Bug anger

Chapter 100 Feeding Elite Bugs

Chapter 100 Feeding Elite Bugs

With the tail behind him, Zhao Xing had to slow down. If he ran with all his strength, the bugs behind him would not be able to catch up.

A total of [-] bugs, Zhao Xing stopped and counted after traveling more than ten kilometers.

These guys are twice the size of Zhao Xing's worm, but in front of his worm clone, they are like obedient babies.

Zhao Xing knew that the reason why these bugs wanted to follow him was because their leader had been killed, so they could only follow the more powerful clone of Zhao Xing's bugs.

If Zhao Xing left it alone, this small bug swarm would disband until they found a new colony.

This is completely different from the setting in the world of God of War. This is a bug in the real world, a swarm of bugs that needs to be led by a powerful bug.Instead of dozens or dozens of them gathered together like in the world of God of War.

This habit of bugs is like a human army, but they are more loyal. As long as the leader bug gives the order to let them rush into the fire, they will not hesitate at all.

From the perspective of the clone of bugs, Zhao Xing likes bugs very much.

Just like that, Zhao Xing took one hundred and three worms and started looking for the next worm hole.

After traveling more than ten kilometers again, Zhao Xing smelled bugs again.He followed the direction where the smell came from, and soon found a cave on the leeward side of a hill.

Judging by the taste, the bug species in this bug nest is still the sickle bug.

This time Zhao Xing did not hesitate, and immediately brought one hundred and three bugs into the spacious corridor.This corridor is larger than the previous one, and it still extends slowly downwards.

After advancing tens of meters, he met the bug guards. Zhao Xing was no longer polite this time, and screamed directly to scare away the bugs blocking the entrance of the cave.In this way, I walked four to 500 meters, and finally entered the worm's nest.

The space of this cave is many times larger than the previous one, and it was dug out by worms. There is no water source inside, but the rock layer at the bottom of the cave is wet.

This is a huge cave with a height of [-] meters and a diameter of over a thousand meters. When Zhao Xing entered it, it was densely packed with sickle insects.

The situation in this hole is very similar to the mother worm hole of the No. [-] worm planet in the God of War world, but the only type of worm is the sickle worm.

This is also in line with reality. Different types of bugs will not gather together unless they are restrained by the intelligent mother insect.

Zhao Xing stopped at the entrance of the corridor and estimated the number of bugs in the cave, probably more than a thousand.

When Zhao Xing's silver-white bug appeared at the entrance of the tunnel, all the bugs in the cave turned their heads to look at the silver-white 'little bug' that suddenly appeared.

Then, they started to move.


Suddenly, a scream sounded, and a milky-white, big-bodied, especially bloated rear part crawled out of a large hole inside.

Zhao Xing recognized at a glance that this is the mother insect of a sickle insect, which is responsible for producing eggs and multiplying the race.

If a group has such female insects, it can be regarded as a complete group.Because this group can develop and expand without limit.

The probability of a female worm being produced in a group is very small, if a female worm is produced in a group.When the female worm grows into an adult worm and is able to reproduce, it will lead a small number of worms away to find a territory and start the reproduction of the race.

The group in front of Zhao Xing only has about a thousand insects. It is estimated that this female insect has just left the large group not long ago and is in the expansion stage.Because of a large bug colony, with [-] to [-] bugs.

There will also be wars among the insect groups in order to survive and annex each other.Of course, the premise is that there is no constraint from the wisdom mother insect.

It may have been learned that a silver-white worm led a small group of worms into the cave, and the mother worm instinctively thought that this was a small group that came to join her.So, in its scream, it shows its majesty.

Although Zhao Xing couldn't understand the insect's language, he could feel the meaning expressed in the mother insect's cry.

The female worm is supreme in a group, second only to the wise female worm.

Zhao Xing knew that if the female worm was ignored, its next sound would be to order the group to attack.

Join the swarm?

Zhao Xing thought this was very interesting. After thinking about it, he decided to observe how the scythe worms live at a close distance, so he slowly stepped forward, came to a distance of more than ten meters in front of the mother worm, and lowered his body slightly.

This action, to the bug, means obedience.This is what Zhao Xing learned from the one hundred and three bugs behind him.

This move really worked, Zhao Xing clearly felt that the female worm had let down her vigilance, and slowly crawled towards him.

Now that the boss was subdued, the one hundred and three bugs in the back also fell on the ground one after another, looking obedient.

Zhao Xing really wanted to chop off the head of this female insect with a scythe, and then incorporate the group of nearly a thousand animals, but he didn't know how to lead such a large group, and he was very curious about the branch group, so he Forcibly suppressed the urge to kill the female worm.

The female worm came to the worm clone, bent down, sniffed the scent, but suddenly flew back a few steps.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Xing did not move. He believed in the strength of the worm avatar, and it would not be difficult to kill this female worm under the siege of thousands of worms.Because, bug clones can fly.

Zhao Xing estimated that the female worm might have smelled the human scent from the worm clone.

After taking a few steps back, the female worm tilted her head and looked at the worm's clone for a while, then stepped forward carefully again, moved her head closer and sniffed carefully.

"Why is this guy so timid!" Zhao Xing smiled helplessly in his heart at this moment.

Sniffing Zhao Xing's worm clone again, the female worm was finally relieved, turned around, and retreated to the cave where she lived.

"That's how I'm included?" Zhao Xing thought to himself as he watched the female worm retreat into the cave.

Next, the worms in the hole continued to move again.

Some worms began to enter the hole, and moved the eggs out of the mother wormhole, and put them in another hole; some worms lay quietly, motionless; some worms kept digging holes bottom rocks...

The whole cave returned to normal at once.

Zhao Xing was curious, so he slowly crawled towards the mother wormhole.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, he looked inside.

The female wormhole is very large, and it is a rectangular hole. The female worm returning to the hole is eating, and uses the tentacles on both sides of the mouth to roll a pile of organic matter into the mouth.

In addition to the female worm, there were three huge worms in the cave.

Two of them are gray, the same as the one that Zhao Xing killed before, and the other one is black.

There are dozens of eggs attached to the tail of the female insect. A sickle insect passed by Zhao Xing's insect clone, and then came to the eggs, picked up a large egg with its mouth, and turned around. body, slowly climbed out of the hole...

Zhao Xing looked at all this curiously.

After the female worm has finished eating, she gets down on her stomach.The black worm lay on its back, bent its tail, and just connected the tail to the genital opening of the female worm's tail.

This is the bugs mating.

After a few minutes, the black worm got off the back of the mother worm and ran to the side to eat.

At this time, the female insect is still lying there motionless, and one can tell that it has eggs in its stomach again.

Biologists have found that a female can lay sixty to one hundred eggs per day on average, and the survival rate of the eggs is about 50.00%. That is to say, if a female has enough food, it can lay eggs in a month. Thousands of worms came out.

This kind of reproductive ability is too strong, no wonder there will be a wave of insects every once in a while.

For the bug swarms attacked by humans, the large bug swarms have hundreds of millions of bugs at a time, and the small bug swarms are [-] to [-]. Thousands of bugs can only be regarded as small troubles.

Zhao Xing was fine anyway, so he lay down and waited quietly.

What Zhao Xing was curious about at this time was how the female worm feeds the elite worms, that is, the kind of worms that are bigger, stronger, and faster than ordinary worms to protect them at all times.

Biologists used small robots to sneak into the wormhole, and the pictures taken showed that the mother worm not only lays eggs every day, but also feeds the "elite" it picks out.

When feeding each time, milky white liquid will be secreted from the mouth of the female worm, and the elite worm will mouth to mouth and suck this emulsion from its mouth.

It is said that the strengthening potion researched by humans was also developed after studying this milky white liquid.

Bugs can synthesize alloys in their bodies that even metallurgists admire. It is not surprising that they secrete this kind of emulsion that can make bugs powerful.

So far, human beings have not stopped studying insects. The more advanced insects are studied, the greater the results obtained.

"You have to feed it every day, but I want to see it." After waiting for about an hour, the female worm was still lying there motionless, Zhao Xing encouraged himself in his heart.

The wait was long, and the time passed quickly. One hour, two hours, three hours...

After more than ten hours, Zhao Xing finally got the result.

The female worm stood up suddenly and made a 'squeak'.

Then, Zhao Xing saw a gray bug and immediately stepped forward, raising his upper body.The female worm opened her mouth and stuck to the gray worm's mouth.

Finally started feeding!

Zhao Xing regained his energy and watched intently, only to see a trace of milky white liquid overflowing from the corner of their mouths and dripping to the ground.But soon, the white liquid that fell to the ground became transparent.

"For bugs, this is a good thing!" Zhao Xing thought.At this time, he was thinking about the milky white liquid, wondering if the worm clone would grow up quickly if it also swallowed this liquid.

In Zhao Xing's plan, after the first gray worm swallowed enough milk, the second gray worm stepped forward...

After the second worm was fed, Zhao Xing controlled the worm avatar to move forward quickly, following the example of the gray worm, raising his upper body.

This was Zhao Xing's idea, to see if the female worm would feed his worm clone.

Looking at the little white worms under her body, the movements of the female worms just stayed there.I guess it doesn't understand now, why there is suddenly an extra one, isn't it only feeding two?

After hesitating for a moment, the female worm finally lowered her head and put her mouth on the mouth of Zhao Xing's clone.

(End of this chapter)

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