Bug anger

Chapter 154 The Young Chairman

Chapter 154 The Young Chairman

The rules of the first game are very simple, drive the mech, enter the largest volcano in front of you within one hour, enter the crater, and take out the metal flag that has been planted long ago.

10st to No.51 each add [-] game points, [-]th to [-]th, each person adds [-] game points, [-]st to [-]th, [-] points, [-]st to [-]th One hundred game points per person.After five hundred, there are no game points.

If the metal flag is not obtained within one hour, 50.00% of the game points will be deducted.If you don't arrive within two hours, [-]% of the points will be deducted. If it exceeds two hours, the headset in the ear hole will explode.

During the competition, the pilot's mecha is not allowed to fly. If it is violated, the consequences will be the same as negative points.

Zhao Xing looked at the largest volcano in front of him. It was emitting thick black smoke, and it was estimated to be about a thousand kilometers away from where they were now.

This is just an estimate. As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse, and the eyes see things in the distance, and most of them will be farther than their estimated distance.

When the countdown began, the gathered crowd quickly dispersed to the surroundings, and released the biological mecha that had been prepared long ago from their space ring.

Zhao Xing was a little excited at this moment. This was like running a race, and it was actually very beneficial to him.Because from here to the volcano, the road is full of ravines and canyons, and the humanoid mecha is obviously not as good as the bug armor to climb over such terrain.

All of a sudden, the mechas were released and hit the ground with a 'boom' sound.

Zhao Xing looked around, and all the mechas that appeared were humanoid mechas, and there was no insect armor, at least within his vision range, no insect armor appeared.

Although he had the advantage, Zhao Xing immediately found an open space and released his beetle.The beetle was originally black, but after changing the shell, it was already silvery white.

For this silver shell, Li Tian used a standard amount of Lurkin to make it hard and flexible to achieve the ideal strength.Not only the bug armor, but the yellow mecha obtained from Nangong's family also had its shell replaced, turning it into a silver-white one.

When Zhao Xing's beetle came out, everyone around was surprised.Because they also know that in this kind of terrain, to quickly reach the volcano ahead, the insect armor is the most ideal biological armor.

However, how many people can drive the bug beetle?
After Zhao Xing released the beetle, he quickly entered the driver's cabin and ran towards the target area.

Not far away, Wei Tianqing and Lan Hong also entered the mech. They also frowned when they saw Zhao Xing release the bug armor and enter the cockpit.In their hearts, Zhao Xing became more and more difficult to deal with!

In a few minutes, everyone released their mechas, quickly got into the cockpit of the mechas, and drove the mechas at full speed towards the volcano.

The models of these mechas are mostly the latest mechas. They are about the same size and appearance. At most, they have been modified, and their appearance is somewhat different.Among these mechas, you can also see the big mechas driven by Wang cavalry, and there are quite a few of them.

The mechas Wei Tianqing and Lan Hong drove were large mechas.

At this time, both Wei Tianqing and Lan Hong had the urge to scold their mothers, because the rules of the game are that they can only advance from land and cannot fly. Otherwise, with the transformation ability of the king cavalry mecha, the volcano in front of them will take less than a minute. It's ready to go.Now he has to drive the king cavalry mecha like other ordinary mechas, striding forward.

Zhao Xing's insect beetle should be the fastest, moving forward with four legs in coordination, it is faster than two legs!
The plain area is more than ten kilometers long, and in less than 10 minutes, most of the mechas ran out of this area.However, the preamp is a deep canyon.

Looking down from the top, this canyon is at least a thousand meters deep, and the slope is very steep, it is simply a cliff.If the mech jumps from such a high place, if the control is not good, or the landing point is uneven, it is easy to damage the mech.

Therefore, when they reached the edge of the canyon, a large number of mechas stopped at the same time.

Fortunately, this canyon is very wide, hundreds of kilometers in length, otherwise, there will probably be pushing and fighting, and the mechs in front will be in bad luck.

Faced with such a situation, many contestants used the terrain scanning device on the mecha to check the nearby terrain to see if there was any place with a gentle slope that could slide down.

However, what appeared on the scan map disappointed them. Perhaps it was the arrangement intended by the gang. In the longitudinal range of hundreds of kilometers, many gentle slopes seemed to have been excavated and became equally steep.

When Zhao Xing drove the worm armor to the edge of the canyon, it was the time when many mechas stopped and hesitated.

The situation of the canyon appeared in Zhao Xing's eyes, and he couldn't help but smile in his heart. It's not difficult for the insect beetle to pass through this kind of terrain!
Under everyone's amazed eyes, Zhao Xing's silver-white beetle 'planted' headfirst.The barbs on the four legs of the insect beetle were inserted deep into the rock like walking on flat ground, and quickly climbed to the bottom of the valley, and quickly moved towards the opposite steep mountain wall.

Not all humanoid mechas can't do anything about this canyon. For example, those big mechas jumped directly, fell from the thousand-meter-high cliff, hit the bottom of the valley with a 'boom', and quickly ran to the opposite side Go, in terms of speed, faster than Zhao Xing's insect beetle.However, when they got to the bottom of the opposite cliff and wanted to climb up, they were not so relaxed.

There are also some mechs that have tools themselves. They pull out the hook gun, drive the steel rope with the barb into the crevice of the rock, slide down along the steel rope, and soon reach the bottom of the valley.

Some contestants who did not bring such tools and were nearby took advantage of it. When someone slid down and cut the steel rope, they also pulled the steel rope and slid down...

During this process, some jokes also happened. For example, some people couldn't wait. When others fell down along the rope, they couldn't wait to grab the steel rope and climb down. Either the steel rope broke or it was hooked on the rock. The hooks in the middle fell off, and several mechas smashed into a pile...

There are also some contestants who see that there is no other way, so they can only jump and gamble their luck, and some climb down the rock, and their movements are very agile...

Looking down from outside the atmosphere of this strange planet, the entire planet is dark red, and its volume is one and a half times larger than that of the earth.In its orbit, there is a large spacecraft in the shape of a standard five-pointed star.Its volume is at least five times larger than that of the Blue Whale III spacecraft.

In other words, the diameter of this spaceship has reached nearly fifteen kilometers, and the thickest part in the middle of the 'pentagram' is also several kilometers thick.Such a large spacecraft is rare in the universe. It is almost an artificial planet, and it will not be crowded with millions of people.

In this spacious cockpit, hundreds of people are busy sitting in front of the circular bridge, and the monitors in front of them are all the surveillance video of the game on the planet below.

In this cockpit, in addition to the circular driving platform, there is also a high platform on which five large seats are placed.The middle seat is higher.

At this moment, there are people sitting on the seats.On the seat in the middle was a long-haired young man in a black robe with a handsome face.Although he is young and looks like he is only in his 20s, his temperament is more like a majestic old man, which will make people feel contradictory.

At this moment, he was propping his head up and looking at a large screen in front of him, which clearly showed a bugbearer crossing the canyon with ease.

On both sides of this young man, sat three men and two women.Among the three men, one of them was a middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old, with a Chinese character face, short hair, a strong figure, and looked dignified.The other two men are half-centenarians, if Zhao Xing is here, he will be surprised.

It wasn't the young man in the middle seat that surprised him, but one of the old men.This old man is exactly Mr. Liu who taught him the method of breathing!
The remaining woman was wearing a mask and could not see her face.She was wearing a black tights, with a bulging chest, a slender waist, and her slender and round legs wrapped in leather pants were the most alluring.Even if the face is covered, the figure alone will make most women feel ashamed.

Their eyes all fell on the big screen in front of them.

On the display screen, when Zhao Xing's beetle easily climbed up the cliff and moved forward, the young man sitting in the middle nodded lightly and said: "This is not bad!"

"Can drive bug beetle, President, this kid is just like you." The middle-aged man also nodded at this time.

From the words of the middle-aged man, it can be known that the young man sitting in the middle high position is actually the president of the King's Cavalry Association.It's hard to imagine him being so young!
After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the woman wearing a mask said, "It's not bad, but you have to follow the rules. You can't just open the back door for him just because he has the same talent as the president."

The woman's voice was very soft, but it sounded indifferent.

Mr. Liu also said at this time: "I have seen this kid before, his name is Zhao Xing. Hehe! I have long noticed that his spiritual power is different from ordinary people, and that feeling... is the same as facing the president. Even if he can't break through If you enter the top ten, the president will not accept it, but I will take it too."

At this moment, the woman wearing the mask turned her head to look at Elder Liu, and then said, "Old Liu, his situation is different from that of the president. If he is absorbed into our association, there will be trouble later on. Some people in our ranks..."

"Okay, stop talking!" The young man in the middle seat suddenly said, interrupting the woman's words.After a while, he said: "The hundred-year period is coming soon. I hope that this cruel competition will allow some people to break through the shackles of mental power, and give us humans an extra chance of winning!"

After the young man finished speaking, the four people beside him fell silent.Except for the woman wearing a mask who couldn't see the expression on her face, she was all solemn.

At this time, the bug armor driven by Zhao Xing had already rushed to the first place, leaving the mecha behind far behind.For him, this kind of competition is really too fun, it is simply a competition made to highlight the advantages of the bug armor!
(End of this chapter)

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