The era of ruthless men

Chapter 567 Ruthless Emperor, 1 battle shocked the ages

Chapter 567 Ruthless Emperor
"Three ants dare to compete with the bright moon!" This man, who is a quasi-immortal king, has two fleshy whiskers on his head.

"Whether it's an ant or not, you won't know until you try it." Yu Jianchenfeng's expression was cold, without any timidity, his whole body was filled with the spirit of a sword in hand, I have the world!

After saying that, Yu Jianchenfeng launched an attack on his own initiative, showing his mysterious sword skills, and the light exploded into the sky!

oh oh!

After Hong Zhentian and the big snake man were equally unwilling, they launched a sharp offensive separately, raising their hands and the sky collapsed!The scene is terrifying!
The three emperors battle the quasi-immortal king!

Soon several people fought fiercely, and the fight was inseparable!
As the battle unfolded, Xu Changqing, Zhuge Liuyun and Li Chungang also restrained a prince who was in the realm of a quasi-immortal king.

This person is a descendant of Bi Fang, a remnant of the early days. He has eight pairs of blue feather wings and ranks third among the nine princes. His strength should not be underestimated.

However, the three people on Xu Changqing's side are not good at it, especially Li Chungang, who has a sword that can open the sky. Much stronger.

"Hei Longtian is surrounded by six royal officials. What do you think, brother Ye?" Wang Ye looked at Hei Longtian, not the people around him, as he spoke.

"You want to fight Heilongtian?" Ye Youwei asked.

"If possible." Wang also spread his hands, looked away, got up slowly, and looked at the six remaining kings beside Hei Longtian: "Come together."

"Arrogance." I saw a figure with bone spurs on his back taking a step forward, his momentum was like a rainbow, he turned out to be a real fairy king!
This person is a descendant of the bone demon who was left behind in the early days, and ranks first in combat power among the king's ministers!

Wang Ye squinted, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You win if you can survive ten junctures on my phone."

As soon as these words came out, countless people were shocked, this is the Bone Immortal King!No. 1 royal official in the world!The Twelve Heavenly Venerates of the Protoss will all look at his face!
The Bone Immortal King's weapon is self-contained, and a big bone knife grew out of the palm of his hand!It looks a little daunting indeed!
As the king also dragged away the strongest among the king's ministers, the remaining five king's ministers naturally had to have opponents. Peng Ye, who was powerful in Thunderbolt, fought against one alone, and Xia Yuhe and the two daughters of Vulcan Ji held back one.

At this time, there are still three royal officials under Hei Longtian's command.

Ye Youwei also has Xian'er and the Taoist Zhang Junbao who is praised by Wang Ye.

"I heard that Master Zhang is very powerful, how many can you hit?" Ye Youwei glanced at Zhang Junbao next to him, and said with a smile.

"The human world is in decline, and you are now the leader of the human world, and it is the first time in my life that I, Zhang Junbao, are willing to listen to people's demolition." Zhang Junbao also smiled, with a calm and indifferent attitude: "So, how many do you want me to fight? "

"Although the strength of these three princes is not as good as the Immortal King that the king is also fighting against, they are all in the quasi-immortal king. One fights three, are they stable?" Ye Youwei asked.

Zhang Junbao had an upright face, calmed down after hearing the words, waved his sleeves and stood up in the void, wanting to fight Sanzhun Immortal King alone: ​​"I, Zhang Junbao, will not be weaker than others in my life..."


However, as soon as the words fell, Zhang Junbao's figure was directly blown to pieces!
"Damn—?" Ye Youwei's face turned dark, and then his face darkened. This is definitely not the Zhang Zhenren he admired in his heart!Absolutely not!

Fortunately, Zhang Junbao's divine essence was not destroyed. Ye Youwei snapped a soul ferry and took it back: "Hide it in my Qiankun bag first, and then reshape the golden body later."

"Thank you very much..." Zhang Junbao was embarrassed.

This scene was also seen in the eyes of many people, and when they had lingering fears, they also couldn't laugh or cry.

It is sad to remind Zhang Junbao...

In fact, he was really strong, but he "died" because of talking too much.

"I originally thought that Xian'er and I would fight Heilongtian together, and the battle will be resolved quickly. This reversal is really unexpected." Ye Youwei spread his hands and glanced at Xian'er: "Are you sure you only have half of your strength now? Can you fight against the sky? I'll go and deal with the three princes first."

"Brother, be careful, come and help me after I finish Heilongtian." Ye Qingxian said.

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Youwei frowned, and actually robbed me of my lines!
Xian'er raised her head slowly, her gentle eyes moved away from Ye Youwei, then became fierce, and looked at Hei Longtian in the sky above...

Just looking at each other, Hei Longtian frowned slightly, but it was fleeting, and no one could see it. He didn't expect that the really powerful one was not Ye Youwei, but her!

"Who are you, I didn't realize it." Hei Longtian looked at Ye Qingxian.

As he opened his mouth and showed surprise, his demeanor instantly exploded. Who is Hei Longtian?That is the strongest in the world, the ruler of the fairyland!If the Tianlong Realm is out, the other eight realms can be said to be invincible!

However, there is no one who can make him show such a startled expression, not even Ye Youwei, who is a great saint of the human race and the fifth generation demon king of the demon race!

"Who is that woman..."

"Could it be stronger than Demon Emperor Ye Youwei?"

"Is she the one behind the scenes!"

"I remembered...the Suzaku galaxy appeared before Ye Youwei, and was known as the ruthless man, the ruthless human emperor who swept the world 5000 years ago?!"

"Damn it! There was such a period of time! But no one knows what he looks like, because he has a bronze ghost face!"

"5000 years ago, the ruthless man who even killed the great god of the protoss with a slap?"


Everyone gasped, hearing that the Protoss had also sent out their entire force to search for this person, but to no avail!In the end, I can only let it go!
"He came in a hurry and left in a hurry. I really forgot about this person if I didn't mention it." Someone murmured in the distance: "I just didn't expect that this ruthless emperor is actually a woman."

Naturally, Hei Longtian also recognized it. He looked a little unhappy when he appeared in public for the first time, and looked at Qianying: "I never thought that the ruthless emperor who insulted my protoss 5000 years ago would be a girl. It's interesting."

Ye Qingxian didn't speak, took out the bronze ghost mask with jade hands and put it on slowly, the powerful aura became extremely astonishing as the ghost mask was put on.

The domain of Thanos of Heilongtian was divided into two between Ye Qingxian and Ye Qingxian!
At this moment, the scene behind Ye Qingxian is full of vitality, everything is revived, and it is full of purples and reds!It is in stark contrast to the colorless scene of Thanos' domain behind Black Dragon Sky!
The coercion of heaven was actually half bounced away!
"Xian'er..." Ye Youwei looked at the back of Xian'er in front of him, and felt an indescribable feeling of relief, surprise, and even a little admiration.

After all, he is a traveler who has read the novel Zhetian, in which he is very yearning for the ruthless emperor who crowns the world with arbitrariness and arbitrariness through the ages. He did not expect that one day he would really see the ruthless and shocking posture of the ruthless man...

Can't describe, can't imagine.

And what shocked him even more was that this was only half of her power, and the other half was still sealed in the Hedao flower in the Jiulong coffin!
"As expected of a ruthless emperor..." Ye Youwei murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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