Bug anger

Chapter 134 The Development of Yi Xing

Chapter 134 The Development of Yi Xing ([-])
After more than 40 minutes, Zhao Xing and Xiao Xuan left the room neatly dressed.

At this time, Lan Xin and Fu Yuxue were also outside the door. Lan Xin's expression was normal, but Fu Yuxue was blushing.

"Hey! Aren't you always guarding the door?" Zhao Xingxie said with a smile.

When Xiao Xuan saw Lan Xin and Fu Yuxue, her blushing face became even more beautiful.

Lan Xin gave Zhao Xing a blank look, and said, "We're not interested in listening to the room! Everyone is here, and we've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Didn't it say it would take an hour? It's only been four or ten minutes." Zhao Xing said in surprise.

Lan Xin turned around with some dissatisfaction, pulled Fu Yuxue up and left.

"Hey~ Look, she must feel left out and a little dissatisfied! Didn't I tell her just now, if you are interested, come along."

Zhao Xing sighed helplessly, and while talking to Xiao Xuan, he followed Lan Xin and the others through the long corridor and walked towards the high-speed elevator leading to the underground.

Coming out of the high-speed elevator, looking at the bright silver-white metal wall, Zhao Xingcai felt a little more friendly. Being in the ancient building above, he always had an unnatural feeling in his heart.

After walking for a few minutes, the four of them entered a small conference hall.

The round table in the conference hall was already full of people.

Yinfeng, Yinyue, Li Tian, ​​Xiao Cheng, Pang Liankun, Qiansong, Yan Qing, Fu Sirius, plus Zhao Xing, made a total of twelve people, and now they are all here.

As soon as Zhao Xing entered the conference hall, everyone stood up.

Li Tian smiled and said: "Captain, you are finally back, we have been waiting so hard for a while!"

Zhao Xing casually found a place to sit down, pressed his hands, and said with a smile: "I miss you too, everyone sit down and talk."

After chatting for a few minutes, we started to talk about business.

The first is finance. Li Tian opened his records, looked at them, and said: "In the past two months, we have sold Lurkin seven times, totaling 8000 tons, and earning 4000 billion federal currency. Half of it, That is to say, 4000 billion was allocated to Lao Pang to develop the fleet. The remaining 300 billion was spent more than [-] billion to cultivate the shell of the base..."

After Li Tian finished talking about the main expenses, when he wanted to talk about the detailed expenses next, Zhao Xing stopped him and said: "Just keep an account of how much you spent. Now is the time to spend money, and spend what you need, especially for the fleet." We have to speed up the construction, so we can focus on taking care of it. Also, everyone can’t be busy in vain, they also need personal income!"

Zhao Xing suddenly thought of this matter when he came back. He thought that people have selfish desires. If they only do things and have no money to get them, after a long time, they will always have opinions in their hearts.

Sure enough, after Zhao Xing finished speaking, everyone looked a little excited.Especially Li Tian, ​​he laughed directly.

Zhao Xing thought for a while, and then said: "Why don't we do this! Internally, we use the company's management system. In addition to the fixed salary, everyone can also share dividends. Xiao Xuan is good at this and understands it better. How much is everyone's annual salary? The amount of dividends is up to her to decide."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, everyone looked at Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan nodded, "I have thought about this a long time ago, and a charter has been formulated during this period. After the meeting, they will hand over their bank account numbers to me. Let me tell you here, although we have a large number of Lurkin may have an income of more than 2000 trillion yuan, but there are many places to use the money, and it is impossible to blindly offer high salaries for everyone."

As Xiao Xuan spoke, everyone nodded. Next, she opened the notebook and said, "Let's talk about the salary first. According to the workload of each person, I calculated the ratio and announced it first. If there is any dissatisfaction, You can discuss it with me privately.

Pang Liankun, although he joined our team later, building a fleet is indeed labor-intensive, with a tentative annual salary of 500 million federal coins.Next are Li Tian and Xiao Cheng, with a tentative annual salary of 1000 million. The two of them are doing technical work, and it is relatively hard.The rest, including me, Lan Xin, and our leader Zhao Xing, have an annual salary of 500 million. "

"Is the captain's salary a little less?" After Xiao Xuan finished speaking, Pang Liankun asked with a smile.Xiao Xuan just offered him the highest annual salary, which moved him very much. This is a kind of recognition!

"That's right! The captain also paid a lot. This time, for the transportation of materials, he even risked entering the star field occupied by bugs." Li Tian continued.

Xiao Xuan glanced at Zhao Xing, saw him nodding his head to her, and said with a smile: "This is just a salary, and we will talk about dividends later, he is a big winner!"

When it comes to dividends, everyone is interested again.

Xiao Xuan looked at her records again, and said: "We can't just invest, I think we should invest in the universe, acquire some promising companies, start companies with others, etc. These incomes, in addition to the budget , let’s use it as a dividend, tentatively set the boss to get 40.00% of the dividend, because everyone knows that in fact, everything our team has is due to the boss’s credit. As for the remaining 60.00%, it is determined by our average Allocation, of course, if new team members are added in the future, everyone will have to share some of it, do you have any opinions?"

Even if it is one percent, that is a huge sum of money!Those present, who disagreed, nodded one after another.

Zhao Xing looked at Xiao Xuan who looked very serious with some relief, and nodded.

After everyone was happy for a while, Li Tian said: "After talking about the financial issues, the next thing is about our development during the absence of the captain. I believe this is what the captain wants to hear most.

Xiao Cheng and I are mainly responsible for base construction, let me talk about it now.After more than two months, the temple has been completely completed, the entire mountain has been hollowed out, the first layer of protective panels has been added, three parking platforms for medium-sized spaceships have been built, and the space division has been designed.The next job is to improve the equipment inside the base. Let me talk about the budget here. To build the entire base, the initial budget is [-] trillion federal coins, but considering that the budget may increase later, it is estimated that it will cost at least [-] trillion. "

After Li Tian finished speaking, Zhao Xing nodded.

At this time, Pang Liankun continued: "Before we planned not to sell Luerjin in the past two months, but there is no way. If we want to change Yi Xing quickly, we must spend money! In terms of the fleet, I have already dispatched people. Yixing has recruited 15 teenagers aged 17 to [-] and started training them. The training center is built in our talent training center.

In two months, only three hundred trainees with quick minds were qualified, and with the help of the intelligent system, they could pilot ordinary medium-sized warships.Captain, you also saw it when you came back. They were driving the three crocodile-type warships.

Speaking of the fleet, we only have these three medium-sized warships now, and what restricts the development of the fleet is talent.According to our financial resources, I have formulated a development plan, striving to have a large fleet within three years.This... requires 100 trillion financial support and 750 million related talents. "

Like Li Tian, ​​after Pang Liankun talked about the current situation, he also analyzed the financial and material resources that need to be invested.This is a huge number. Zhao Xing thought for a while and asked: "There are more than 700 million talents. It is impossible to train so many people on Yixing within three years. Money is a small problem."

"Then what should we do? Without the protection of a large fleet, Yi Xing may be taken away at any time." Li Tian frowned.

Pang Liankun pondered for a while and said, "There is another way, which is to recruit from the universe."

"This won't work!" Zhao Xing immediately said: "We don't worry about the people we recruit. It's hard to guarantee that people from other forces will mix in and destroy our achievements."

"This one too!" Pang Liankun sighed slightly and frowned deeply.

At this moment, Lan Xin rolled her eyes and said, "You can buy slaves. Don't wars happen often in the universe? A large number of people have become slaves. Many of them have been educated, and the effect of training must be better than the people on Yixing. And as long as we work out a way to treat them preferentially, it should not be difficult to get their support!"

After Lan Xin finished speaking, not only Zhao Xing, but even Pang Liankun's eyes lit up, and praised: "Good idea!"

Zhao Xing looked at Lan Xin with a smile. The eldest lady of the Lan family could think of this method, so it is estimated that the Lan family often does this kind of thing.

Yinfeng said at this time: "In fact, as long as we have enough strength and no longer be afraid of others, many useful people will come forward on their own initiative. The most difficult thing is this time."

Everyone nodded in sympathy, and Zhao Xing immediately decided: "Then let's do it! Lan Xin, since you proposed it, I believe you have some experience in this area, so let you do it! "

Lan Xin nodded immediately.

The next thing is to teach Tianyi.

Qian Song coughed and said, "In two months, Tianyi Sect has controlled one-third of the country. Since we did not interfere too much with the rule of these countries, all the royal families have also joined our sect. It is estimated that In a year, our sect will be able to completely control the entire planet."

"Very good!" After Qian Song finished briefly, Zhao Xing nodded.

Pang Liankun's wife, Yan Qing, said at this time: "During this period of time, I counted the number of followers, and there are a total of more than 3000 people. Within the scope of our control, every city and village has established a Tianyi Church. Small temple.

The incense in these temples is very prosperous. Due to the large amount of monitoring equipment and screening by the intelligent system, we will try our best to help the believers solve the difficulties that they really cannot solve.Overall, we are very popular. "

"Where are the maids in the temple? How many are there? Did they come voluntarily? And the guards in the base." Zhao Xing asked at this time.

Lan Xin laughed and said, "These are all women up to the age of 22. Some of them are maids from the palace, some are daughters of rich families, and some of them are princesses? They all came voluntarily. There are a total of 800 people. Our God The management of the temple is very strict, and the requirements for maids are very high. Not only must they be in good shape and appearance, they must also be virgins.

These requirements are to reflect the majesty and holiness of the temple.All the men here, except for the Holy King, you can't just go in and hook up!If you are really interested, you can tell me, I will arrange for you to meet, and if you are in love, I will release them.Also, when these girls are over 22 years old, they will be released so that they can be reunited with their relatives. "

After Lan Xin finished speaking, Li Tian smiled and said, "The captain still has fancy clothes! You may not know the rules of the temple. Although these beautiful women are maids, they are all candidates for the goddess. If you are seen by the captain If you win, you can take it into the room at any time, and your status will be promoted to Goddess immediately. Otherwise, how could those noble princesses enter the temple to be a maid..."

"Ahem!" Before Li Tian finished speaking, Zhao Xing took a look at Lan Xin's face and found that she was frowning. He immediately stopped her with a cough and gave Li Tianle a wink.

Li Tian was shocked, turned his head and glanced at Lan Xin, and found that Lan Xin was looking at him dissatisfied with his brows, and immediately smiled: "Haha! I'm talking nonsense, nonsense. Look at our captain, what an honest person, I won’t touch those maids!”

Only then did Lan Xin loosen her brows and looked at Zhao Xing.

Seeing Lan Xin looking over, Zhao Xing deliberately turned his head to change the topic and said, "I have good news to tell you all. I have brought back the migratory worm. Let's discuss which planet to build a wormhole on."

(End of this chapter)

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