Chapter 541
Everyone meditated in their hearts, and following Ye Youwei's eulogy, they began to eat snacks and hug Buddha's feet. In fact, in terms of understanding, they are not bad in this group, the only difference is that their cultivation is not enough.

Soon, rays of light soared into the sky, forming a huge barrier that enveloped them all. Ye Youwei sat down on the spot, and the word secret of the runner recovered his physical strength.

"Great Luo Golden Immortal Formation?" A half-step Immortal King narrowed his eyes slightly, then took a step forward, and snorted coldly: "Don't you think you can withstand the attack of this Immortal King with the formation technique cast by this group of rabble? "

After saying that, a terrifying beam shot out from the long sleeve and hit the huge semicircular light screen.


The world trembled violently!


Figures in the formation vomited blood. Although it was said to be the Da Luo Jinxian Formation, the half-step Immortal King's attack was really astonishing. Their strength was weak, and the indirectness was enough to kill them.

However, this enchantment is indeed not insulting to Da Luo Jinxian, and it was not destroyed by the attack of this half-step fairy king!After the light wave moved slightly, it returned to its original state!

"I didn't expect Ye Youwei to have such a heaven-defying formation of Daluo Jinxian." Another half-step fairy king holding a red sledgehammer said in a concentrated voice: "Chaotic cloak!"

If you don't keep your hands, come up and zoom in!
Boom boom boom --

Ka Ka Ka!
The barrier is broken!Tu Tian's countless brothers vomited blood!Some were even directly shaken into blood mist!No bones left!

"Damn it! Fight with these protoss!"

Seeing that the enchantment was broken, someone's face was so ferocious that they looked at death as if they were at home!


After the barrier was shattered, the divine army rushed towards the central void where Ye Youwei was like a surging river!That is the figure of hundreds of millions!
Compared with the Protoss at this time, the hundreds of thousands of Tutian people in the center are spectacular to the naked eye!It is completely the visual impact of ants and elephants!

The scene was chaotic in an instant!
"Protect Brother Ye!"

"A battle array! A long snake!"


The scene was unimaginably fierce. Although there were many Tutian elites and quasi-emperors, there were only two great emperors, Xia Yuhe and Hong Zhentian, who guarded Ye Youwei every step of the way.

The other two half-step fairy kings did not leave after breaking the barrier, but watched the battle situation. Watching the opponents being beheaded one by one at this time is undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery.

"Late is changing, I'll kill him." A moment later, the half-step fairy king holding the hammer couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to kill him, but was stopped by another one next to him.

"There are only two enlightened people around him, so there's no need to rush." ​​The half-step fairy king holding the chain beads murmured, "Ye Youwei's situation is gone. The longer battle will be beneficial to us. We can still take the big fish." .”

"You mean..." Immortal King Hammer frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized: "Long Qingshui doesn't seem to have appeared. He was the leader of the Anti-God Sect back then. Now that he is the leader of Tutian, there should be more than two enlightened people."

"That's right." Chain Bead Immortal King nodded, looked at the scarred white-haired blood-stained man, and snorted coldly: "Let us pay for Lao Li, a half-step Immortal King. I feel like I’m at a disadvantage for the little Demon Emperor who’s off.”

"That's true, let's take this opportunity to take down Tu Tian in one fell swoop today!" Immortal Hammer said angrily, "We can't break through the enchantment of Xia Chan Xing, so we can wait for them to come out by themselves! Hahahaha! Wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

The Hammer Immortal King who wanted to open up suddenly burst out laughing!As if everything was in his reverie!
However, daydreaming before daydreaming can only be self-indulgent, not serious...

After a while.

"It's really wonderful, you are so arrogant that you can use me as bait? Give me time to recover?"

At this moment, Ye Youwei stood up suddenly, and the terrifying Death God Domain suddenly pushed away in all directions!Wherever it passed, the gods died countless times in the void!

The red light pushed away like a sphere, getting bigger and bigger and more terrifying!In the field of killing gods, except for those who slaughtered the sky, every god who came in would die!All are penetrated by the red substance line!The appearance of death is extremely terrifying!
"what is that!"


"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Countless people from the Protoss stared wide-eyed and scattered!

This is Ye Youwei's Ghost Dao Technique plus the Killing God Domain, combined it is called: Asura Ghost Dao...

"How is it possible!" Chain Bead Immortal King stared, "How could he recover so quickly!"

"It's only been ten minutes, and you've recovered from the scars to the peak state!" Feeling Ye Youwei's anger, the Hammer Immortal King was obviously incredulous, because he felt that Ye Youwei was stronger than before!
"The mystery of Zhezi, you who have been staying in this big fart fairyland all year round will not understand." Ye Youwei sneered: "Today I will kill all of you!" Then he drank: "Brother Let's kill!"

The last sound directly made Tu Tian's morale soar instantly!Everyone is very excited!

With Brother Ye's recovery, it seemed that even they themselves felt full of strength!The blood of countless Tutian brothers is boiling!

A "big net" was pushed away, directly covering the sky and the sun, covering half of the sky of Xia Chanxing!This is the real heaven-defying magic circle!

As long as they are on Tu Tian's side, not only the attack power can be doubled in the formation!Agility and other aspects have been raised to a new level!

"This is……"

"Auxiliary formation! It's so big!"


"This is a formation that is born to prepare for war!"

Many people, whether they belonged to the Protoss or Tutian, were stunned at this moment!I can't believe this is what one person can do!

so horrible!

"The consequence of not being able to kill me in seconds is that you will be killed in seconds." Ye Youwei held a thin red knife in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, a half-moon like blood rushed towards the two half-step fairy kings!


But it was avoided by the two half-step fairy kings.

"It seems to be nothing more than that." Easily dodged, the Hammer Immortal King snorted coldly!
However, the next scene made their hair stand on end. After they dodged, Ye Youwei directly smashed a desolate star into powder!
You know, there are many of their Protoss compatriots on it!

"You!" The Chain Bead Immortal King was furious and furious!He yelled at Ye Youwei: "Your target wasn't us from the beginning?!"

"The so-called murder and death, why do you hide? If you don't hide, they won't die." Ye Youwei said calmly: "Based on my perception, there are 2000 million elite gods on that desolate star just now."

"Damn it! I'll kill you!" The hammer swung the sledgehammer and it was a chaotic cloak. Just the wind of the hammer caused countless monks around to explode and die!

"Amaterasu: Black Fire." Ye Youwei didn't force it, and directly opened Wanhua Tong to the visitor.

Wherever you look, black fire is born in vain.

As soon as the Hammer Immortal King arrived halfway, he immediately gave up the hammer and retreated!Thrilled!

The Immortal King of Chain Beads was dignified, looking at Ye Youwei who had recovered, he felt lingering fear in his heart, because Immortal Hammer's hammer was too big, otherwise his body would be covered by the black fire, and even Yuanshen might not be able to escape from it Rob! "We still underestimate this young man at the Demon Emperor level."

Following the order of the two half-step fairy kings, countless figures of the protoss began to retreat!Don't dare to stay!Although they have a large number of people and have the advantage of bullying the few, one Ye Youwei is too powerful!Enough to cause them heavy losses!

After chasing for a while.

Seeing the Protoss go away, he threatened to kill Ye Youwei without leaving any of them, but he failed...

Because, he really can't do it.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood was spat out, Ye Youwei opened Wanhua Tong's right eye and closed it tightly, the blood flowed horizontally, his face turned pale again, more exhausted than before.

How could it be possible to recover to the peak in ten minutes, it was only because of his strong support!After all, so many brothers of Tu Tian couldn't just die here in vain!
After the gods completely retreated far away from Xia Chanxing, Ye Youwei's eyes darkened before he fell back, and Xia Yuhe quickly hugged him.

"Youwei! Ye Youwei! Don't scare me..." Xia Yuhe looked at Hong Zhentian with tears in her eyes at the moment: "Quickly send a message to ask that pharmacist Nangong Wentian to come back and save people!"

Hong Zhentian nodded, non-stop, went back, Xia Chanxing began to send a message to Nangong Wentian, and the others also returned to Xiachan Starfield one after another.

"who is it?"

However, just as Xia Yuhe was about to take Ye Youwei into the last wormhole in the starry sky, she suddenly felt an extremely powerful aura approaching her!And very fast!
(End of this chapter)

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