The era of ruthless men

Chapter 579 9 secrets together 1, invincible

Chapter 579 Nine secrets in one, invincible

"Hahaha! Very good, very crazy, I haven't met an opponent like you for a long time." Emperor Zun suddenly smiled, and then his plain expression became fierce: "Today, I will compete with you and decide life and death."

"Happy to accompany you." Ye Youwei's white hair fluttered, standing tall in the sky, the golden holy light was dazzling, and the coercion increased several times in an instant.

"Three Lights Profound Cauldron breaks the universe!"

The emperor drank heavily, and waved the Immortal Cauldron to transform the Sanqing into one breath, and the power gushed out of it, with a bang!Very fast!Press towards Ye Youwei indiscriminately!

On the way, the violent power of Chengxian Cauldron increased several times, and the emperor's handprint on one side also changed a little unconsciously...

"Ji Zi Mi?" Ye Youwei's eyes were serious, and he noticed the abnormality, but he was not moved. Before he swung his knife, he also started Jie Zi Mi.

The red knife cuts through the sky!Instantly increase the attack by ten times!The power of terror is not weaker than Emperor Zun at all!
The two attacks collided, the sky and the earth shook violently, and the void exploded!The horrible smoke is like waves!The sky is falling and the earth is sinking at this moment!
The aftermath even affected the Black Dragon Sky and the Immortal Emperor!

During the two fights, because of the aftermath of Ye Youwei and Emperor Zun, they turned on the light shields one after another!This powerful destructive power is also due to the two of them. If other people were in this range, I am afraid that they would die suddenly on the spot!

You know, that is a ten-fold attack that surpasses the Immortal King!This is equivalent to a strength that is infinitely close to the quasi-immortal emperor level!

"Interesting, I'm going to Bury the Emperor Star together, I should have known that you also know the Nine Secrets." Emperor Zun looked at Ye Youwei, and said with a little excitement: "In this case, I can also let go of the fight."

"Hehe, I'm just standing here, use all my strength, don't make excuses for being weak." Ye Youwei smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face: "You have cultivated in millions of years and I have achieved it in thousands of years, so I am not reconciled. .”

"Hmph." Emperor Zun seemed to be in the middle of the talk, and his mentality gradually became a little tense. He snorted and stopped talking: "The nine secrets are in one, invincible!"

Emperor Zun put his hands on his chest, facing behind his back, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Number, Group, Forward, and Xing, nine words of light appeared one after another, forming a Dao circle!
Everyone was stunned at this moment!

The power of terror climbs, climbs and climbs!It can be described as a hurricane all the way!If the previous attack was infinitely close to the quasi-immortal emperor level!Then the offensive that Emperor Zun showed this time!It is definitely comparable to the quasi-immortal emperor!

Is this the only arrogance throughout the ages that the world can compare with Huang Tiandi!

A deep drink.

The Immortal Cauldron buzzed again, and nine characters of light flew out from the back of Emperor Zun in an instant, surrounding the Immortal Cauldron, and the immortal power burst out from the entire Immortal Cauldron instantly exploded!
boom boom boom boom-

Just the layer upon layer of heat waves that invade all directions at this moment are enough to annihilate the void!Wherever it passes, flying ashes are annihilated, and there is no life for humans and animals!
"Die! So what about the Eucharistic Enlightenment! Thousands of kalpas, hundreds of lives are difficult. In this life, Emperor Zun, I am not weaker than anyone!" Emperor Zun roared!

The nine secrets merged into the Immortal Cauldron, and at this moment, following Emperor Zun's roar, he pressed towards Ye Youwei without any hesitation or hesitation!

Seeing the Immortal Cauldron with the Nine Secrets in one pressing over, even Ye Youwei, who had already proved the Tao at this time, finally showed a little solemnity.

The natal magic weapon, the red bloodthirsty light knife vibrated, and Ye Youwei condensed Jizimi again without any hesitation, and cooperated with Jizimi to add a seal on the blade, sending out a sky lock and waning moon.


However, even so, it was of no use. Hitting the coming Immortal Cauldron could not stop its speed at all.

"Extreme beheading!"

Although the Immortal Emperor is not familiar with Ye Youwei, and even has some grievances, but right now he is the last person who wants Ye Youwei to die here.

Because if Ye Youwei died, he might end in failure in blocking Emperor Zun this time!So Hengkong is a slash, and the sky knife falls!


However, the huge phantom is still useless when it is chopped on the Immortal Cauldron!Just like Emperor Zun said just now, the nine secrets are in one, invincible!Any attack is invalid!

At this moment, Ye Youwei sent out a few more red blood and half-moon sword lights that cut across the sky, but they still couldn't break the situation!If he was hit by this trick, Ye Youwei knew the consequences well, he might not be able to save himself even with the holy body and the word secret!

This blow really confirmed that Emperor Zun was not as powerful as the rumors said!In future generations, except for the Ruthless Emperor in his heyday and the later Emperor Wushi, there should be no one who can fight him alone and remain invincible!


The enlightened people who were waiting and watching were terrified at the moment, and their faces were even more tense than Ye Youwei himself, because they knew that if Ye Youwei died today, many people in the Nine Realms would die...

They can't be alone either!Ye Youwei is their hope!

"Ye Youwei! Be sure to take it!"

"Ye Shengdi! Must win!"

"You can't lose! You can't..."

Many people started to roar, but more people understood in their hearts that this blow, let alone indestructible, would be difficult even if they wanted to avoid it!
The Lord Yutuo, the Lord of the Holy Ruins, the Qilin Dragon King, and Taoist Qiongcang are all staring at this moment, worried deeply, but they can't help right now.

Not to mention them, in such a scene, even Hei Longtian and the Immortal Emperor can only play supporting roles.

Hei Longtian's eyes are full of excitement at this moment!With this blow, he was sure that Ye Youwei would die!Therefore, I also feel a little jealous of this emperor!

Fortunately, he had a small battle with Emperor Zun at the beginning, and he was not forced to this level, otherwise, he didn't think about it anymore, and the consequences were obvious.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, there was no miracle, the Immortal Cauldron hit Ye Youwei, and the immortal power burst out!Shine bright!The eyes of all the people who were stabbed at once were hard to open for a moment!

puff, puff...

The entire fairyland is also silent at this moment, and they can hear each other's heartbeat!
Did you lose...

As the light faded, everyone's eyes couldn't wait to look in the same direction again, which was the position of Ye Youwei's original figure.

With a back view, a bloody hole was opened in the chest.

His silver-white long hair was stained with blood, his eyes were full of unwillingness and disbelief, and his pupils gradually lost their luster.

" could..." After saying that, the figure slowly plummeted down, and then lost its vitality, and its death was passable, leaving behind a whole body.

"Look at it!"

"That person is not Ye Shengdi!"

"The one who died was Black Dragon Sky!"

At a certain moment, in the silence, someone suddenly shouted, showing infinite excitement under the disheartened look!Wherever you look, the golden light is still shining!

Ye Youwei's position at this moment is exactly where Hei Longtian was before!

"Void Substitution Technique!"

"The void ability of Jingyan!"

"Fuck! Ye Shengdi is amazing! Ye Shengdi is mighty!"

"The attack just now, I am afraid that no one will be able to dodge it! I didn't expect it, I forgot that Ye Shengdi still has the first Jingyan of the three special eyes!"

"Samsara eyes, Wanhua pupils, Jingyan... Emperor Zun has nine secrets in one, and Ye Shengdi has three eyes converging in one pupil! Hahaha! False alarm, false alarm!"

(End of this chapter)

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