Bug anger

Chapter 124 Experiments

Chapter 124 Experiments
Zhao Xing's worm avatar is like Sun Wukong entering the belly of the Bull Demon King and making waves in the giant worm's body. Because a large number of life-sustaining organs in the body were destroyed, the giant worm lay motionless on its stomach after struggling for a long time .

Only then did Zhao Xing feel relieved, and carefully peeled off the soft tissue around the blue sphere.

Soon, the shape of the entire sphere appeared in Zhao Xing's mind. It was almost ten meters in diameter and very round.Although large, it is like a ping pong ball compared to the size of an adult to this giant worm.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing opened the dissection of this giant worm to get the blue ball outside and study it carefully to see what is so special about this thing.

At the same time, Zhao Xing operated a detector on the spaceship. He wanted to record the dissection process and store it as precious information.

Soon, four small detectors set off from the spaceship, and within a few minutes they came to the sky hundreds of meters above where the worm's clone was. They hovered at a height of [-] meters, and pointed their monitoring heads at the corpse of the giant worm...

The cutting power of the trembling twin scythes was astonishing. In less than half an hour, the worm clone cut the worm corpse from the middle and divided it into two parts.

The internal organs of the giant worm completely flowed out of the abdominal cavity because there was no body wrap.

Only then did Zhao Xing discover that there was not only one blue sphere in the giant worm's body, but like a frog's egg, it was wrapped in soft tissue and connected together.

The pictures taken from high altitude appeared on the display on the spacecraft. Zhao Xing looked at the position of the blue spheres and found that they were at the excretion port of the tail of the giant worm. From this, it can be deduced that the blue spheres Most of the spheres are giant worm eggs, and this giant worm is still a female worm.

In order to confirm his guess, Zhao Xing controlled the worm's clone, stripped one of the blue balls from the giant worm's body, and pushed it to the open space next to it.

If it is an insect egg, it must be the most beautiful egg among insect eggs.Because it is not only perfectly round, but the blue liquid inside also exudes a blue light under the light of the stars, which is more beautiful than blue crystals.

Zhao Xing manipulated a probe to approach, and found that the countless black 'tadpoles' inside became more active when they felt the light of the star.They are no longer swimming lazily, but scurrying in it.

They are called 'tadpoles', but they are actually bigger than frogs on the earth, and each one is more than a foot long. It's just that they are very small because of the large number of them in the huge sphere.

Soon, something that surprised Zhao Xing happened. The 'little tadpoles' among them began to attack each other, and they opened their mouths to bite and swallow their companions to death.

Whenever they devour one of their kind, their size becomes larger.

In just over ten minutes, there were only two left inside, each more than three meters long, and they were entangled with each other, biting each other.

At this time, Zhao Xing discovered that the two 'big tadpoles' had grown two rows of lower legs, and their tails looked more and more like scorpion tails.

By now, Zhao Xing was sure that the blue ball was the egg of the giant worm.

Compared with other creatures, giant worms are born in a more cruel way. Before they come out of their egg shells, they start to compete and experience the strong prey of nature.

Zhao Xing did not stop the two 'big tadpoles' from biting, and soon, the winner was determined inside.One of them killed the opponent, tore up the other's body and swallowed it.

The 'big tadpole' after winning was also injured, but in the blue liquid, while swallowing the loser's body, the wound closed quickly.

At this time, Zhao Xing was surprised to find that during the process of its wound healing, the blue liquid began to gradually fade.

When the 'big tadpole' completely ate each other and all the wounds on his body healed, the blue liquid in it had turned into a transparent mucus. Under the light of the stars, it changed from transparent to white, 'big tadpole' 'It was also wrapped in white liquid, and it gradually became invisible.

Zhao Xing looked at the white ball, and knew that when the thing inside broke out of its shell, it was another bug that could discharge electricity.But Zhao Xing didn't touch it, he wasn't afraid of big bugs, let alone a little one.

Bugs grow very fast, and due to environmental reasons, they will become independent larvae within hours or even minutes once they leave the mother.

Zhao Xing knew that the bugs inside would come out soon.

Sure enough, after waiting for less than half an hour, the white ball started to move, and there was a "clacking" sound inside, and cracks appeared on the surface of the white ball.

After a few more minutes, the ball finally burst open with a 'click', and a larva more than ten meters long crawled out of it, exactly the same as the giant worm before.

Zhao Xing's worm avatar is lying on the side, has raised the twin scythes, ready to attack at any time.

As soon as the larva came out of its shell, it poked its round head around, and when it found Zhao Xing's worm avatar, the scorpion tail immediately turned up and began to collect electric current.


An arm-thick electric current instantly emanated from the tail of the larva and hit Zhao Xing's worm avatar.

Zhao Xing felt the bug's body numb again, but because the current was not strong, he regained consciousness in the blink of an eye.

After the larva was discharged, it spread its wings, and it seemed that it was about to run away. Its instinct told it that the target it attacked was very big. With its current current, it could not kill the target, and it was better to flee immediately.

Of course, Zhao Xing would not let this larva go, the twin scythes trembled, and he jumped on all fours. Just as the larva flew off the ground, a large scythe hit its back, cutting the larva in two.

The detector recorded the birth of the electric discharge worm in its entirety. After Zhao Xing killed the larva, he immediately input this video into the optical brain of the spacecraft, and cut out some of the images where the worm clone appeared, and made a made a video.Because Zhao Xing didn't know what this kind of bug was called, he named it 'Discharge Bug'. In the description of the video, Zhao Xing also used detailed words to describe the attack method and destination of the discharge bug.

After all, Zhao Xingbi is not a professional, and the information he made is not complete.

If it is a complete insect information, videos, pictures, and texts are required to describe the shape, size, growth process, food, living habits, etc. of an insect.

Zhao Xing felt that it was too complicated, and he didn't have that much time. Let's leave the next steps to those patient scientists!And maybe someone already has detailed information on this electric discharge bug.

Now, Zhao Xing is going to start collecting the blue liquid in the egg shell, because this blue liquid makes him feel special.

To collect this blue liquid, Zhao Xing's main body had to go down, and using a worm avatar would not be able to do such delicate work.He first let the four detectors roam around to see if there were any other bugs around.

After more than ten minutes, after detection by the detector, it was found that there were no other bugs within tens of kilometers around.After Zhao Xing thought about it, he realized that this kind of discharge bug is a solitary bug, and each bug has its own territory.

Only then did Zhao Xing feel at ease together with Fu Tianlang, put on the chemical protective suit, put on the helmet, boarded a landing ship, and carefully descended to the place where the bug avatar was.

After getting out of the landing ship, Zhao Xing and Fu Tianlang set up a black tent beside the giant worm's corpse, then controlled the worm's clone to take out a discharge worm egg from the worm's corpse, and pushed it to the black tent middle.

Although it was irradiated by a small amount of starlight, the tadpole-shaped larva inside swam rapidly for a few times, and gradually became lazy again.

From this point, Zhao Xing can judge that the place where the discharge worm lays eggs must be in a place with strong light, and the larvae inside are stimulated by the light, so they can devour each other and then hatch out.

Zhao Xing first tried to see if the light would stimulate them, and then turned on the searchlight on the helmet to shine a light on the eggs. The insects inside showed no abnormal behavior, so he finally felt relieved.

Zhao Xing boarded the landing ship again, and carried a toolbox from above into the black tent.

The toolbox was opened, and Zhao Xing took out an electric drilling machine from it, and drilled a small hole with a diameter of [-] mm on the eggs.

When the drill bit was removed, a stream of blue liquid sprayed from it.

When the blue liquid fell to the ground, it quickly turned into white foam.

Zhao Xing stretched out his hand carefully, dipped some on the blue liquid column and put it on his fingers. Seeing that the thing had no strong corrosive effect, he felt relieved.

Zhao Xing took out a syringe from the toolbox and drew a small amount of blue liquid.

"Let's go! Let's go back and have a look." After getting the samples, Zhao Xing said to Fu Sirius.

Fu Tianlang didn't speak much these days, maybe it's because what he saw now surprised him!After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he immediately nodded and helped Zhao Xing put the drilling machine into the toolbox...

Taking the landing ship, the two returned to the spaceship, and after being disinfected, the two came out of the landing cabin.

After taking off the chemical protective suit and helmet, Zhao Xing immediately took the samples into the medical warehouse.

In the medical warehouse, there is a full set of biological observation training and training equipment, which can analyze various substances and detect whether they are harmful to the human body.

This device is controlled by intelligent programs, even non-professionals can use it.

Zhao Xing put the collected blue liquid into the analysis instrument and began to analyze the substance.

After a few minutes, the analysis results came out.To Zhao Xing's surprise, the analytical instrument only detected a small amount of water in it, which was organic and harmless to the human body.

After that, there is no other description.

Zhao Xing frowned, apparently dissatisfied with the analysis results.It seems that only professionals know how to use it.

"Harmless to the human body..."

Zhao Xing thought for a while, turned around and said to Fu Tianlang: "Are you afraid of pain?"

"Of course I'm not afraid!" Fu Tianlang said with firm eyes.

Zhao Xing smiled and said, "Stretch out your hand, I'll take a drop of blood and use it."

Fu Tianlang nodded, and immediately stretched out his left hand.

Zhao Xing picked up a sterilized needle and pricked Fu Tianlang's left middle finger, took a drop of blood and put it in a test tube.Put the test tube into the anaerobic environment of the instrument, operate the mechanical arm in it, and pour the blue liquid from Jane's syringe into the test tube.

Zhao Xing did this because he just wanted to know whether the analysis result was normal, and whether it was harmless to the human body after all.This kind of experiment can draw conclusions most directly.

The reason for taking Fu Sirius' blood was that Zhao Xing believed that his body had been strengthened, and the results obtained were not the most accurate. Taking Fu Sirius' blood for experimentation was the most appropriate.

What happened next surprised Zhao Xing.

When the blue liquid touched the drop of dark red blood, it quickly faded, and after a few seconds, it became a transparent liquid.And what about that drop of blood?Nothing has changed, at least not visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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