Bug anger

Chapter 139 Building a Fleet

Chapter 139 Building a Fleet ([-])

Generally, if you want to buy a large spacecraft, you must place an order first, and then the shipbuilding company will start manufacturing, and it will take about half a month to get the goods.

This speed is also very fast, because after the shipyard designs a model of spaceship per ship, the parts of various spaceships are already in stock, and only need to be assembled.But to get the goods within seven days, and it will take a few days of sailing time, unless Zou Yuhong can contact the seller within these two days.

Zhao Xing got the reply, nodded and smiled, if Zou Yuhong can do it, it will make people look at him with admiration!
Six days passed quickly.

During these six days, Zhao Xing and the others stayed on the spaceship, making an orbital flight over the Great Uranus.They don't worry that the slaves below will be bought, because these slaves are 'defective' to buyers.Otherwise, the price would not be as low as [-] federal currency per person.You must know that the collars on their necks are all worth five or six hundred, which is actually equivalent to four or five hundred and one people. It is too cheap, so cheap that it makes people feel sad.

Generally, the most expensive slaves are beautiful women. The price of this kind of slaves is variable, and some can be sold for tens of millions of federal coins.There is also a strong man with fighting ability. The price of a boat is between [-] and several million federal coins. It mainly depends on the level of personal strength.

These two expensive slaves are actually of little use to Zhao Xing and the others.What they want are talents who can operate warships, as long as they are ordinary people in good health.

Most of the more than 700 million slaves look thin because they have not received sufficient nutrition for a long time. As long as there is enough food supply, they will grow strong soon.

During these six days, Zou Yuhong kept sending news that he had already contacted the seller five days ago, and fourteen large transport ships believed to arrive soon.

According to Zou Yuhong's feedback, he did not order a transport ship from a shipbuilding company, but contacted more than a dozen companies at once.In addition to contacting the shipbuilding company, he also contacted the seller who had already ordered the transport ship, discussed with the other party, and paid some compensation to obtain the already produced transport ship from the other party... Anyway, he doesn't care about spending money, all he wants is time .

Zou Yuhong understood Zhao Xing's meaning very thoroughly.

In total, the spaceship Zhao Xing bought cost [-]% more than the normal purchase.Zhao Xing doesn't care about this, what they want now is time.

Zou Yuhong was new to the company for a transaction of more than 100 billion federal currency. Xiao Xuan was a little worried about him, so he transferred the payment to the guarantee platform.

This is a commonly used method in commercial activities today. After the buyer confirms receipt of the goods, the Danhe platform will transfer the payment to the seller's account.

While Zhao Xing and the others waited patiently, in the last three hours of the seventh day, fourteen large spaceships finally arrived.

In fact, it would not take such a long time, but the fleet of fourteen transport spaceships seemed huge. If the pirates knew the route, they would inevitably make up their minds.

For this reason, under Zou Yuhong's suggestion, more than one billion federal currency was spent to hire a small private escort fleet.This delayed more than a day.

Each of these fourteen transport ships is several kilometers long, and when the formed transport fleet reached the sky above the Great Uranus, they almost blocked the light from the stars shining on the Great Uranus.

Zhao Xing looked at this transport fleet excitedly. In his impression, the 1000 billion federation coins were just a series of numbers. When they turned into real objects, it gave him a visual shock.Although their models are different and their sizes are also somewhat different, they are all spaceships several kilometers long, with people on them, they are just a small dot from a distance.

Zhao Xing was not only excited, but also had a sense of accomplishment.

In fact, the one who is most excited is not Zhao Xing, but Pang Liankun. In his mind, he has already imagined these large transport ships as large battleships...

On the fourteen transport ships, each ship has more than ten drivers, who are appointed by the shipbuilding company.Zhao Xing can hire them if necessary.

But for the sake of confidentiality, Zhao Xing decided not to use them, because the transport ship itself has an automatic driving function, as long as the destination coordinates are set.

After these transport ships arrived, Zou Yuhong arrived at Zhao Xing's X180 spaceship in a small landing ship immediately.

Looking at Zou Yuhong, who was full of confidence and full of energy, Zhao Xing patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Not bad! You will definitely not suffer from it by hanging out with us in the future!"

Zou Yuhong nodded seriously.

In Zou Yuhong's heart, he also recognized the strength of Zhao Xing and the others. Taking out more than 1000 billion federal coins to buy a transport spaceship at one time is not something ordinary rich people can do.

Zou Yuhong's personality is very proud, which is true of talented people.If someone else pats him on the shoulder, he must be very uncomfortable, because this kind of action is usually used by superiors to agree with subordinates.But when Zhao Xing patted his shoulder, he felt a burst of pride for no reason, pride from the bottom of his heart.

After a brief handover, the control systems of the fourteen large spaceships were branded with Zhao Xing's identity.

Next, it was time for the seven to be busy.

Xiao Cheng is responsible for setting the route and destination coordinates for each transport spacecraft, and also writing a remote control command system.Zhao Xing and the others kept driving the landing ship up and down on the Great King Planet, transporting more than 700 million slaves to the transport ship.

Although there were a lot of people, Zhao Xing and the others were not worried about riots at all, because every slave wore a collar around his neck, and if they made trouble, they would be severely punished.

The slaves also knew this, and were obediently chased by the slave boss onto the landing ship.

On each transport ship, Zhao Xing had prepared a large number of nutritional pills for them, enough for more than 700 million slaves to survive for three months with drinking water.

To this end, the price Zhao Xing spent was the federation currency to buy a large transport ship.

Zhao Xing didn't feel bad, these people were all real people, he couldn't treat them like animals like other people.

It took three days for Zhao Xing and the others to transport more than 700 million people to large transport ships.At this time, Xiao Cheng had already fixed the system of the spaceship and was ready to set off at any time.

There was no need to stay here anymore, Zhao Xing immediately gave the order to set off.

In the sky above the Great Uranus, large transport ships began to accelerate, and then disappeared in a flash.

Zhao Xing's X180 was the last to leave, but three days later, it was the first to appear outside the planet of GS810.

On the X180 spaceship, only Zhao Xing and three women were on board, and Pang Liankun, Xiao Cheng, and Zou Yuhong were all on the transport ship.

Zhao Xing and the others waited for almost a day before seeing a transport spaceship appear, then two, three...

At this moment, Zhao Xing observed with the worm clone, and found that all the wormholes had grown, and he went back to Yi Xing through the wormholes to have a look.After all the transport ships appeared, Zhao Xing asked Pang Liankun to arrange to drive all the transport ships to Yi Xing through the wormhole.

Zou Yuhong was left behind because he hadn't gained the trust of Zhao Xing and the others.In a short time, Zhao Xing decided not to let him participate in the affairs about Yi Xing.

As soon as all the transport ships arrived, Zhao Xing transferred them to his own X180 spaceship.Zou Yuhong felt a little strange at the moment, because he used to be an employee of the Innovation Company, and he was very familiar with the situation of the planet in front of him. The star GS810 was basically occupied by bugs, but looking at the transport ship, it seemed that it was about to land on it. Aren't you afraid of being attacked by insects?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Zou Yuhong pretended not to know. He believed that as long as he got the trust of Zhao Xing and the others, he would know everything he should know.

In fact, if sympathy for slaves is excluded, Zhao Xing hopes that all the people he uses are people from Yi Xing.But the human beings on Yi star have been closed for a long time, and they are too far behind the slaves in terms of cognition.

It will take at least five or six years, or even seven to ten years, to train the people on Yixing to become qualified warship pilots. If you directly train these more than 700 million slaves, it will only take dozens of days, which is not slow. about a year.What Zhao Xing and the others lacked now was time, which meant they were racing against time.

According to the exact information Xiao Cheng got from the Internet, the price of Lurkin fluctuated slightly.This situation will definitely attract people's attention and start to investigate.

This made Zhao Xing and the others more anxious, although everyone was very calm now.

When all the transport ships returned to Yi Xing through the wormhole, Zhao Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief.This time, the plan to transport people was finally a complete success.

After that, they will sell a large number of Lurkin, and at the same time buy warships to form a fleet. When they become really strong, even if others know the existence of Yi Xing, they will have nothing to do with them.

Next, Zou Yuhong has more important tasks. In addition to purchasing various machinery, equipment and materials, he also needs to purchase warships that can form a large fleet.

Pang Liankun had already designed the configuration of a large fleet.

A large fleet consists of ten medium fleets.

And a medium-sized fleet consists of five large battleships, fifty medium-sized frigates, 150 medium-sized battleships, two thousand small attack ships, and fifteen medium-sized logistics ships, for a total of 2000 and two hundred and twenty ships.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Xing and the others to have a complete large-scale fleet all at once, but to start with building a medium-sized fleet.

A medium-sized fleet needs more than 2000 warships in total.

Small warships can be easily purchased, medium-sized warships need to be ordered, and the manufacture and production of large warships are monitored by the federal government. It is somewhat difficult to buy them.

But in this world, as long as you have money, you can buy any kind of warship.

The federal government can't do it, you can go to the Freedom Alliance.Zhao Xing thought about it, and planned to ask Zou Yuhong to contact the seller in the Liberty League.

Zou Yuhong frowned after hearing this, and said, "Boss, do you have to go to the Liberty Alliance to buy large warships? In fact, they are also available within the jurisdiction of the federal government, but the price is 20.00 higher than the military's purchase price." %."

After Zou Yuhong finished speaking, his heart moved, and he said again: "If you have money, boss, why don't you buy the manufacturing equipment and production drawings and make it yourself?"

Zhao Xing laughed, it seemed that Zou Yuhong had already seen something, otherwise he wouldn't have asked this question.

(End of this chapter)

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