Bug anger

Chapter 131 Wormhole

Chapter 131 Wormhole
Zhao Xing didn't know if it was an illusion. If it was true, then someone must be secretly promoting his growth. At least until now, the mysterious person has no ill intentions towards him.

According to Zhao Xing's current ability, even if someone is promoting his development, he can't figure it out now. After thinking for a long time, he gave up helplessly.

whatever!Not a bad thing anyway, is it?

Zhao Xing raised his head, looked at Fu Tianlang, and saw that this guy was staring at the direction where the spaceship disappeared.

"Little wolf, what's wrong?" Zhao Xing asked.

Fu Tianlang woke up suddenly, scratched his head and asked, "Brother-in-law, can I still see them?"

Zhao Xing smiled, "Don't worry! They are going to participate in the mecha competition in the whole universe, and they may meet at that time."

When Zhao Xing said this, Fu Sirius finally grinned.

The Nangong family left, and next, Zhao Xing will find out whether the six little bugs on the back of the bug clone are migratory bugs.

But at this time, the landing ship must not go down. The bugs on Sirius are like being poked into their nests. There are flying bugs in the sky, and the underground bugs have also left their nests. Guaranteed to destroy one.

The strength of the alloy shell of the landing ship cannot be compared with that large mecha!

Zhao Xing opened the mecha information sent by Nangong Lei. On it were design drawings composed of lines. Each drawing was marked with its size. In addition to the graphics, there were hundreds of thousands of words of text descriptions.

Zhao Xing is not a professional, he read it too much, and he turned it off after a few minutes. To be on the safe side, he backed up a copy with his own small mobile storage.

Through the observation of the worm avatar, the worms on the planet below began to calm down slowly.The insects flying in the sky began to land, and some insects on the ground got into their underground nests again.

In addition to a large number of low-level worms, Zhao Xing's worm avatar discovered a huge worm. Their shape was like a very fat earthworm. There was no hard shell on the body surface. It was 15 meters long and thick. About [-] meters, relying on the expansion and contraction of the body to move forward.

What makes Zhao Xing feel strange is that if this kind of insect is in an attacking state, its rear body will swell instantly as if it is inflated, and then its front body will stand upright and open its huge round mouth. At this time, its shape It looks like a cannon.The front half of the body is like a gun barrel, and the back half of the body is like a fort.

Zhao Xing didn't need to think about it to know that this kind of bug must be able to launch a substance similar to a cannonball, which can attack high-altitude targets.At that time, when the bug was in an attacking state and was about to attack, Nangong Lei and his mechs quickly left. Otherwise, Zhao Xing could see how the bug attacked the target, and what it fired What is it again.

On Sirius, this kind of bug is also very large. Within a radius of ten kilometers, Zhao Xing saw five of this kind of bug.

The large mecha had left for a while, the strange 'cannon worm' released its attack form, turned back into a 'big earthworm', and slowly crawled back to its lair.

Although he was curious about this kind of cannon insects, Zhao Xing did not intend to provoke them.If the thing ejected by the cannon worm is something like an electric ball, he is not afraid, but what if the thing ejected is a substance with a strong corrosive effect?He didn't dare to try with the bug clone.

After waiting on the spaceship for about three hours, Sirius finally regained his composure.

Zhao Xing controlled the worm's clone to the place where the discharge worm was killed, and found that the worm's corpse was still there, but was discovered by a few giant ants. They were tearing up the huge insect food and devouring it non-stop.

After scouting around with the bug clone and finding no other bugs, Zhao Xing launched a landing ship and took the bug clone back to the spaceship.

After returning to the ship, Zhao Xing immediately entered the landing cabin, controlled the worm clone to spread its wings, and carefully inspected its back.

Among the fine fluff, there are six finger-sized, oval-shaped things arranged in a straight line, tightly attached to the bug's back, which look like six black silkworm cocoons.Zhao Xing carefully stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that the six black calluses felt soft to him.

Zhao Xing felt that these six insects should be real migration insects.At this time, he regretted a little, regretting that he had killed the wisdom mother worm too early.After thinking about it again, he felt that if he asked too much detail, the wise mother would be suspicious.

Six migrating worms, a pair of worms can form a complete wormhole channel, and six worms can form three complete channels.For Zhao Xing, only one pair is enough.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing still felt that it would be best to experiment, even though these six bugs were not easy to come by.

So, Zhao Xing forcefully picked up a black cocoon.

After the black cocoon got rid of the worm avatar, Zhao Xing could clearly feel something moving in the cocoon with his fingers.

After carefully placing the cocoon on the ground, Zhao Xing pulled Fu Tianlang out of the landing cabin, closed the door, and waited quietly outside the door.

After a few minutes, the black cocoon finally cracked, and a finger-sized, snail-shaped bug crawled out of it.When it was crawling, it stood upright, with the tip of the shell pointing upwards, and densely packed legs protruding around the shell below, which looked amazing.

Seeing the shape of this bug through the bug clone, Zhao Xing can already confirm that this is the migrating bug.The body structure of this kind of bug may be the most complicated among the bugs, because they can survive in space and can perform short-distance space jumps.

After the migratory worm appeared, another worm corresponding to it on the worm clone also came out of its shell.

Then, the two worms miraculously suspended in the air, staying quietly, as if waiting for an order.

At this time, Zhao Xing immediately entered the cockpit and controlled the clone of the bug to enter the landing ship.

Without the bug avatar issuing orders to the two migrating worms, they followed up consciously, and after entering the landing ship, hovered next to the bug avatar.

At this time, Zhao Xing opened the landing pod and released the landing ship.

When he landed next to the huge corpse of the discharge worm again, Zhao Xing excitedly opened the landing barn door, let the worm clone drive away a few giant ants, and then gave an order to the migration worm to let one of them stay in this position. Create a wormhole.

After issuing the order, Zhao Xing became a little apprehensive, afraid that this kind of guy would not understand.

What happened next made Zhao Xing feel that his worries were in vain. After his order was issued, a worm left the ship on its own initiative, and ended up on the corpse of a worm.

What happened next made Zhao Xing curious and surprised again. After the migratory worm landed on the worm corpse, its pointed shell shattered, revealing its scarlet soft tissue. It looked very soft, like a piece of Spread out like a soft cloth, stick to the insect corpse, and then grow rapidly, covering the entire insect corpse.

In just over ten minutes, the migratory worm has grown into a thick scarlet 'meat pad' with a diameter of [-] meters, and the worm corpse under it has also disappeared. It must have been swallowed by it and used as nourishment for growth .

After the insect corpses were devoured, the growth rate of the migrating insects slowed down significantly. On the edge of the several-meter-thick 'meat pad', fine sand was continuously discharged outward, and the meat pad began to slowly sink to the ground.

Zhao Xing knew that after a period of growth, this 'meat pad' sunk into the ground would become a wormhole.

(End of this chapter)

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