The era of ruthless men

Chapter 569 Yuantian Patriarch, Chendong

Chapter 569 Yuantian Patriarch, Chendong

A series of loud noises rendered the sky of Immortal Realm extremely dark and terrifying, and the Ruthless Emperor was suppressed by the awakened Black Dragon Heaven and retreated steadily!

The powerful Qi has been raised to the level close to that of the Immortal Emperor!To hit a ruthless person seems to be powerless to fight back!

During this period, the other battles were evenly matched from the beginning, and they also fell into a weak position!Only the battle between Wang Ye and Peng Ye was barely balanced.

On the other side, Ye Youwei was one against three, and the three quasi-immortal kings were also promoted to true immortal kings after their divine seals were lifted, their strength soared, and it was obvious that they would kill him!

His situation is considered to be the most dangerous!

The blow was blown away, Ye Youwei's red hair became darker because of the blood, and his breathing gradually became unstable. Although the second sense of magic, plus the magic of immortality and other secret techniques, it is true that he can compete with a fairy king .

But what he is facing now are three fairy kings!
"Damn it." Ye Youwei looked at Xian'er's side, even though he was the weakest, he was still worried about fighting on Xian'er's side.

"Ye Youwei! Today is your death day!" A royal official shouted!Another blow from Ling Tian!The world is turbulent, terrifying and shocking!
After opening Xingzimi, Ye Youwei opened a huge distance to avoid it, but was caught by the other two!
"You and I are no longer at the same level. No matter how weird your body skills are, it has no effect on us now." A Wangchen said, and the terrifying gravity spread directly in all directions, locking this space!
"Feel the despair." The last king minister appeared on the other side of Ye Youwei, and also released gravity. The pressure of the two immortal kings made the space a little deformed!It can be seen how terrifying it is!
However, the Tianmang Slash launched by the royal minister before was like a moat falling from the sky, falling perpendicular to Ye Youwei's figure. With the power of the spirit, even the gods may not be able to escape the fate of being torn apart!
"Move...can't move..." Ye Youwei gritted his teeth. Sure enough, his current strength can't compete with the Immortal King!Suddenly I feel sad and self-deprecating, these fairy kings in front of me can't beat them, yet I still want to kill Hei Longtian in delusion!
Damn, hate, hate!
Ye Youwei closed his eyes unwillingly biting his gums to bleed. In an instant, countless figures appeared in his mind, including Tutian brothers, family members and friends, Xianer, Gongshu Miaoyi...

"elder brother!"

"Ye Youwei!"

"Brother Ye!"


Xian'er, Tang Lin, Peng Ye, Wang Ye, Jing Xun, etc. all noticed Ye Youwei's situation, and they were all startled and their heads went blank!
Because by the time they noticed, the situation was irreversible!No matter which side they are fighting with Ye Youwei, they are far away, and there is still the suppression of heaven in the fairyland, even the king will take two seconds to cast Xingzi without interference!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Not only that, while everyone's minds were blank, they were all seriously injured when they were found by the Wang Chen and others from the Protoss side!

For a while, Ye Youwei's situation can be described as a fiasco!

There was a loud noise at the end, without any miracle, Ye Youwei's whole figure was struck by a huge white light... The white light flooded Ye Youwei's figure, and also flooded everyone's sight, dazzling and shocking!
"Do not--!"

Hei Longtian took a hard blow on her left shoulder, and Xian'er, who was bloody and bloody, still ignored Hei Longtian on the side, looking in Ye Youwei's direction, even though her eyes were blinded by the white light, she never blinked.

At this moment, her heart was twisted like a knife, and all thoughts were lost!

Seeing this, Hei Longtian didn't take advantage of it. Instead, he looked at the Emperor Ruthless with serious eyes: "When you fight against me, Hei Longtian, do you still have the energy to pay attention to others...or are you insulting me?"

other battles.

Those royal officials and Fenghuaxueyue didn't make any moves anymore, they looked down at the opponents they had shot down, and then looked at a place of white light.

They knew that Ye Youwei was the backbone of the others, and if Ye Youwei died, these people would naturally have nothing to fear. This is something every king knows well.

A group of powerful people, if they lose their center, are like ants on a hot pot, not worth mentioning, even though some of them are very strong, they are just bigger ants.

The white light faded slowly.

A figure appeared vaguely, without his left arm, but at this moment, the figure split into two!It was as if one figure was thrown into the void by another...

Everyone was shocked until the white light completely faded away!

The bodies of the two Immortal Kings were split in half. Ye Youwei was holding his broken arm with his right hand and his left shoulder. He bent over and panted continuously. He was not dead!
"How... how is it possible..."

"The pressure gravity of the two fairy kings, how did he pull the two fairy kings closer to him!"

"It's terrible... It's just sacrificing one left arm, but two princes and generals of the Immortal King level have been replaced!"

a moment.

"Look into his eyes."

Someone suddenly noticed something at this moment!Instant shock!Scalp numb!
The left eye has thousands of pupils, with bright red blood flowing, and the right eye is a pure eye!Also bleeding!And in the direction of the third Wangchen opposite him, only a black flame burned and disappeared!

It turned out not to be one arm for two, but three!


How is this going!The three Immortal King-level guys were turned around in an instant, and they were all beheaded!It can even be called a tragic death!
"The Wanhua pupil of the left eye has activated the legendary pupil technique Amaterasu Black Fire, and the Jingyan of the right eye can reverse time and space. Although he can't move, he can still let the other two get close to him!" The Lord of the Holy Void, the words are full of incomparable horror and admiration!

"What a fighting genius!" Qilin Dragon King also came and spoke.

"Amitabha..." The young monk in Yutuo Realm murmured.

"But it's a pity, I'm afraid their defeat in the battle is irreversible." Taoist Qiongcang opened his mouth, with regret in his admiration.

Indeed, the others were seriously injured, and they were all breathless. They wanted to turn around, unless Xian'er could return to her heyday and suppress Tian.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to come back.

"Ye Youwei!" Hei Longtian roared at this moment, and the three princes were beheaded in front of his eyes. As the master of the fairyland, this was tantamount to a public slap in the face for him!

And I thought that Ye Youwei would definitely die, but I didn't expect this result!My heart is even more unforgivable!Rumble!The black dragon is so angry!Terrible oppression filled Jiuxiao!No one can beat it!
"Give me death!"

Hei Longtian's figure flashed, his face grim and angry!Directly ignored the Ruthless Emperor!He rushed towards Ye Youwei, who was already dying!

A loud bang!
At this moment, a terrifying force spontaneously rose up, and it even drew with Hei Longtian!Appeared in front of Ye Youwei!
This person is dressed in white, with a sad face full of chrysanthemums, one hand behind his back, his whole body exudes a strange white light, and the powerful and strange power is comparable to that of Hei Longtian's Destroyer!

"It's source power..."

"Has anyone come from Yuantian Realm..."

"Except for the Heavenly Dragon Realm, the Yuantian Realm ranks second among the Nine Realms! It is only because of the "unknown" curse that it has now fallen to the last realm."

"I heard that there are not many living beings in Yuantian Realm, and they are still sealed by the other Seven Realms as a restricted area for all races..."

Countless people jumped up in fright. Seeing that this person's source of strength is added to his body freely, it cannot be a casual origin master from other realms. This person is definitely from the source of heaven!
"Old Ancestor Yuantian, Clan Chen, named Dong." Boundary Master Yu Tuo said, "It seems that the rumors are true, he is not dead."

"What! You said he is the Yuantian Patriarch, Chen Dong, who was rumored to have fought the entire Tianlong Realm and no one dared to fight?!"

The four words of Lord Yu Tuo directly shocked countless people around!The Lord of the Holy Ruins, the Qilin Dragon King, and the Daoist Qiongcang were all shocked to the point of explosion!

Because the ancestors of Yuantian are countless times older than their current world masters, and can even be traced back to the beginning... the pioneers of Yuantian realm!
"How is it possible that such a long-standing veteran is still alive?" Someone couldn't believe it and shook his head vigorously: "I don't believe it, absolutely not."

Many people were shocked and stopped talking, perhaps because they had nothing to say.

 "Holy Ruins" ended today, and my youth has been ruined~ This chapter pays tribute to my brother Dong!In addition, Dong Ge's new book will be released on May 5st. Friends who like Dong Ge as much as I do, remember to report it!

(End of this chapter)

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