Bug anger

Chapter 11 Insect Armor Master

Chapter 11 Insect Armor Master ([-])

At this moment, Zhao Xing was completely immersed in the pleasure of the mecha.This feeling is really cool, the beetle is much stronger than the human body, the ground under the feet is trembling for a while, as if even if there is a mountain in front of it, it can be flattened.

No wonder everyone wants to pilot a mech and become a Skyrider.No wonder God of War World has become the hottest virtual world in the entire universe.

Becoming a strong man is everyone's dream!
At this moment, in a closed monitoring hall of the headquarters building of God of War World, golden lights suddenly lit up, and the [-]D display directly above the hall lit up, projecting a [-]D image.

What is shown on the screen is exactly the situation when Zhao Xing is driving the insect beetle.

In addition to the three-dimensional display, the largest flat-panel display in the center also lit up, displaying a string of text and a progress bar—the fusion degree of the beetle's nervous system, 70.00%.

This dust-free hall, which had been closed for a long time, appeared along with the virtual world of God of War. When the biological machine was first born, it was the time when the battle between humans and Zerg was the most intense.In order to obtain a large number of mecha pilots as soon as possible, the military specially sent people to garrison here. Once they found that the fusion of the nervous system of someone and the mecha nervous system reached more than 60.00%, they would immediately send people to contact and offer favorable conditions to recruit them.

And now?This hall has been closed for a long time, and it has been set to be a dust-free and oxygen-free environment.The hall that was once bustling with constant cheers has lost its popularity.

If someone is watching the monitoring screen here at this time, they will be shocked by the data displayed on the monitor.Because since the birth of the biological mecha, no one has ever achieved a neural fusion rate of more than 30.00% with the bug beetle.

The difficulty of driving the beetle is well known. The reason is that the nerves of the beetle are completely different from those of a human being. No matter how high the mental power is, it cannot achieve a perfect fusion with it.

Why make bug beetles if they are so difficult to drive?Many mech lovers have this question in their minds.

In fact, the answer to this question is very simple, because the attack power of the bug armor is much higher than that of the humanoid mecha, and it is more adaptable to the environment.Insects are born for fighting, so their bodies and nervous systems are also constantly evolving for fighting, and they have reached a very perfect state.

The bug armor designed according to the characteristics of bugs is naturally more perfect than the humanoid mecha.Unfortunately, no one can drive perfectly.

To put it bluntly, the bug armor exists as a kind of technical reserve for mechas.

The beetle that Zhao Xing drove forward aggressively on the wide God of War Square, the speed became faster and faster, and gradually reached the speed of a bug.

The insect beetle weighing tens of tons started to run, the sound was extremely frightening, and the nearby players hurriedly dodged.

In the eyes of others, Zhao Xing's mecha seemed to be out of control, going on a rampage.But no player came to stop it, because after the world was destroyed, the mecha would not be given away. It would cost [-] points to exchange for a new one, and it could also be bought with [-] federal coins.Such a price is somewhat heavy for ordinary players.

Most players enter the world of God of War just to experience the thrill of driving a mech, and they love their mecha very much. Even if it is damaged, it will hurt, and it will cost a lot of money to repair it.

Zhao Xing's speed has soared, and his nerves have reached a state of excitement.On the monitor at the World Headquarters of the God of War, Zhao Xing's neural fusion with the Bug Beetle has reached 80.00%.

This is an even more astonishing statistic, because at this time most of the Celestial Cavalry have only about 80.00% fusion with the humanoid mechs.

Although this statistic is somewhat discounted compared to reality, what Zhao Xing is driving is a beetle!

The speed of Zhao Xing's bug armor has reached [-] kilometers per hour. The denser the mechas gathered in front, many mechas are dodging in embarrassment. Xing's beetle smashed into a pile of scrap iron.

Zhao Xing didn't care about other people's reactions at all, as long as he didn't run into each other.In fact, under Zhao Xing's control, the running route of the insect beetle is not a straight line. When encountering the mecha in front of him blocking the way, he reacted immediately and slightly changed the route, but most people couldn't see it That's all.

At this moment, a fiery red mech with a slender figure appeared in front of Zhao Xing's eyes.The appearance of this mecha looks exactly like the red mecha driven by his classmate Yujiao.

The pilot of this mecha is obviously a woman.

"Adjust the route slightly, she should get out of the way." Zhao Xing thought to himself.At the same time, only slightly adjusted the course of progress.

But after a few seconds, Zhao Xing realized that he was wrong, because the red mech stood there motionless as if frightened, with no intention of avoiding it at all.

The distance between Zhao Xing and the red mech quickly changed from 1000 meters to 500 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters...

The speed was too fast, Zhao Xing had no time to change course,
At this time, a strong, silver-white mecha suddenly rushed out from the side.Seeing the way he rushed towards him, it was obvious that he wanted to rescue the red mech in front of him.

But his speed was still slow.

The distance between Zhao Xing and the red mecha has been pulled to 50 meters. At such a close distance, the red mecha has no chance to dodge.

Zhao Xing's nerves tensed immediately, he didn't want to bump into this mech.Although this red mech looks fragile, if it were to collide with it, the bug armor would suffer some damage.He doesn't want to spend money on repairing mechs here anymore, this God of War world is too dark!Zhao Xing didn't like it at all.

If you don't want to hit it, you can only jump over it.

The insect beetle moved with Zhao Xing's thoughts, and the moment it hit the red mecha, its body fell slightly and its four legs flicked.


The insect armor weighing dozens of tons jumped high, its belly almost touching the top of the red mecha's head, and then fell heavily to the ground.Make a deafening noise.


Because of the strong inertia, after the insect beetle hit the ground, it slid for a distance of hundreds of meters before stopping.

Seeing this soul-stirring scene, almost everyone's eyes widened in shock. After the beetle fell to the ground and stopped, the surrounding square became silent.

"Boy, you're looking for death! You almost hurt my sister, do you know? Hurry up and apologize to my sister!" Suddenly, the silver-white mecha rushed over and shouted at Zhao Xing.

The silver mecha uses external voice, and the loudspeaker on the mecha emits a rough voice.It can be imagined that the driver must be a big man.

"Didn't you miss him? Why do you apologize!" Zhao Xing said dissatisfied with his attitude.

"If you don't apologize, don't even think about leaving!" The tone of the silver mecha became arrogant, and it was obvious from the voice that he was a character who was used to rampage.

(End of this chapter)

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