Bug anger

Chapter 187 Dilemma

Chapter 187 Dilemma
Zhao Xing still doesn't know how strong he is, he has to measure it with an instrument, but he is also very surprised by his sudden increase in agility and strength.

"Stop, stop!" Seeing that the president was about to start again, Zhao Xing quickly waved his hands.

"Why, do you want to surrender?" Seeing the wry smile on Zhao Xing's face at this moment, Qinglong sneered.

Zhao Xing glanced at Qinglong, ignored him, turned his head and smiled at the president: "You must have misunderstood, I must not be controlled by insects."

"That needs to be checked to be sure!" Elder Liu frowned at this moment: "Humans and insects are deadly enemies. We will never allow insects to mix among us humans through human bodies."

Zhao Xing suddenly became distressed. If he went to check with them, he would definitely find out something.Zhao Xing also found it inconceivable that he and the bug clone suddenly merged. It is conceivable that his body has changed, and its structure is different from that of ordinary people.

"President, let's stop dawdling, the most important thing is to catch him quickly!" Baihu standing next to Qinglong said in a deep voice at this moment.

From the look in their eyes, Zhao Xing knew that the five of them hated bugs very much, especially the high-level Zerg.

After Bai Hu finished speaking, under the leadership of the president, the five people slowly approached Zhao Xing, and they might make a move at any time.

"What should I do? If they find out something, it will be troublesome if they kill me or lock me up..."

Seeing the five people approaching constantly, Zhao Xing's brain thought quickly, and finally came to the conclusion that they must not let them catch him now, and he must leave here immediately.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xing turned around and ran away.His current movement speed is just an afterimage in the eyes of ordinary people.

In just a few seconds, Zhao Xing ran hundreds of meters and rushed out of this leisure square.

Seeing Zhao Xing jumping away, the five of them did not chase after him.This is on a spaceship, and Zhao Xing doesn't have a spaceship, where can he go?
After leaving the gate, Zhao Xing ran between the long metal corridors for more than ten minutes. Even he himself didn't know where he was in the spaceship.

Every corner of the spaceship, except the private room, has a monitor, no matter where it is in the spaceship, it can be searched by the spaceship's intelligent program.

"What should we do now……"

Zhao Xing was only concerned with running away before, but he hadn't thought about where he would go after getting rid of the president and the others. He didn't have a spaceship in his hand, and he didn't know where the spaceship was on the planet.

"Why don't they arrest him..." Zhao Xing knew that the president and the others didn't have any hostility towards him, but they were just afraid that he would be controlled by the bugs and become a puppet. It would be great if there was a way to explain it clearly to them.

The problem is, Zhao Xing has no way to explain to them now, the bugs got into his body from his chest, and others saw it with their own eyes...

Thinking of this, Zhao Xing's eyes widened.

Only then did he realize that the bug had entered his body.

After Zhao Xing was drilled into his body by bugs, he didn't have time to think about this issue. Now that he thinks about it, he can't help but feel horrible.

"We must figure it out, but we must find a way to leave here as soon as possible..." After Zhao Xing made up his mind, he thought about how to leave this spaceship.

Steal a spaceship and get away?

This is definitely not possible. Every corner of the spaceship is monitored at all times, and those spaceships must have been connected with this mother ship before.

Another way is to ask for help.

On this boat, the only person Zhao Xing knew well was Nangong Lengyue, and only Nangong Lengyue was willing to help him.

Zhao Xing walked and thought, walking through the metal corridors, and then climbed up an upward iron ladder, stepping on the iron ladder to climb continuously.

A few minutes later, Zhao Xing reached the topmost floor of the spaceship.

Above his head is a dome made of transparent materials. When he looks up, he can see the endless starry sky.

Seeing the endless stardust, Zhao Xing suddenly had a feeling of yearning for freedom, as if he was locked in a cage and couldn't get out.

Of course, this is just his illusion. His current situation is not that bad.

At this time, the president and the other four vice presidents had already returned to the cockpit.

They also found Zhao Xing's location. On the display screen in the cockpit, it was showing Zhao Xing looking up at the sky, very dazed.

"The speed is quite fast. In less than 10 minutes, he ran to the observatory and immediately closed the observatory. With his strength, he still can't break the observatory." The president said with a smile at this time.

If you look down from the top of the spaceship at this time, you will find that Zhao Xing's position is in the middle of the 'five-pointed star', which is called the observatory.

At this time, the pentagram spaceship was flying in a conventional flight mode. If it wanted to fly faster than the speed of light, the pentagonal spaceship would change its shape. The position where Zhao Xing was located was the head of the spaceship, which was the hardest part of construction.

The chairman gave an order, and the operator sitting in front of the bridge pressed a few buttons.

At this moment, Zhao Xing was looking at the starry sky outside, but suddenly, the alloy door he entered was closed, and a silver-white metal wall rose from all around.

These metal walls are not a whole, they seem to be spliced ​​together piece by piece, as soon as it rises, the transparent dome is quickly closed.

Then, another one, two, a total of twelve metal walls rose up...

In less than 5 minutes, the observatory where Zhao Xing was located was completely closed.

For this sudden change, Zhao Xing could only smile helplessly. He had already guessed the result when the alloy gate was closed just now.Sure enough, as he expected, he is locked up now.

Zhao Xing didn't intend to break through here either. In his opinion, those alloy walls are tens of centimeters thick per layer, up to twelve layers.Not to mention manpower, with Zhao Xing's current strength, he might not be able to break through even one layer.

Bad luck!How did you come here?Zhao Xing became distressed, so he simply sat down on the ground, and felt that it was inappropriate, so he simply lay down on the ground with his hands on his head, looking at the closed dome. Just now, he could still see the starry sky from there, but now , but nothing can be seen.

Fortunately, there are lights here, which are as bright as daytime. If there is no light and you can't see your fingers, then you will suffer!
The observatory is circular, with a height of 500 meters from the metal floor to the dome, and the diameter of the edge is at least [-] meters. It is a very wide place.But now, only Zhao Xing is here, it looks very empty, but also very quiet, Zhao Xing can even hear the sound of air flow when he breathes.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, Qinglong saw Zhao Xing's "leisurely" look, snorted coldly, turned his head and said to the president: "President, why should he be locked up all the time? He can't escape now, Why don't we go in and catch him..."

When Qinglong said this, he was interrupted by the chairman raising his hand.

The president smiled and said: "Since he doesn't want to be caught by us for inspection, let him stay there. When he can't stand it, he will naturally agree. During this time, you can also take the opportunity to observe him , to see if he is controlled by bugs after all."

"It's too cheap for him, why don't you turn off the lights too! Let him stay in a space without light, and he will give in soon." Qinglong suggested at this time.

The president nodded, and then said lightly: "Turn off the light."

Zhao Xing was looking at the metal dome with his eyes open, when suddenly, the lights above went out.

Soon, there was no more light in this vast space.

"Damn! I'm really afraid of something." In the darkness, Zhao Xing couldn't help but smiled wryly.He knew that even though the lights were turned off and there was no light, the chairman and the others would still see his actions through infrared rays.

Thinking of infrared rays, Zhao Xing's heart moved, and he raised his hand and put it in front of his eyes.

Sure enough, as he expected, a red palm appeared in his line of sight.The eyes of bugs can see objects emitting infrared light even in the dark, and now Zhao Xing can see them too.

At this time, Zhao Xing faintly felt that after the bug clone entered his body, he possessed the ability of the bug clone, at least a part of it.


After taking a deep breath, Zhao Xing closed his eyes and began to rest.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, the president and the four vice presidents couldn't help but frowned when they saw that Zhao Xing had started to sleep.

The more 'leisurely' Zhao Xing seemed at this time, the more uncomfortable they were.Especially Qinglong, who is already gritting his teeth.But with the president's order in front, she couldn't catch Zhao Xing according to her own ideas...

When Zhao Xing was imprisoned, Yi Xing's battle had already been decided.

The Yixing fleet initially had more than 1 warships, but now, there are only more than [-] ships left.

The Federation Fleet was even worse than Yi Xing. Almost all of its 20 warships were wiped out. If it wasn't for the fact that Chu Feng was his teacher, Pang Liankun would never let him go.

After the defeat of the Federation Fleet, less than [-] ships fled back, and most of them were wounded warships capable of space jumping.

Finally, according to statistics, Yi Xing captured a total of more than 4 warships of the Federation Fleet, more than 150 million soldiers,

And those no-name fleets composed of aristocratic families were almost wiped out. Under the attack of the mecha army, hundreds of thousands of no-name soldiers were like mud, vulnerable to a single blow.

For the victory in this battle, Pang Liankun is very grateful to the mysterious Scorpion Base. If it hadn't been for holding down more than 2 warships of the Federation Fleet, and attacking at the most critical moment of the battle, it would have dispersed the Federation Fleet with its abnormal defense capabilities. With the formation of the attacking team, Yi Xing would have to pay a higher price if he wanted to win.

After the victory of the war, Scorpion Base contacted Pang Liankun, and they disappeared soon after learning that Zhao Xing was not on Yi Xing.

From the questioning of the old man in the scorpion base, Pang Liankun guessed that this person must have something to do with Zhao Xing, maybe it was the helper Zhao Xing had asked for in advance.

From this point of view, Zhao Xing's power is not limited to Yi Xing.

This was Pang Liankun's guess, and it was also Li Tian's guess. In their hearts, Zhao Xing suddenly became mysterious.

Especially Li Tian, ​​they felt that Zhao Xing's power was not only their team, Yi Xing, but also other forces were helping Zhao Xing.

Yi Xing won, and now it's time to reap the fruits of victory.

Before, the Yixing team had formulated their goals after victory. As victors, they should enjoy the power and status that others envy.

At this moment, on Tianlongxing.

In the luxurious conference hall, dozens of bigwigs who are in charge of the federal government are present. Most of these people are old people over half a year old, and they are also representatives of major families.

Even if they were not from such a big family, they were controlled by those big families and fought for the interests of the families behind them.

The president of the federal government, named Zheng Changfeng, is an old man in his 100s, with short hair and a ruddy complexion, with only fine wrinkles on his face.

More than 100 years old, in this era of advanced technology, can only be regarded as middle-aged people.Over half a hundred years old, used to describe an old man who lived half of his life.

At this time, these four words are used to describe these 100-year-old old men.Because everyone here has a great chance to live to be over three hundred years old.

In the usual meeting, everyone was talking and laughing, but now, almost everyone frowned.

Among them, most of them are really dissatisfied with the result of this war, and there are so few people, of course they are just pretending to frown.

"What should we do now?"

After a long silence in the conference hall, Zheng Changfeng finally asked.While speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the senior officials of the federal government sitting in front of him.

"Yi Xing's current force is also greatly damaged, why not mobilize the frontier fleet to come back..."

"It's better to negotiate a peace! If the fight continues, the benefits gained, even the lost fleet will not be able to make up for it."

"It's better to redefine the territory with the Freedom Alliance, as long as we take a step back..."


As soon as Zheng Changfeng's words fell, there was a buzz of discussion in the conference hall.

Everyone is talking and expressing their opinions, but no one really stands up and expresses their opinions loudly.

Zheng Changfeng's ears were not deaf, and he heard everyone's whispers word by word, and his brows could not help but frown even tighter.

However, he didn't make a sound to stop, wanting to see when these people in front of him would talk.

After more than half an hour, the discussion in the conference hall gradually became quieter, and then gradually disappeared.

"Have you made up your mind?" Zheng Changfeng said again at this moment: "Whether it's a war or a peace, you have to come up with your opinions... Why don't you show your hands and vote!"

Finally, Zheng Changfeng said helplessly.

The original voting method of a show of hands has not been used by the federal government for a long time.

"Those who advocate the continued use of force, raise your hand." Zheng Changfeng said, raising his right hand.

but.There were more than 70 people present, but few people agreed, and less than ten people raised their hands.

There is no need to raise hands to vote on the latter 'and', Zheng Changfeng put down his palm, sighed helplessly in his heart, and then said: "Since it is a peace, let's discuss now, the harshness that Yi Xing may propose Conditions, and the bottom line we can tolerate..."

Zhao Xing was being locked in the big black room. He did not expect Yi Xing to be attacked by the federal fleet after he left, and Yi Xing won the victory in less than ten days.

What Zhao Xing is thinking now is how to get out of here as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly, and he had already slept, at least five hours had passed.

Of course, he didn't relax his vigilance when he was sleeping, as long as there was a slight disturbance, he would wake up immediately.At this time, Zhao Xing discovered a special ability in himself, that is, he can feel the passage of time. In fact, it is not so mysterious, it is an ordinary person. After coming here, I can also guess that I slept too much, what time it is, the error will not exceed half an hour.

Zhao Xing's perception of time is more accurate now, he knows that if calculated by standard time, it is six o'clock in the evening.According to the schedule on the spaceship, it was time for most of the crew to have dinner.

At this time, Zhao Xing was also a little hungry, so he took out a piece of bread and a bottle of wine from the small space ring Lan Xin gave him.

In the space ring, there are many foods like this.

In addition to food, there are other daily necessities, such as tables and chairs, sofas, even beds for sleeping, and optical computers for surfing the Internet.

When Lan Xin prepared these things for Zhao Xing, Zhao Xing said it was a waste of space!But at this time, he had to lament that women are careful, and they are really thoughtful.

With these things, even in this dark space, you can pass the time well.You won't feel bored in a short time.

According to Zhao Xing's current thinking ability, he can imagine that the president must plan to lock him here for a long time and make him voluntarily submit.

But unfortunately, Zhao Xing's character is bullish, and sometimes he likes to confront others.

"Hey! Then spend it like this!"

Zhao Xing sneered in his heart after taking a sip of the 20-year-old fine wine.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, the president saw Zhao Xing continuously taking out things from the space ring, and said with a wry smile: "This guy is quite good at enjoying it, but actually put these things in the expensive space ring."

Qinglong didn't know that Zhao Xing was actually richer than his Lan family, so he said disdainfully: "It's not because of my prodigal niece! I really don't know what's so good about Zhao Xing, that Xiner would actually fall in love with him. "

At this moment, the five of them no longer felt nervous when they faced Zhao Xing a few hours ago, because Zhao Xing was already under their control, at least they thought so.Therefore, their mentality seemed very relaxed, and they smiled when they spoke.At this moment, Mr. Liu smiled and said, "Zhao Xing is actually pretty good, much better than that kid surnamed Wei you fancy. People, don't just look at the appearance, but also look at the quality..."

Mr. Liu said a lot of things, mostly praising Zhao Xing and belittling Wei Tianqing.

Everyone can see that Mr. Liu has a bad impression of Wei Tianqing.

In fact, apart from Mr. Liu, the president, and the other two vice presidents also think so.A scum who abandons his teammates for his own benefit will not be respected by others no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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