Bug anger

Chapter 19 Trembling Twin Sickles

Chapter 19 Trembling Twin Sickles

"Red sickle insects?" A big question appeared in Zhao Xing's head: "Is there a dark red type of sickle insects?"

Zhao Xing recalled the information about the Zerg that he had read, and finally came to the conclusion that there is no dark red species of sickle bugs.

"Then the bug clone must have mutated, and the body color will change...it can't be an upgrade!" This idea suddenly popped up in Zhao's mind.But then he denied it again: "It's no wonder it's upgraded! Its body shape isn't even half that of an adult insect."

At this time, the burning sensation on the worm's body gradually subsided, and finally stayed in a mild state.

Before, Zhao Xing always felt that the bug avatar was cold, like a machine.He knew that it was because the consciousness hadn't fully merged with the bug's clone.

But now he felt the temperature of the worm body, and Zhao Xing suddenly realized that his control over the worm clone had gone a step further. This is probably what people call the feeling of 'flesh and blood'.

"Huh~huh~" Zhao Xing waved the two giant scythes and made two wind noises.The power of the bug clone seems to have increased a bit.

When swinging, Zhao Xing's feeling for the two big forelimbs is no different from the body's hands.The difference is that before Zhao Xing used two scythes, there was always a strange feeling, but now there is no more, everything seems so natural.

Not only the two giant scythes, Zhao Xing also suddenly had an indescribable feeling towards the insects as a whole.Although it is not as casual as the two big forelimbs, it is clearer and more intimate than before.

In order to verify whether the control over the avatar has gone one step further, Zhao Xing decided to have a test outside the warehouse.

The door to the warehouse has been closed, and the teleportation device on the worm's brain seems to have been excluded from the body when the worm just changed.It takes time for the consciousness to switch between the main body and the avatar, and Zhao Xing can't wait any longer.

He turned his triangular head, looked around, and found a large window on one wall of the warehouse, seven or eight meters above the ground, judging by its size, it was just enough for bugs to pass through.

"Haha! Let's go out for a walk from there." After further control over the bug clone, Zhao Xing's confidence increased greatly, and he felt that he could control the bug clone to climb up the wall and get out of the window smoothly.

Zhao Xing strode forward with four legs, and quickly came to the bottom of the wall.This warehouse is made of ordinary steel, and the walls are steel plates about ten centimeters thick.Zhao Xing first raised his upper body, stretched his two sickles to hook on the wall, then bent again, his body lifted off the ground, and his back limbs immediately cooperated to step on the metal wall covered with black rust.

A dense but slight 'kaka' sounded, and Zhao Xing's worm avatar walked on the vertical metal wall as if walking on flat ground.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the barb-like spikes on the bug's limbs can easily penetrate into the steel wall.It made it onto the wall, no need to use the scythes, and it can walk on the vertical wall with only four limbs.

The distance of seven or eight came soon, Zhao Xing bent forward, and his head stuck out of the window.It was pitch black outside, but in Zhao Xing's eyes, the outside was not darkness, but a faint green world, the clarity was only a little worse than daytime.

Compared with humans, the visual system of bugs has evolved more perfectly. They can see things in the dark, and their two eyes are like infrared night vision devices.

Biologists have found that insects see things entirely by infrared rays, and their visual images are simpler than those seen by humans.But Zhao Xing's consciousness entered the bug avatar, and the visual reaction of seeing things was the same as that of the main body, and it was clearer and he could see farther.

This is another thing that Zhao Xing finds difficult to understand.

Below Zhao Xing, there was a flat turf, and in front of it was a low mountain. The artificially planted forest on the mountain had grown for decades, and each big tree was as thick as a person's waist.

"It would be great if I could spread the wings behind me, so I can try the feeling of gliding."

As soon as Zhao Xing had this idea, his back felt itchy, and then a strange feeling appeared in his consciousness. This feeling can't be described in words, just like 'enlightenment'.


Zhao Xing suddenly spread the wings on the clone's back, flicked his limbs, and shot his body out.In the air, the worm's wings spread out again, and then they were lifted up by a gust of air...

After gliding for hundreds of meters, the bug clone slowly landed.

Zhao Xing finally felt the freedom of flying. No wonder the ancients described freedom and usually associated it with birds.For example, it is described as: flying freely like a bird.

Flying can make people feel free, because the range of activities is wider, and it will make people feel free from restraint.

Zhao Xing really wanted to fly in the air for a long time. Although the sickle insect had two wings, the function of the wings was mainly used for short-distance gliding, and they did not have the function of long-term flight.

Among the Zerg, there are very few species that can fly, and the most common are giant mosquitoes that are shaped like mosquitoes. The flying insects generally have weak shells and low vitality.

After Zhao Xing landed, he walked, ran, and jumped freely on the open field.His consciousness and the nervous system of the bug have been highly integrated.

After some free time, Zhao Xing felt hungry again.The bugs have a strong digestive ability, and it seems that they need to eat again.

Zhao Xing turned his triangular head and saw the forest in front of him. The towering trees aroused his strong appetite.

"Haha! Fresh trees!" Zhao Xing quickly ran towards the woods, and came to a big tree with the thickness of a person's waist.With a little force, he swung a giant scythe.

With a sound of 'poof', the scythe easily sank halfway into the tree trunk, but when it was pulled out, it was stuck by the tree trunk.

At this moment, a wonderful "clarity" appeared in Zhao Xing's mind, and he immediately understood a new ability of the double sickle.


The scythe stuck in the trunk suddenly trembled, and a cloud of dust rose up when it touched the trunk of the scythe. Zhao Xing pulled it lightly again, and the scythe was easily pulled out from the trunk.

Looking at the place where the trunk was cut by the scythe, it has been shaken into powder,
"Giggle..." The tree trunk made a cracking sound, and then fell down.

Zhao Xing looked at the pair of scythes in surprise. He didn't expect it to be so destructive after it trembled!No wonder the sickle bug can easily tear apart ordinary alloys, this attack method is simply too terrifying!

Zhao Xing turned around, trembling the giant scythe, making a slight 'woo-woo' sound, and chopped off another big tree of the same thickness.

It was too easy, like cutting into tofu, Zhao Xing didn't use any force at all, the trembling scythe easily passed through the tree trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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