The era of ruthless men

Chapter 586 Nine Dragons Pull the Coffin, Set Sail Secretly

Chapter 586 Nine Dragons Pull the Coffin, Set Sail Secretly

This tower is definitely a barren tower!
And the barren pagoda is the magic weapon of Emperor Huangtian!
Although Ye Youwei had never met Emperor Huangtian, the king had also seen this back view using the previous word secret, and with this terrifying barren tower, this person was definitely Shi Hao who was with Xian'er at that time!

Shi Hao didn't speak, just let go, the silence was full of loneliness, but in an instant, he was no longer at the peaks and disappeared.

"Just now... is it really Emperor Huangtian?" The monkey finally recovered from the shock, and said in disbelief.

"Absolutely, that's right." Ye Youwei looked at the barren tower in his hand at this moment, lost in thought, his mind was full of the other side of the sea of ​​barbaric talk.

He understands that the boundary sea mentioned by Huang Tiandi is definitely not a restricted area on the Big Dipper, but a mysterious place that exists in this universe...

But the vast universe is vast and boundless. In the nine heavens and ten lands alone, monks who have reached the level of emperors or even immortal kings cannot cross at will.

"Where is Jiehai... Can Huangta really help me get through the catastrophe of my fate?" Ye Youwei murmured thoughtfully. He is a time traveler and a ruthless brother. History cannot be changed, and doom is inevitable.

Emperor Zun escaped from Immortal Realm under his nose this time, which made Ye Youwei prove that history cannot be violated.

"Brother Ye? What's the matter with you?" Seeing that Ye Youwei fell into silence, the monkey interrupted with concern.

"It's nothing, it's time to go back to Beidou." Ye Youwei came back to his senses, smiled lightly, looked at the grave in front of him, and finally drank the wine in his glass.

Monkey also finished toasting these brothers at the end, followed Ye Youwei, and left the fairyland.

When the two of them had gone far, a beautiful figure appeared on the peak at the former site of the temple. This person was none other than Fenghuaxueyue.

"Sister Jingxi." Feng Huaxueyue looked at the direction Ye Youwei left: "I'm beginning to understand what you said at that time."

"Lord Moon God, how dare these people be buried in the territory of our god clan, and even above the temple, this holy emperor is too presumptuous! Do you want us..." An old woman frowned and said.

"Shut up." The moon god heard the words from lovesickness and tenderness to cold as ice in an instant, a pair of winking eyes like a sword inlaid with murderous intent, and the old woman looked horrified: "From now on, this is the forbidden place of the gods. As for the new temple, we can change the place." .”

"Yes." The old woman nodded without daring to neglect.

At this moment, a protoss spy appeared and knelt down in front of Fenghua Xueyue: "Report, there is a letter from Tianlong Realm, it seems to be specially for you, Lord Moon God..."

"Tear it up." Feng Huaxueyue looked indifferent, even cold, and the man rolled his eyes and said: "If there is an envoy, tell me to go back, Hei Longtian is dead, I am not a fish."

"But this..." The man was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect the Moon God to be so domineering. You must know that this is a letter sent by the Tianlongren himself!

"Don't dawdle, let's go." The old woman on the side also saw some clues, and motioned to speak.

"Yes." The visitor stopped talking.

After he walked away, the old woman looked at Moon God and said: "The Lord Moon God seems to have predicted that the Tianlong people would not dare to show up easily, right? After all, Ye Shengdi is in the limelight at that time."

"This is just one, and the second is that even if the Heavenly Dragon Realm really comes to attack our Protoss, I, Feng Hua Xueyue, will not be afraid of them." Feng Hua Xueyue said: "Our Protoss has really been suppressed for too long, what do you think, Luangma God Envoy."

Hearing the words, the old woman nodded slowly and relieved.

"Sister Jingxi is right. If you are alive, if you can't even keep your basic dignity, even if you live, you might as well die. I think this is the reason why she left the Protoss." .


Somewhere in the sky.

Nine Dragons Coffin is slowly floating in the dark universe, no one knows where it is heading, and on the coffin lid, stands a white figure, very vague...

With a majestic figure, even the dark matter of the universe can't hurt it in the slightest!Very weird!
Finally, the coffin with Jiulong gradually disappeared into the darkness.


Time slipped by sneakily.

A few years passed in a blink of an eye.

Ye Youwei and the monkey finally returned to the long-lost Big Dipper.

According to the strength of the two of them, half a year is enough time to return from Immortal Realm, but they didn't do that, but arrived at Beidou after several twists and turns.

The purpose is simple, to prevent some people from snooping.

And after returning to the Big Dipper, Ye Youwei directly arranged the same barrier around the Big Dipper as Xia Chanxing, and this barrier was stronger than Xia Chanxing's ten-layer barrier, and it was much more secretive.

The two of them were walking on the way to Qishi's mansion, but they didn't fly. They just took two more steps in their hometown to see what's going on here.

Although only a few decades have passed since I woke up 5000 years ago and left Beidou, these decades feel longer than my 5000 years of sleep.

"I really miss it... my second hometown." Ye Youwei murmured.

"It's true that Beidou suddenly feels very good. In terms of area, it's not smaller than the fairyland, and in terms of the types of ethnic groups, each has its own advantages, hahaha." Sun Shengtian laughed.

Judging from their current conversation, it seems that there is no right or wrong, and the grievances and hatreds in this homeland at the beginning seem to have disappeared.

This may be due to the decades of experience after becoming emperor.

along the way.

They also heard a lot of "big" things on Beidou.

For example, so and so has reached the top of the Great Sage, invincible, and so and so came from behind and aspired to be the strongest in the Eastern Wilderness... Wait for some gossip.

At this moment, the two of them heard it in their ears, and they could only look at each other with helpless smiles.

However, the most interesting thing is that the gossip and gossip heard the most along the way turned out to be about himself, and the reason why the popularity has not diminished is thanks to his closed disciple, Duan Shanghong.

"Duan Shanghong, the tenth palace lord of Qishi Mansion! Proved the Tao five years ago! A generation of empresses are so terrifying!"

"Indeed, that's Ye Youwei's direct disciple!"

"Back then, Ye Youwei, the holy body, was a recognized evildoer. The invaders outside the war were absolutely godless, and he fought with Emperor Yuhua until the sky was dark... In the dark age at that time, it was really frightening to hear the news."

"Heaven does not give birth to Ye Youwei, and the Big Dipper is like a long night."

"His first wife is the current Holy Mother of Yaochi, who proved the Tao more than ten years ago and was named the Queen Mother of the West. The second wife, Ye Qingxian, is a generation of ruthless people. She turned into a great emperor with a killer blade and smashed the emperor into a fairy tripod. His wife, Ji Haoyue, also proved the Dao at that time... Now even his apprentice has proved the Dao, one can imagine how terrifying this man is."

Hearing this, Ye Youwei smiled, nothing but helplessness, there is no way, I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it...

Before they knew it, the two of them had arrived in Qishi Mansion.

But Ye Youwei didn't go directly to the mansion to meet those old urchins, but went to another mountain alone.

But the monkey was sent to greet them first at this moment, so as not to cause unnecessary sensation.

(End of this chapter)

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