The era of ruthless men

Chapter 564 The terror of Heilongtian

Chapter 564 The terror of Heilongtian

"Brothers, you have worked hard." Ye Youwei said to Peng Ye and his party, seeing these familiar figures, he also felt a lot of emotion.

From the previous Beidou to the current Immortal Territory, it is impossible not to be excited.

"Thanks to the fact that Nine Suns True Monarch of the Protoss is crazy, otherwise we might not have entered the Immortal Realm so quickly." Someone smiled and glanced at the peerless and immortals in all directions: "Among these people, most of them are To kill this lunatic..."

"Hahahaha, luck is still on my side." Ye Youwei joked, looking deeply at True Monarch Nine Suns, spread his hands, and immediately said: "He will be dealt with by these people, The other eight princes under the heavens should be targeting us."

as predicted.

As soon as his words fell, a royal official said to everyone without changing his expression: "Immortal Realm is not a place that you and others can trespass, leave as soon as possible, and make offerings to God in the future, but if you don't Come here, our main thing today is to capture the demons and demons headed by Ye You, the demon of the human world!"

The cultivation base of the king and minister who speaks is the realm of quasi-immortal king!Much stronger than the Half-Step Immortal King!It is no different from the Nine Suns True Monarch who opened the Mystical Confidence and Myriad Solutions!

"The Nine Suns True Monarch of your protoss despises the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He is extremely arrogant. He will not die today, and I will never leave the Immortal Realm for half a step!" Cover tens of thousands of miles in an instant!

"That's right! If he doesn't die today, you protoss don't want to break away from it!" Someone showed an angry face.

"The Protoss is known as the place of justice in the world, and we people in the firmament world have known it for a long time. The current Jiuyang Zhenjun is obviously crazy. Is the old way going to help you clean up the door, or do you do it yourself?" A wrinkled face The old man opened his mouth calmly, he didn't yell and get angry like the others, but this calm made him feel an inexplicable and powerful coercion.

"Damn it! It's Taoist Qiongcang! The number one thug under the master of Qiongcang Realm!"

"He actually came too!"

"Look over there, that little bald head looks only seventeen or eighteen years old. He is the ancient emperor Tuoshe of Yu Tuo world!"

"The Lord of the Holy Ruins Realm, Xiongba...with the blood of the heavenly tyrant, he is absolutely terrifying!"

"Compared to the Qilin Dragon King, who was the overlord of the Holy Ruins Realm just now... this is the Realm Lord!"

The discovery of the figures of these people directly caused all the people present to erupt and whisper all kinds of things, which was extremely shocking.

Although they come from different realms, most of the people who can come here are immortal and peerless. I still know a thing or two about these people.

"Long time no see, my old friends." At this moment, a voice rang out with a contemptuous smile, and then a figure came out from the temple. Wherever it passed, it was accompanied by black and white. Everyone seemed to be suffocated: "I don't have to worry about you guys whether to clean up the door or not. Now that I leave my fairyland, I will let the past go. What do you guys think?" After a pause: "Could it be possible that you want to be the devil of this human world?" To deal with me?"

The last sentence blurted out, no one dared to answer!
There was another short pause.

"In other words, you don't really think that these monkeys from the human world can enter my fairyland and replace me?" Hei Longtian's figure gradually became clear as the distance drew closer.

Everything around at this moment has no color, only black and white!No one can shake the powerful power of heaven!Many people even couldn't bear the coercion, and fell to the ground in dizziness!Even Taoist Cang Qiong who spoke before frowned!

The other ancient emperor Tuoshe and Xiongba, the lord of the Holy Void Realm, began to become dignified.

"So strong, is this the power of heaven?"

"The Protoss Black Dragon Heaven..."

"In the legend... a man who can't be defeated in the world of heaven and dragons!"

"It's no wonder that even the king of the underworld, Pluto, has been put together by him, and he can't take a step out of the underworld for millions of years."

Two black flood dragons, one on the left and the other on the right, hovered in the sky. Their white hair flowed over their shoulders, and their eyes seemed to have a terrifying oppression, which made people dare not look directly at them.

Under the sky, there are only a few places that can still maintain the color.

The red sun of Mad Demon Nine Suns True Monarch still survived in this colorless Thanos domain, which is really not easy.

In addition, the three people who can see the color clearly are the ancient emperor Tuoshe, Taoist Qiongcang, and the master of the holy void, and finally Ye Youwei.

However, for this, Ye Youwei had already planned.

The huge Bagujue Heavenly Formation had been prepared in advance, so not even the Zhundi fainted under his command.

Of course, although no one fainted, many still felt uncomfortable. It can be seen that the oppression of this day, even the eight-legged array that is said to be able to isolate everything, cannot completely resist it.

"You are the strongest?!"

But at this moment of silence, the eyes of True Monarch Nine Suns were full of red light, and powerful divine power surged like a tide, and the ten red suns behind him turned, and they launched an attack on God Clan Heaven!
This scene instantly scared many people to pee!Countless people's mouths opened into an "O" shape!Pale and petrified!
The ten red suns turned, and the terrifying power surged, bringing countless small worlds with them, as if they were about to pierce the sky, rushing towards the God Race sky!

"You are so old-fashioned."

Hei Longtian looked down and waved his hand lightly, the ten red suns immediately dimmed, and then cracks appeared, and with a click, they all shattered into slag halfway.


The moment his ten suns shattered, True Monarch Nine Suns spat out a mouthful of blood and fell slowly.

Under the madness, the Nine Suns True Lord, who is comparable to the fairy king, shouted that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are the only one who is the only one, and just like that... death and dao disappear!
In front of the sky, he couldn't resist even one move.

This is enough to show the absolute strength of Hei Longtian. All the people who came here felt inexplicably chilled. It was naturally the first time for most people to witness Hei Longtian. I am afraid that there are not many people in the whole world who have really met him. indivual.

Taoist Qiongcang's eyes became dignified and deep, and the Lord of the Holy Void Realm also showed a serious look, and was even extremely vigilant. They did not expect that the strength of the God Clan Heaven had improved a lot...

As for the other one, the little bald-headed Emperor Tuoshegu didn't change his face, he still looked like a benevolent Buddha, the milky white Buddha's light behind his forehead shone everywhere, and it didn't shrink in the slightest because of the God Clan Heaven's Destroying Domain.

However, he didn't say anything at the moment.

"I've already cleared the door." Hei Longtian looked down at the crowd, and finally glanced at the figure of Ye Youwei, and immediately said to Emperor Tuoshe and other several interfaces: "Next, this seat is going to eliminate demons and defend the way. Is it neutral or not?" Contamination with the devil refers to my protoss, please feel free."

Following the death of True Monarch Nine Suns, many neutral people immediately retreated, and most of them chose to stay away from this place of right and wrong. After all, Ye Youwei was already the Demon King of the Demon Race, the fifth generation leader of the underworld.

It is really unreasonable to want to use Jiuyang Zhenjun's simple hand to help him deal with the gods.

"I don't want to participate in the grievances and grievances between the underworld and your god race." Jue Shi said, and immediately left here, and many immortals followed suit...

They didn't really leave the Immortal Realm, but chose to wait and see the upcoming battle from a distance. After all, this battle between gods and demons doesn't happen all the time.

In the end, the three people, Lord Shengxu, Taoist Qiongcang, and Ancient Emperor Tuoshe also chose to watch, but the moment they turned to leave, they all exchanged glances with Ye Youwei who was on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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