Bug anger

Chapter 173 Financial Storm

Chapter 173 Financial Storm ([-])

The stock price of Invincible Power has remained at around 30 yuan for half an hour.

In the process, many retail investors saw something was wrong and began to dump their stocks...

At this time, Lu Yang had already asked his subordinates to release hundreds of millions of shares, accounting for 50.00% of the holdings of Invincible Power.

"Now start releasing one thousand shares by one thousand shares." Lu Yang ordered immediately.

An hour later, the decline of Invincible Power stock also led to the sharp drop of several other stocks.There is some panic in the stock market.

Lu Yang watched the big screen remain still, and asked his subordinates to keep suppressing the stocks of Invincible Power, and then asked his subordinates to buy several other stocks that fell. When purchasing, the number of transactions at a time was never more than [-] shares. Retail investors are buying...

Qian Wanchun was keenly aware of this situation, and he smiled and said: "It seems that the other party is a master! Knowing that Invincible Power is the leading stock of these stocks, suppress its stock price, and the related stocks It will fall, and then buy in small batches."

"What should we do?" Wei Changxiong asked immediately.

Qian Wanchun said with a smile: "We must not let the opponent succeed, and enter the warehouse in large numbers."

After Qian Wanchun finished speaking, his operators immediately began to buy in large quantities.

Lu Yang saw the transaction data, frowned and said, "Stop!"

"What's wrong?" the subordinate asked.

Lu Yang said: "It seems that someone has seen our purpose and is robbing us for shares..."

After thinking about it, Lu Yang finally smiled and said, "If that's the case, then let's enter in large numbers!"

Soon, the prices of several stocks that had fallen quickly rose back to their original positions. Even the invincible power, the stock price also rose a lot, and the price reached more than 40 yuan.

At this time, Lu Yang stopped tampering with the 'Invincible Power', and started to attack the other leading unit instead.

The situation is the same as before.

At this time, Lu Yang had judged that it must be the Wei family who was doing something.Because in this short period of time, the total transaction volume of several stocks reached more than 50 trillion federal currency.

Now that he had guessed the opponent, Lu Yang began to make tentative moves to see what style the opponent used against him.

A master trader can see the opponent's trading style in the operation, and make a corresponding counterattack.There is a saying that if you know the enemy and know the enemy, you will win every battle, and it also applies to the stock market.

This is not a war between dealers and retail investors, but a confrontation between dealers and dealers.

In the next few hours, after several fights, Lu Yang frowned.Because the other party seems to be against him specifically, if he lets go, the other party also lets go, if he enters, the other party also enters.This is a rogue style of play.

"It seems that the Wei family has a smart trader, and his methods are very stable. This style is like my teacher Qian Wanchun's operation method..."

Lu Yang thought about it, Shen Ling said.

Then, he immediately ordered someone to investigate Qian Wanchun's whereabouts.

The result was that Qian Wanchun disappeared the day before.

At this time, Lu Yang became excited, because he finally knew the identity of his opponent. He had always wanted to surpass his teacher, and now he finally had a chance!
Although he knew who the other party was, he knew himself and the enemy, but Lu Yang didn't take any action immediately, his brain began to run rapidly... At this time, the operators in the entire hall were nervously staring at Lu Yang who was constantly stroking his nose. , awaiting his order.

"The opponent's funds are too strong, and the number of shares held is larger than ours. As long as the opponent does not make mistakes, it will be difficult for us to win..."

After thinking for a while, Lu Yang's eyes lit up, he laughed, and then ordered his subordinates to buy a small amount of stocks in some small military enterprises, which had nothing to do with the Wei family.At the same time, he asked his subordinates to release the shares of the Wei family holding company to suppress the price within a certain range.

Lu Yang suddenly changed his original plan...

In the next ten days or so, something happened that made both Qian Wanchun and Wei Changxiong feel very strange. Except for the stocks of his Wei Family Holding Company, other stocks of the same type were slowly rising.

Among them, the Wei family also got a lot of benefits, because the stocks they bought at a low price also started to rise. Although the range was not very large, they still made a lot of money.

"What's going on here?" Wei Changxiong watched it for more than ten days and gained a better understanding of stocks.This made him puzzled, didn't that mysterious force always target their Wei family?Why did you suddenly change your target?Didn't the other party intentionally target the Wei family, just to make money?

Under Wei Changxiong's doubts, suddenly, a news broke out on the Federal Network that a mysterious luerjin seller suddenly sold a large amount of luerjin to some small and medium-sized military enterprises.At the same time, the factories of these enterprises were able to start operation, and the large orders received before could be completed as scheduled.

In an instant, the stocks of companies on the list began to soar, doubling in one day.

On the contrary, the stock of Weijia Holdings also experienced a certain decline.Smart people can see at a glance that Luerjin's seller is deliberately targeting the Wei family.

"Another 50 tons of Lurkin was sold, and 500 trillion has been obtained." In Xiao Xuan's office, Zhao Xing looked at the funds in the account and smiled excitedly.

"The Wei family is miserable now. If there is any trouble..." Before Xiao Xuan finished speaking, the stock of the Wei family holding company began to drop rapidly on the monitor in front of her.

Because, at this time, someone released a large amount of shares in the Wei family holding company, pushing down the price again.

Of course this was done by Lu Yang, he is now using the suppression of the big order, and then the small order inhales...

In the Wei family base, Qian Wanchun said with a wry smile: "Mr. Wei, it seems that the seller of Luerjin is the same as the mysterious mastermind behind this time, deliberately targeting the Wei family. I have a hard time now! If a large number If you release the stocks in your hands, the stock price will still fall, which will cause panic among retail investors. If you inhale... the stock price will rise in a short period of time, but there will be negative news later..."

Wei Changxiong could tell that what Qian Wanchun said was that the other party had already taken the initiative because they had a large amount of Lurkin, which could stimulate the stock price rise of any military enterprise.

When Wei Changxiong frowned and pondered, Qian Wanchun said again: "The opponents are very powerful. In the past ten days of operation, they seem to have lost money, but in fact they have made a lot of money, at least the money of retail investors."

"And!" Qian Wanchun added: "What's worse, we bought a lot of stocks before, as high as more than 700 trillion, and now we are not losing money, but if the price continues to fall..."

"Is there no other way?" Wei Changxiong asked.

Qian Wanchun thought for a while, and said, "Now it's all about strength, let's see who has the most money!"

"How do you say it?" Wei Changxiong obviously didn't understand Qian Wanchun's words.

Qian Wanchun gritted his teeth and said, "Let's release a lot of low prices before we lose money. Let's see how much they can buy. If the opponent is targeting us, they will definitely buy a lot, and then they will try to raise the stock price. Otherwise, they will We will lose money accordingly. Of course, we can’t sell all of them, at least one third must be kept..."

In desperation, Wei Changxiong could only agree with Qian Wanchun's words.

Lu Yang saw the shares released by the Wei family, and immediately knew what the other party's plan was, and said with a smile, "You can buy as much as you can within the stipulated price!"

The next day, looking at the stock price on the big screen, Wei Changxiong breathed a sigh of relief, because the stock of the Wei Family Holding Company had returned to its original price.

The price they paid was the loss of one-third of their holdings.

During these 20 days of trading, the Wei family basically did not lose money.

"What's going on here?" Wei Changxiong kept thinking when he saw the data, while Qian Wanchun beside him also frowned.

"One-third, one-third, does the opponent want this one-third of the stocks held by the Wei family?" Qian Wanchun kept thinking.

Thinking about it, a bad thought flashed in Qian Wanchun's mind.

At the same time as he had this idea, a large number of low-priced stocks suddenly appeared on the trading gear on the big screen...

Seeing this situation, Qian Wanchun knew that they had failed.

In this situation, as a metaphor, the Wei family originally had nine stocks, each with nine yuan, and a total of 90 yuan in assets.

After 20 days of continuous entry and exit, the nine stocks became six stocks, each at 15 yuan, still an asset of 90 yuan.But the other party released three 45-yuan stocks all at once, suppressing the stock price to [-] yuan at once. If you buy in, you get the original [-] stocks, and the total value becomes [-] yuan, which has shrunk by half.

If it doesn't move, the stock price of Liuzhang will be 30 yuan, which will drop two-thirds of the price at once, or a loss of 60.00%.

If you want to raise the stock price, you must purchase a large amount of goods, but the number of opponents is already higher than that of the Wei family, and it will take a lot of money to restore the stock price to its original price.

Qian Wanchun understood that the other party actually had more funds than the Wei family.

At this time, in Tianyi Building, in Xiao Xuan's office, Lu Yang said helplessly to Zhao Xing: "Boss, I can only adopt this method of losing both sides. During this period, I spent a total of 1000 trillion yuan, but now it has shrunk by half. It hit the Wei family's stock. Fortunately, our funds are stronger than theirs, otherwise we will lose!"

The process was very complicated. After Xiao Xuan's patient explanation, they finally understood that they had used 500 trillion funds to hold back the same amount of funds from the Wei family.If the Wei family raises the stock price at this time, it will make them cheaper in vain. If they don't raise it, they can only keep it at a low price...

Lu Yang finally sighed: "The volatility of the stock market this time has had a great impact. What I want to tell you is that it has formed a financial storm. Many people have already withdrawn their funds from the stock market. Most listed companies have been affected. Had to reduce production...and it spread like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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