Bug anger

Chapter 151 Departure

Chapter 151 Departure ([-])

Lan Tianhong is very clear about the internal problems of the Lan family.He also knew the old man's plan for this mecha competition.In fact, for Lan Tianhong, it is very easy to have another son. The old man has raised this issue many times, but Lan Tianhong firmly disagrees. He will not have children with any woman except his dead wife. up.

For this matter, Lan Tianhong made his father Lan Long very angry.After a long time, Lan Long has other plans, and it seems that Lan Xin will not be in charge of the Lan family.

Why is this?Because Lan Xin must be a woman, she will marry someone sooner or later, if she is in charge of the Lan family's property, maybe in the future the property of the Lan family will not be named Lan anymore!
Zhao Xing understood the meaning of Lan Tianhong's words, he could not listen to Lan Hong in this mech competition.

Zhao Xing also didn't like restraint, not only because he was used to being the boss, but also because he knew that Lan Hong might use this opportunity to punish him!Zhao Xing didn't want to be harmed for no apparent reason during the competition.

After leaving the living room, Zhao Xing frowned.

Looking at Zhao Xing's expression, Lan Xin asked worriedly: "Zhao Xing, what are you thinking?"

Zhao Xing looked around and saw no one around, and said with a wry smile: "Just now I heard from my uncle that this itinerary is very strictly confidential, and I'm afraid I can't take the worm avatar with me."

Lan Xin knew that the bug avatar was very important to Zhao Xing. With the bug avatar, it can be said that Zhao Xing would have an extra life.Hearing the bad news, she also frowned deeply.

The two silently came to the valley behind Tianhongzhuang.


A silver-white figure descended from the sky and landed in front of Zhao Xing and Lan Xin.

After Zhao Xing arrived at Paradise Star, he released the worm avatar and controlled it to fly to the forest behind Tianhongzhuang.At this time, Zhao Xing controlled it and flew over.

Zhao Xing has always been inseparable from Chong Zi, and he has to take it with him wherever he goes. It would be a pity if he couldn't take it with him this time, and his strength would be reduced a lot because of it.

"It would be great if I could put it in the space ring." Seeing Zhao Xing's silver-white worm standing quietly in front of him, Lan Xin said casually.

"Into the space ring?" Zhao Xing followed Lan Xin's words, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

In Zhao Xing's view, if the worm avatar does not enter with his consciousness, it is actually a special machine, the same machine as the biological mecha. Since the biological mech can be put into the space ring, why can't the worm avatar?
"I want to give it a try!" After thinking for a while, Zhao Xing gritted his teeth and said.

Zhao Xing didn't have any extra space rings to use, but this is Tianhong Manor, and Lan Tianhong should have an unused blank space ring in his hand.

"Wait for me." Lan Xin said excitedly, and ran back with long legs in blue jeans.Her figure finally returned after disappearing from Zhao Xing's sight for more than ten minutes.


Panting, Lan Xin came to Zhao Xing, raised her hand, and spread her five fingers. In her palm lay a blue space ring.

Zhao Xing held it in his hand unceremoniously, and put it in front of his eyes, it turned out to be a space ring with a volume of one hundred cubic meters.

After a short identification process, Zhao Xing became the master of this space ring.

Zhao Xing first withdrew his consciousness from the bug clone, and then entered the data of the bug clone into the space ring...

After a lot of complicated work, the tense moment finally arrived.


Zhao Xing shouted in a deep voice.

Suddenly, the bug clone disappeared in the eyes of Zhao Xing and Lan Xin.

"Success!" Zhao Xing exclaimed excitedly.Lan Xin also nodded happily.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xing released the bug clone again.

In fact, Zhao Xing was still a little nervous at this time, and suddenly worried about what would happen if the bug avatar was installed by the space ring once.After releasing the bug clone, he transferred his consciousness through the consciousness transmitter.

Fortunately, as before, nothing has changed.Only then did Zhao Xing feel relieved, turned around and kissed Lan Xin, and said with a smile, "My wife, you are so kind!"

Lan Xin stroked the cheek kissed by Zhao Xing, and gave Zhao Xing a white look.

Zhao Xing glanced around and whispered, "Are there any monitors around here?"

"No." Lan Xin replied.


After more than an hour, Zhao Xingcai and the blushing Lan Xin returned to Tianhong Village.

Early the next morning, Zhao Xing, Lan Xin, and Lan Tianhong got into an ultra-high-speed spaceship.

The speed of the ultra-high-speed spacecraft is more than twice as fast as that of the X180 spacecraft.Zhao Xing really wants to own one, but this kind of spaceship is controlled by the federal government and cannot be sold casually. If you want to buy it, you must apply to the federal government. The procedures are extremely complicated, and the price is even higher than the price of the X180 spaceship. Many times more expensive.

After a day of sailing, the spaceship finally stopped, and Zhao Xing regained his energy.

During the voyage, he sat in the cockpit and dozed off.

When the spaceship stopped, Lan Tianhong said to Zhao Xing: "This is the meeting place of our Lan family. I just got the news that this competition, except for the contestants, no one can go to watch it. Now you take the landing ship and go to the front one." Big ship."

Zhao Xing nodded and stood up from the sofa.

"Zhao Xing." Lan Xin, who was sitting next to Zhao Xing, called softly, stood up and hugged Zhao Xing, and whispered in Zhao Xing's ear: "Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back."

Together with Lan Xin, they arrived at the entrance of the landing pod, and upon hearing the notification that the pod opened, Zhao Xing resolutely entered the landing pod and onto a landing ship.

Lan Tianhong sat in the cockpit, watching the two kissing from the monitor, he could only sigh helplessly.

The landing craft is enclosed and programmed to automatically control the flight.After Zhao Xing waited quietly for a few minutes, he felt the landing ship stop suddenly.Then, the barn door opened.

Seeing the situation outside the barn door, Zhao Xing knew that the landing ship had arrived in the transport ship of the Lan family, he got out of the landing ship without any hesitation, and quickly walked out of the landing barn where the landing ship was parked.

There was already someone waiting outside the door, a young woman in a white shirt and a black skirt.Seeing Zhao Xing walk out of the barn door, she immediately bowed and said, "Mr. Zhao, welcome? Please follow me."

Zhao Xing nodded.

After leaving the barn door, there is a long metal corridor. When walking, there is no other sound except the "click" of the woman's high heels in front.

After turning a few turns along the metal corridor, a metal gate appeared in front of it.

"Mr. Zhao, we've arrived. Please come in." After the woman in the short skirt made a gesture of invitation, the metal gate opened from both sides.

What appeared in Zhao Xing's eyes was a spacious fitness room.

There were already people inside, Zhao Xing glanced casually, and knew that there were nineteen people in total, fifteen men and four women.You don't need to guess, these people are the contestants sent by the Lan family to participate in the mecha competition.

When Zhao Xing stepped in, everyone stopped their activities and turned to look at Zhao Xing.

These nineteen people were all naked from the upper body, even the four women.Their hips were covered only by a thin pair of elasticated shorts.

Zhao Xing didn't feel anything about this situation.

Although these people are all members of the Lan family, they all have the last name Lan.But Zhao Xing didn't know any of them, and actually didn't want to know them.Being led here, Zhao Xing knew that someone had ordered him, and after entering the door, he stood there silently without any expression on his face.

"Hehe! Are you Zhao Xing?"

A man's voice sounded, Zhao Xing rolled his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the face of a young man with short hair.

The face of this person is somewhat similar to Lan Tianhong, he can be described as handsome.His figure is burly, he must have been exercising regularly, and the muscles of his body are extremely smooth.Zhao Xing had already guessed that this person was probably Lan Xin's cousin Lan Hong.

"Hello! I'm Zhao Xing." Zhao Xing replied lightly.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time." After speaking, he turned around and said to the others, "Come here, everyone, let's get to know each other."

Contrary to Zhao Xing's imagination, Lan Hong was extremely enthusiastic towards him and introduced other people to Zhao Xing.Although Zhao Xing was a little wary of Lan Hong, he didn't take it easy at this time, and shook hands with everyone in a warm manner.

After getting to know each other, the spaceship sounded the captain's prompt, "Please get ready, the spaceship is about to set off."

(End of this chapter)

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