The era of ruthless men

Chapter 546 Killing of the Ruthless Emperor

Chapter 546 Killing of the Ruthless Emperor
The next day.

The warm sun came out of the mountain.

Xian'er was dressed in red and had white hair, standing in the pavilion with Ye Youwei. The two of them looked at the silvery white sunrise and Xia Yuhe on their backs from a distance. They were moved with envy.

Last night, Xian'er talked to her a lot about the story of Zandi Xing, which only belonged to the stories of Xian'er and Ye Youwei. Xia Yuhe could deeply understand the pain and longing of parting from life and death.

So apart from her envy, she is more concerned about the scene in front of her. The two immortal couples who finally met after 5000 years, came back from the dead, went through twists and turns, and finally met each other.

Xia Yuhe didn't disturb them, and started to work harder after a while. After all, there was still a lot of information waiting for her to deal with. She wanted to do as much as possible for him.


"Yuhe told me last night, brother, take a rest, I'm going to flatten the fairyland, and hang Tian's head at the main entrance of the fairyland as a warning to others." Xian'er turned her head and looked at Ye Youwei suddenly at this moment, Her beautiful eyes are full of domineering look.

For her brother, she can give up half of her cultivation, just to save his body. For her brother, she can fight all over the restricted area of ​​the human world alone, looking for resurrection medicine, and even sacrifice the power of her soul for her brother. The force is transformed into a flower of harmony to warm and nourish Ye Youwei's soul.

Last night, when she learned that Ye Youwei was almost killed by several God Clan gods a few days ago, she was very angry, very, very angry. If Xia Yuhe hadn't said to go directly, Ye Youwei would have been angry. She had gone to Xian The domain has been copied...

Ye Youwei is her life now, whoever touches her will die.

Looking at the tenderness in Xian'er's domineering, Ye Youwei was very moved, and said with a chuckle: "Half of your strength is in the Hedao flower in the bronze coffin, and the bronze coffin is no longer in the ancient forbidden area. You who have come back to prosperity, how do you fight against the entire Protoss with countless strong people?"

"Brother, Xian'er is already very strong." Ye Qingxian said very seriously, neither arrogant nor proud: "Even if I only have half the strength, there is no one in this world who can keep pace with me."

"What about Emperor Huangtian?" Ye Youwei pouted at the corner of his mouth, spread his hands and made a knife in a desperate manner.

"You actually know him?" Xian'er looked at Ye Youwei in amazement, and immediately said, "He is very strong, but I always feel that he does not belong to this era, and he has predicted a lot of future things."

"Is he not with you?" Ye Youwei asked.

"No, let me take you to meet here in Immortal Territory after 20 years." Ye Qingxian said.

"20 years later..." Ye Youwei frowned for a moment, and then he looked at Ye Qingxian in a flash: "What else did you say?"

"He said one thing wrong." Ye Qingxian looked at the man in front of him and smiled.

"You girl, don't be foolish, hurry up and say..." Ye Youwei rolled his eyes at this playful little girl, smiled helplessly and lovingly scratched the bridge of Xian'er's upturned nose.

"Anyway, what he meant was that you were not the Eucharist he was waiting for, and that you arrived 10,000+ years earlier than his prediction, so he asked me to take you 10,000+ years later to rendezvous in Xianyu. Emperor, I think he is a big fool." Xian'er looked at the living brother in front of her, slightly disdainful to Emperor Huangtian.

Ye Youwei heard the words, but he didn't speak for a long time. Emperor Zhandi Xingyuhua was dead, and he lived a new life in the bronze coffin. Could it be that... Even so, I still haven't been able to break free from the shackles of this fate!
Thinking of this, the palm of his hand hidden in the sleeve tightened slightly, he was very unwilling, he knew that everything deduced by Emperor Huangtian corresponded to what he knew about the history of Zhetian, and he was also the best friend of the first Wang Ye, who was invincible at the time , what he deduced will never be wrong.

what to do?What should I do to let your damned fate let me go!
"elder brother?"

Waking up with a single word, Xian'er blinked and looked at Ye Youwei who was slightly dazed: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's just a pity that I didn't meet the legendary invincible Huang Tiandi." Ye Youwei smiled gently, rubbed Xian'er's white hair, and changed the subject by chance: "Xian'er, you With this white hair, I am more and more like a husband and wife now."

"..." Ye Qingxian was speechless and gave a contemptuous look.

"Don't underestimate the sky, his strength is only estimated to be at the level of the fairy king according to Pluto, but that was already 300 million years ago." Ye Youwei said: "Pluto has not made much breakthrough in cultivation for 300 million years. Tian, ​​which represents the Protoss, also has no breakthrough."

"The Immortal King is already at the top of the human world. I believe that no matter how sublimated the gods are, they will not be able to reach my current level." Ye Qingxian said.

"What state are you in now?" Ye Youwei suddenly remembered that even he hadn't seen through Xian'er's current cultivation level. You must know that half of Xian'er's power is in the Dao flower he left in the coffin.

"The existence above the Immortal King, why not call it... the Immortal Emperor?" Ye Qingxian murmured for a long time, and even named his own realm!

How terrifying this is!
The Immortal King has reached the top in this world, and if he goes up, he will be the Emperor of Immortals!
"Awesome..." The corner of Ye Youwei's mouth twitched: "Even so, half of your cultivation base is gone, how much strength can you display now?"

"You want to try?" Ye Qingxian rolled his eyes at Ye Youwei.

"Forget it, but I guess, it should be about the same as the fairy king." Ye Youwei murmured: "Half the power can be equal to the sky, this evaluation is also correct for those people who will be crazy about the ruthless emperor in the future." .”

"You really don't want me to go to Xianyu?" Xian'er asked again now.

"We just met again, do you want me to be worried again?" Ye Youwei looked at Xian'er with eyes full of stars and seas.

At this moment, the beautiful scenery at the beginning of the day is eclipsed. In his eyes, everything seems to be inferior to the beautiful image in front of him. This is love.

In Xian'er's beautiful eyes, there is also only Ye Youwei, and everything around her has become a little illusory, and only Ye Youwei is her belief and the meaning of her survival. At this moment, tears flashed in her eyes, she smiled slightly, red lips He muttered softly, and said seriously: "For the rest of my life, please give me more advice."

Stepping gently, Ye Qingxian kissed Ye Youwei's lips, and the two embraced passionately under the warm sun, kissing heaven and earth...

Not only Tianhuang, but also the hundreds of thousands of disciples around were flustered, and all kinds of holding "picking stones" recorded this beautiful scene.

It's like being framed.


And a few minutes later, Ye Youwei, who realized something was wrong, saw the crowds of people in the surrounding pavilions, and immediately said shit, shocked.

Some of them are standing in the pavilion, some are hugging the pillars of the building, and some are lying on the eaves... All kinds of wonderful photography, lively and funny, only you can't think of it, there is nothing this group of guys can't do.

Ye Youwei suddenly looked like crying, but he didn't expect that there were so many paparazzi in the sky!


However, at this moment, Ye Qingxian changed her pretty face, her cold side face was so beautiful that it reached the sky, and at the same time, it gave people a strong pressure. The scene was like the ebb tide of the sea in an instant, with all kinds of rolling and crawling desolation and run away...

Ye Youwei laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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