Bug anger

Chapter 3 Bug Clone

Chapter 3 Bug Clone ([-])

The two sickle-shaped forelimbs gave Zhao Xing a sense of strength. He raised his right forelimb and swung it vigorously, making a whistling sound.

This power is very powerful, and I believe that ordinary alloy plates can't stand the chopping of this kind of power.

Zhao Xing is extremely satisfied with the control of the two forelimbs, but what about the four legs?
Zhao Xing quietly felt the second half of the worm's body, and immediately, a very contradictory feeling filled his mind, four legs, how to walk?

Zhao Xing thought for a while, suppressed the extremely contradictory feeling, and tried to move two of his legs.


Under Zhao Xing's control, the two long legs on the left side of the worm's body were suddenly lifted, and the body suddenly flipped up, and its back hit the ground, turning into a four-legged posture.

Zhao Xing smiled wryly in his heart, so he had no choice but to control his two familiar forelimbs to paw and pull on the smooth ground. With the force of friction, it took him a long time to restore himself to the posture of lying on the ground again.

Zhao Xing didn't want to move anymore, at least until he could control this worm body at will, he wasn't going to try to make some 'difficult' movements.

Zhao Xing was distressed again, no wonder, from a person to a bug, and it is a bug that most people hate, no matter who it is, I am afraid that it will not be happy.Moreover, he can't control his current body at will to make the actions he wants.

After the curiosity of turning from a human into a bug faded, Zhao Xing gradually calmed down, thinking about the current situation.

"How did my consciousness become attached to the worm? This matter is completely unscientific. It should be impossible for the complete transfer of consciousness to exist... But, what is going on with the situation I am encountering now?" Zhao Xing Thinking of this, he turned the triangular worm's head and looked aside.

Not far away, lay his original body, a human body, quietly.

Zhao Xing didn't notice his original body just now because he was only focused on becoming a bug.At this time, he completely focused on his original body. The insect's keen senses made him quickly discover that his main body was still alive. Looking at its state, it seemed that he had entered a deep sleep.

This discovery made Zhao Xing very happy. When he just found out that he had turned into a bug, he thought he was dead.But now, the original body is still alive, with a heartbeat and breathing, just in a state of deep sleep.

This discovery gave Zhao Xing hope, the hope that the consciousness could return to its original body.

"what should I do?"

Zhao Xing thought about it. Originally, whenever he stood and thought about a problem, he always liked to pace back and forth with his chin pinched.But now, when his thoughts are focused on thinking again, the worm's body also naturally bends one of its forelimbs, using the back of the 'sickle' against the lower calyx of the head of the triangular watch, striding forward on four legs, in front of the specimen. The room walked back and forth, looking very humane.

"When the potential of a person's brain is developed to a certain extent, the mental power can be released to control other organisms and act according to their own ideas. I heard that some of the strong ones in the Celestial Cavalry also control the bugs to kill each other in battle. Then I Is the current situation similar to it..." Thinking of this, Zhao Xing came back to his senses, and suddenly found that he was walking freely, controlling the unfamiliar worm body to move around, and his actions were so natural.

Zhao Xing had just discovered this question that surprised him, but the worm body suddenly paused and stopped.

Zhao Xing, who is usually good at thinking, immediately understood that it would be impossible for him to deliberately control the insect's movements, unless he was completely familiar with the insect's body and made his consciousness fully compatible with the insect's nervous system.But now, his consciousness has just occupied the worm's body, and he is still somewhat repelled by the worm's nervous system.

Zhao Xing recalled the subconscious command he gave to the insect body when he was thinking just now, and felt the mystery of it.Then, he had a slight thought - walk two meters forward.

Under Zhao Xing's unintentional control, the worm naturally traveled a distance of about two meters as he wished.

A big stone in Zhao Xing's heart finally fell to the ground, because he was always a little worried before, it doesn't matter if he becomes a bug, at least he is still alive, if he can't go out before dawn and is found, the situation will be very dangerous.

If it is good, it will be locked up for research or sold to the fighting field for people to watch and entertain, and if it is bad, it will be bombarded and killed by weapons.No matter which of these two situations, Zhao Xing didn't want to face it.

If you can control the simple actions of the bugs according to your own ideas, at least you have the hope of getting out.

The moment of thinking just now made Zhao Xing slightly understand that his consciousness suddenly entered the insect's body, which must be related to the previous electric shock.Also, it may also be related to his mental mutation.

In any case, the most important thing now is to get out of this place as soon as possible.Zhao Xing looked at the time on the monitor at the bottom of the specimen box next to him, and it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Unexpectedly, after all this tossing, more than five hours have passed.

Although there are still more than seven hours before going to work at [-] o'clock in the morning, there is no guarantee that some insomniac old guys will arrive early. Zhao Xing is a little anxious and wants to go out, but he needs to enter the password.

Can he control one of the worm's 'scythes' to input passwords on the keypad?I'm afraid that if I was not careful, I didn't master the strength well, and I scratched the keyboard.

Zhao Xing didn't think it was inconvenient before, but now he hates the guy who designed this warehouse security system. Why did he use an old-fashioned keyboard for manual input, and he didn't know how to use a fingerprint or pupil security system?
It can be said that it was this way of entering the password on the keyboard that delayed Zhao Xing's time and prevented him from escaping in time, leading to this situation.

There are still a few hours, Zhao Xing has two choices, one is to carefully enter the code with one of the forelimbs of the bug, open the warehouse door, and then drag his human body out, return to his secluded residence, and then think again. other ways.

Second, try the idea that popped up in your mind before, to see if you can transfer your consciousness back to your original body.

The first option is extremely risky. If you are not careful, you will definitely be locked inside until someone finds out.This choice was immediately rejected by Zhao Xing, because he still had time to try the second method.

Zhao Xing majored in mental power at the Federal University, in order to become a qualified sky cavalry soldier who can ride a precise and powerful biological mech to fight.

The course of spiritual power is not only to learn how to develop the potential of the brain and release powerful mental power, but also to learn how to use mental power.

Psychodynamics originated thousands of years ago. At that time, the development of human science and technology reached a peak stage, and there was no further progress in a short period of time. Therefore, scientists shifted their energy to the study of the human body's potential.

It was at that time that spiritual mechanics slowly emerged, and after hundreds of years of development, it has achieved considerable results.

What Zhao Xing has to do now is to use a method in spiritual mechanics - consciousness transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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