Chapter 544

Under the starry sky, the two played chess, sometimes cheerfully, sometimes deeply...

Soon it was bright.

Gongshu Xiuxian and Qingqiu fox girl entered the starry wormhole under the watchful eyes of Ye Youwei and Xia Yuhe, and were directly sent out of the return journey outside the Suzaku galaxy.

Although the star wormhole can teleport a long distance, it is still too far away from the Zhandi Star at the other end of the universe. Moreover, Ye Youwei discovered that there is a special power conservation around the Zundi Star. Holes cannot be penetrated directly.

Just like the Immortal Realm that is right in front of you, the wormhole in the starry sky cannot directly enter it, as if there is some kind of special grudge against the instant shuttle at this distance...

Of course, apart from these inaccessible coordinates, other places in the starry wormhole can come and go freely. Ye Youwei and Hong Zhentian are already very satisfied with this research.

After Gongshu Xiuxian and Qingqiu Fox Girl left, Ye Youwei and Xia Yuhe stayed in the Zhetian Building together. As time went by, the amount of information increased.

After losing a half-step fairy king in the battle with him, the gods seemed to be much quieter, and there were no gods in the deserted stars around Xia Chanxing.

But Ye Youwei knew that this quietness would not last long, and the real war was coming.

In addition, the barriers of the moat on the side of the demons are still alive, and Pluto is also trying to break through. After the last time the coalition forces of the gods encircled and suppressed the demons, the loopholes in the moat have also been grasped by the demons, and they are secretly gaining momentum.

As for the whereabouts of the two supreme beings, Anyuncheng and Qingluan, it seems that no one has found them yet. We can only deduce it using the previous word after Wang Ye comes back here.

If these two were found, Ye Youwei would not care about colluding with him no matter what the purpose was. As long as the common enemy is the Protoss, this reason is enough.

After all, these two supreme beings are above the strength of half-step immortal kings, and among them, Anyun City, the current lord of the Supreme Hall, is even more secretive. This is what Ye Youwei personally felt when they met last time.


A certain star field.

The mountains are majestic and majestic, and a strange peak towers into the clouds. On the square ground of the peak, there are two figures at this moment.

They are the Ruthless Emperor and Huang Tiandi who have switched positions!
The two of them turned their backs to the crowd, which was unmatched by others, but at this moment they were still looking in the direction of the fairyland, as if they had seen through everything in the fairyland, and their eyes were flat.

It was a cloudy day, although the sun was not shining, but the breeze was not dry, blowing the white hair of the beautiful figure next to Emperor Huangtian, her eyes were full of gray and dark, making one feel as if one would be frozen to death at a glance...

This is the wink that can only be seen after experiencing extreme grief.

"He won't come." Huang Tiandi next to him looked at the ruthless emperor. Although he felt a little bit sorry for the ruthless past, he understood this feeling very well. He was arbitrary and watched the relatives and friends around him leave one by one. This is how I survived.

"You said before that I will help you with a Dacheng Holy Body. Could it be that an invincible person like you would make a wrong prediction." The cruel man's dark beautiful eyes looked at Huang Tiandi slightly while speaking: "I left him the Harmony Flower, half of which is his. Before he comes, I will not help you."

"Really?" Emperor Huang Tian looked flatly, looked at the ruthless man, and finally told the truth: "Actually, you came 10,000+ years earlier than my deduction."

"What do you mean?" Hearing the ruthless person, Liu Mei frowned slightly.

"There is a saying in my reincarnation deduction that said that when the two emperors come out, the fairyland will collapse, and the three emperors will be born in darkness. Therefore, our current encounter has not reached any prediction, which is more certain of my deduction. There is no mistake, our meeting this time is purely a coincidence or a coincidence that is destined in the dark." Emperor Huangtian slowly shifted his gaze to the fairyland, and then said: "The Xianhong Road in the fairyland is the road leading to the fairyland. The only way to 'the end of darkness', 20 years later, we are still meeting here, next time, remember to bring him with you, 10,000+ years is not a long time for the two of us."

After saying that, Huang Tiandi's figure gradually became thinner, and finally disappeared completely, as if he merged with the surrounding air...

"No... my brother won't die! Emperor Huangtian!" The cold and ruthless emperor was a little crazy at the moment, but she knew the strength of Emperor Huangtian very well, so naturally she couldn't go wrong with such a role deduction technique.

But 20 years later, it is undoubtedly confirmed that the elder brother cannot live in this life.

Could it be that He Daohua can't save brother...

The gust of wind suddenly rose for no reason, and the slender white hair danced wildly. The entire star field seemed to feel the sadness and love and hatred in Ruthless Man's heart, and began to tremble!
The powerful emotions lost control, which directly caused countless creatures in the surrounding star fields to worship and kneel down, and even caused quite a commotion. Many cultivators above quasi-emperor and above began to rush towards the desolate star where she was.

"You can feel the trembling all over the sea of ​​stars, what kind of sadness is this..."

"Go and see! There must be an immortal crying!"

"Something must have happened over there!"

In the star field not too far away, many people whispered on the way as they rushed.


This feeling, even some ordinary emperors, feel creepy!This is definitely a living fairy!If you are lucky enough to witness it, it may be a chance!
But it's a pity that when people felt that Ye Qingxian was in the deserted star one after another, Ye Qingxian was no longer there, leaving only a sad thought that could not dissipate for a long time.

However, even just one thought stopped many people in their tracks. The monks above the quasi-emperor level, when they stepped into this barren star, couldn't bear the extreme oppression and directly bled to death from their seven orifices...

How powerful this is!

For a moment, people felt that she was a real fairy!In the end, this place also became a battleground for many monks and big families in the surrounding star field!

Xia Chanxing.

Ye Qingxian returned to the Suzaku galaxy. She left clues along the way, hoping that Ye Youwei would be resurrected.

Originally, she wanted to go directly to the ancient forbidden land of Zandi Star, but on the first day she saw Emperor Huangtian, she was informed that Nine Dragons Coffin was no longer in Zandi Star.

Now going back the same way is the only sustenance for her to find her brother. She hopes that the clues and people left on the way can bring her a glimmer of hope.

The first stop was Xia Chanxing.

Looking at the enchantment surrounded by many layers, Ye Qingxian was stunned suddenly. She once enlightened a crow here, but she didn't expect that after a few years, this star field has changed greatly.

With such a large-scale change, she knew that besides Daoist Wang Ye, there was only her brother in the world!That's why she was stunned!

"Wang Ye? Or brother?" Ye Qingxian's gray eyes throbbed a little more.

(End of this chapter)

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