Bug anger

Chapter 147 Luerjin Rebellion

Chapter 147 The Lurkin Rebellion ([-])
"30 tons? So much?"

When Zhao Xing heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.You must know that after careful measurement, the output of the entire Yixing is only more than 200 million tons, and this 30 tons is already more than [-]% of the total output.

After 30 tons of Lurkin are sold, more than 200 trillion federal currency can be obtained.

"How much stock do we have?" Zhao Xing asked after thinking about it.

"More than 50 tons." Li Tian immediately reported the figure.

Zhao Xing seemed to have thought of something suddenly, laughed, and said, "Don't worry, we will sell all 50 tons this time."

Looking at Zhao Xing's non-worried smile, Li Tian asked, "Captain, do you know the reason?"

Zhao Xing didn't want to hide it from Li Tian, ​​so he told Li Tian about the mecha competition he was going to participate in.

Li Tian frowned and said, "Captain, isn't it dangerous for you to participate in this kind of competition?"

Zhao Xing shook his head, "Although it's dangerous, it's an opportunity for me. Until now, I don't know that the world we live in is not as simple as we imagined. Only when the status is raised to a higher level can we see more. If not I don't know that Lan Xin's father asked me to participate in such a competition?"

Li Tian nodded, "I only know that the federal government holds a mech competition every year, but I never thought that this kind of competition would be held in order to compete for market and resources. Now I finally understand why there are so many people who need Lurkin in large numbers. "

Zhao Xing said with a smile: "Because they want to manufacture mechas, which are used to participate in this competition. I calculated just now. In the past, this kind of mecha competition usually had about 5000 to 6000 participants. But this time , I am afraid that there will be tens of thousands of people, and most of the contestants will be the elites of various families. In order to win the competition, the families behind these people must spare no expense to create special mechas for them. And each person There must be more than one equipped, because there are many games.

And this special mecha requires a lot of Lurkin, including the shell and weapons of the mecha, 50 tons of Lurkin is not enough for them. "

Li Tian nodded and said with a chuckle: "We can't make them cheaper, we have to raise the price!"

Zhao Xing thought for a while, and said: "Sell at the market price, 50 federal currency per gram, take an integer, and sell [-] tons."

Li Tian immediately said, "Then I will make arrangements immediately."

After Zhao Xing nodded, Li Tian quickly walked out of the conference hall.

"50 tons, 500 trillion federal currency, those big families, I'm afraid they won't be able to spend so much money for a while!" Zhao Xing muttered and laughed.To Zhao Xing, money is just a series of numbers.

Just as Zhao Xing was about to stand up, Li Tian turned back and asked, "Captain, what about your mecha? Do you need to replace the shell?"

Zhao Xing now has three mechas in total, one is a blue ordinary mecha, one is a bug armor prepared for him by Lan Tianhong, and there is a yellow king cavalry mecha.

The mechas Li Tian was referring to were the bug armor and the yellow king cavalry mecha.

Zhao Xing thought for a while, and felt that there are a lot of Luerjin resources, and it would not be worthwhile to sell them all to others. After thinking about it, he nodded and said: "Then replace the shells of the two mechas! We have enough Lurkin, make the mecha shell the ideal strength."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Li Tian exclaimed: "Captain, the ideal strength is at least 50.00% Luerjin in a ton of alloy. The combined alloy shells of your two mechas are no less than 150% Ton?"

As Li Tian said, he counted with his fingers and said with wide eyes: "The Lurkin used alone is worth more than 700 billion!" After speaking, he said excitedly: "This is a big deal! Those Even if the big family is willing to spend money, the strength of Luer alloy can reach about [-] to [-]% of the ideal strength at most, right?"

Zhao Xing shook his head, "We don't care about others, as long as we do our best."

"Well, after the sale of 50 tons of Lurkin, I will immediately contact Zou Yuhong and ask him to buy a set of equipment for making mecha casings."

After Li Tian finished speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

a few days later.

Li Tian and Pang Liankun drove Zhao Xing's previous X180 spaceship, escorted by three crocodile-shaped battleships, to the outer space of Paradise Star, and sent the transaction coordinates to the agreed customers.

Li Tian and the others already have a wealth of confidentiality experience in this kind of transaction, and this time they brought 50 tons of Lurkin.This is a quantity that will surprise even those big families, and of course it is impossible to sell it to a buyer.

A few minutes later, a medium-sized cargo spaceship appeared in front of it.

Both Li Tian and Pang Liankun are very familiar with the appearance of this spaceship. This is the spaceship of the young man named Xiao Zheng.

There have been several transactions with Xiao Zheng. After the cargo spaceship appeared, it immediately sent a communication request.

Li Tian opened the communication.

A portrait of a young man with long hair appeared on the display screen, and this person was Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zheng asked with a smile: "Old rules?"

Li Tian shook his head, "This time our trading volume is [-] tons, which is too much and must be traded in batches. This is what our boss told us."

Xiao Zheng thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, five thousand tons at a time! Money is not a problem."

Li Tian nodded.

In the transaction process, Li Tian and the others no longer need to do it themselves. Among the more than 700 million slaves, Pang Liankun chose dozens of the most loyal subordinates to be in charge of the transaction.

Li Tian and Pang Liankun only need to sit in front of the bridge, monitor and guide the transaction process, and check the account information at any time.

The price has been negotiated, 1000 yuan per gram, and the value of [-] tons of luer gold is [-] trillion federal currency.

50 tons of lure metal, each piece is made into [-] kilograms, [-] tons, that is, [-] lure metal blocks.

After confirming the deal, Li Tian and his team opened the door at the tail of a crocodile-shaped battleship, and a landing ship flew out of it, heading towards Xiao Zheng's cargo spaceship.

The fifty subordinates in charge of the transaction, together with Xiao Zheng and dozens of others, moved it together, and it took almost an hour to move and weigh the [-] tons of Luerjin.

After the other party confirmed it, five trillion federal coins arrived in the account soon. After Li Tian and Pang Liankun confirmed it, they started the second transaction of [-] tons...

It took almost ten hours for the [-] tons of Lurkin to be traded.

And in Zhao Xing's registered universe bank account, there are five trillion more funds.

Five trillion, this is a very large sum of money. Only large-scale transactions between consortiums can have such a large one-time transaction amount.If it is not an anonymous account, it will definitely attract the attention of the federal government.

In the next nine days, Li Tian and Pang Liankun conducted transactions with more than a dozen buyers.According to the strength of the buyer, the trading volume ranges from thousands of tons to [-] to [-] tons.

After the transaction, Zhao Xing's account had 500 trillion more funds, enough to build three large fleets.

After this transaction is completed, Yixing will have sufficient funds for development.

If it weren't for the stimulation of the secret mecha competition, the major families desperately bought Luerjin, Zhao Xing would not let Li Tian sell 50 tons in one go.

Within ten days, 50 tons of Lurkin mysteriously appeared, and hundreds of trillions of funds flowed into the anonymous account. After learning about it, all major families were very surprised, including Lan Tianhong.

Inside Tianhong Village.

Lan Tianhong was sitting calmly on the sofa smoking blood eggplants. Although he looked very leisurely, his heart was extremely restless.Just now, his female secretary informed that in the past ten days, 50 tons of Lurkin suddenly appeared on the black market.

This amount far exceeds the production on Lurkin. Ordinary people may not feel much shorthand about this number, and only think of how much so much Lurkin is worth.But Lan Tianhong saw the problem, which clearly shows that someone has discovered a planet with high production of lure metal.

50 tons, almost the sum of the output of the entire universe in ten years.Of course, this is the data released by the federal government. Although it has been discounted, it is not much different.

The role of Lurgin is not only a guarantee of currency stability, but also a necessary material for making special equipment.The Lan family owns the largest mecha production factory in the universe, but the luer gold quota they get every year is only about [-] tons.This is the amount set by the federal government, and if demand exceeds the limit, it must be purchased at a high price on the black market.

"Investigate! We must send someone to investigate! Someone must have discovered the planet rich in Lurkin." After Lan Tianhong was silent for a while, he said in a deep voice to the close female secret behind him.

The female secretary nodded immediately, "I have ordered someone to investigate. However, there may be nothing to be found, unless the senior management of the Universe Bank is willing to cooperate and publish the registration information of the anonymous account."

"This is impossible." Lan Tianhong shook his head, "If they do this, it's no different from courting death."

The female secretary nodded, and said again: "Also, because a large number of Lurkin appeared, some families secretly took action and robbed several transport ships transporting Lurkin."

After the female secretary said this, she fell silent.

"Hehe!" Lan Tianhong smiled, "It seems that 50 tons of Lurkin is still not enough for this competition!"

The Lan family does not lack Lurkin, so Lan Tianhong doesn't care about the small-scale war caused by Lurkin, nor is he interested.

Tianyou Star is a habitable star that has just been developed near Paradise Star.

This planet is controlled by the newly-rising Wang family. Although it is nominally a planet under the jurisdiction of the federal government, the words of the Wang family are more effective than the federal president on this planet.

The head of the Wang family is Wang Bo, a strong middle-aged man in his 40s. Anyone who is familiar with his family history knows that Wang Bo used to be a pirate leader. He washed his hands only after he accumulated a lot of wealth. Quit doing it and started a serious investment business.

Although he is innocent on the surface, there is still a huge pirate group serving him secretly.Seven days ago, he got the news that his pirates robbed a cargo ship carrying Lurkin and got thousands of tons of Lurkin.

I thought I made a fortune, but the news got out somehow.

(End of this chapter)

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