hand, even if you hide away from the world, he will take you away." find out."

"I know, a big tree attracts the wind." Ye Youwei spread his hands, "But I don't think there is anyone in this world who threatens him except me."

"Are you trying to say that there is still Emperor Huangtian?" Wang Ye asked.

"No." Ye Youwei shook his head: "There are many great emperors who came out of Zandi Star. For millions of years, the thirty emperors of the Beidou Human Race have been known. Zun, Lingbao Tianzun, Daode Tianzun, Immortal Emperor, etc., there is no trace of them in this fairyland, and even many civilized star realms do not know the existence of the Nine Secrets."

"Immortal Emperor, Emperor Zun..." Wang also naturally knew about Emperor Zun and the others. The time is not far behind. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that these people are still alive, and the tombs where Emperor Star was buried are no more than clothes. .

Moreover, for tens of thousands or even millions of years, no one on the Big Dipper Zandi Star has seen any bones of the great emperor with their own eyes. This is a big loophole...

"Yes, each of them is an ancient emperor who ruled the roost and could dominate the sky. They are basically two levels from ordinary emperors. I feel that they can all threaten the sky." Ye Youwei said, with deep eyes Looking at Wang Ye: "Of course, including you."

"Hehe, don't be kidding me, brother, can Master Dao fight against the gods with this level of cultivation?" Wang also spread his hands and said disapprovingly: "I can't even beat you."

"That's not necessarily the case. You, before and after enlightenment, are two people, and you have awakened the memory fragments of the first Heavenly Exalted Transcendence. I don't think you just gained a secret." Ye Youwei curled his lips in disdain.

"Hahaha~" Wang also laughed without saying a word.

The two chattered about their prevaricated business for a while, and then continued on their way. They knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. With such a big commotion, they didn't need to send a message.

If they don't leave, I'm afraid they will really become the target of public criticism.

Swish swish!
Both of them have secret characters, they change rapidly, their figures disappear quickly, and they can catch up with Brother Hou somersault cloud in one step!

Not long after they left.

Dozens of figures came to this star field where large holes can appear, among them are more than 20 great gods of the emperor level, and at the same time there are thirty or forty capable people of the quasi-emperor god clan.

"What's going on, the aura of God Lord Xiao has disappeared."

"The same goes for the other two great gods."

"The fight just now, did someone beat them to death!"

"This is impossible!"

"Xiao Shenzun is a half-step fairy king. In the human world for millions of years, who can suppress him except Lord Tianzhu?"

"But now..."

"Search for me! Turn the end of this galaxy upside down for me, and find the intruder!" An old man shouted at this time, he is one of the three half-step fairy kings of the Qinglong galaxy.


After everyone agreed, they scattered in all directions in an instant.

The old man is white-haired and ponytailed, slightly thinner, revealing supernatural strength in his bones, and at the same time, he is haunted by a bit of sinister hostility, which makes him even more intimidating, making people shudder at a glance, just like his name. ——Ghost God Venerable.


Time flies.

Ye Youwei and Wang also passed through the forbidden area of ​​the gods and went to the other end of the Qinglong galaxy, searching all the way, but they didn't see Xian'er and Emperor Huangtian.

On the way, they also met Jingxiu and Meng Youyou, and the four of them got together again, but they also didn't find any trace.

In a barren star.

The faces of the four were very puzzled and contemplative. They had already looked for the perspective planet where they could see the fairyland at the end, but there was no figure of Emperor Huangtian and Xian'er, which really shouldn't be.

"Aren't they in the Qinglong galaxy?" Wang Ye said.

"The four major galaxies are so big, the deduction from the previous word secret is only partial, and there are no landmarks or anything, so it does not rule out the possibility that they are at the end of the other three systems." Meng Youyou said.

"My fault, it seems that finding them is not an easy task." Ye Youwei murmured, perhaps because he was eager to find Xian'er, but he didn't consider that there are people in the four major galaxies who can see the fairyland. place.

And crossing the distance between galaxies does not happen overnight, besides, Xian'er is extremely sensitive, and Wang Yeqian, who rebounded before, may not be in the same place now, and I am afraid that he has already changed places.

"Why don't we go back to the Suzaku galaxy first. You have [-] brothers under your command, and you can mobilize them to search together, and use wormholes to directly connect the four major galaxies, so that it is convenient to unite the anti-god forces of the four major galaxies. Once a war starts, it will also be easy to support. Where are the battles going?" Meng Youyou said.

"Time is running out, and the Protoss will definitely make big moves during this period." Ye Youwei said: "But now there seems to be no other better decision except in your opinion."

"I'll stay and contact the forces here." Wang also volunteered.

"Okay, after I go back, I will send someone to connect with your Qinglong galaxy." Ye Youwei looked at Wang Ye: "Don't act rashly before I give you the news."

"Yes." Wang also nodded.

Ye Youwei and others separated from Wang, and soon went to the Suzaku galaxy.


Suzaku Galaxy.

Xia Chanxing wrapped in layers of barriers.

The heavenly soldiers and generals outside are densely packed. During the few months since Ye Youwei left, this is not the first time the protoss has come to Xia Chanxing to provoke them.

It's just that even the half-step fairy king couldn't break through Ye Youwei's barrier, so he could only guard the star field near Xia Chan Xing to block Xia Chan Xing Tu Tian's access.

"Brother Ye hasn't come back yet?"

"This time the protoss seems to have sent three deities who are half-step fairy kings, and it seems that they are going to be serious."

"We only have one Tang Lin to take the shot. Although the leader of the dragon alliance is stronger than the general emperor, there is still a gap between him and the half-step fairy king."

"If Brother Ye comes back, counting Sister Ye's Killing God Shocking Salamander, you won't be afraid to go out of the territory."

In the star field covering the sky building, many people looked at each other in blank dismay, staring at the densely packed figures outside the sky with all kinds of eyebrows.

"Brother Tang, have you found the other two Supremes in your Supreme Hall?" Xu Changqing asked next to Tang Lin in the corridor, staring into the sky.

"No, Qingluan and An Yuncheng are probably still healing somewhere, or they may have other ideas." Tang Lin said with deep eyes, "The two senior brothers of mine are very scheming, although it seems to win Ye You For, but there is another purpose, before the moat is broken, the demons have not really seen the light of day, I don't think they will show up."

"It seems that you are the only one in the Supreme Palace who is a man of temperament." Xu Changqing sighed.

"No, actually there is another senior brother." Tang Lin didn't directly mention his name.

However, from Xu Changqing's smile and silence, it can be seen that he doesn't need to hear the name to understand who Tang Lin is talking about. Apart from the strange man Huang Tiandi who once fought nine days and ten places, there should be no one else.

(End of this chapter)

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