Bug anger

Chapter 33 No. 1 Worm Planet

Chapter 33

"It's my first time entering the world of God of War. I'm a novice. How about you?" At this time, a tall girl in red came over and asked.

This young girl also has shawl and long hair, her face shape is similar to that of Lan Xin, her upper body is a red T-shirt, her lower body is blue tight jeans, and she is wearing white sneakers. Her whole body is full of lively and active temperament.

"What's your name? Are you logging in with your real name?" Li Tian asked, frowning.

Looking at the girl's appearance, which resembled the big star Lan Xin, Li Tian knew that this was a guy who logged in anonymously, maybe she was a shemale!
"My name is 'Red Worm', and I'm anonymous, but in reality, I'm also a girl, not a shemale, don't worry."

"Red worm?" Zhao Xing took a closer look at her, with the corner of his mouth curled up, and said to Li Tian, ​​"Just accept her! Don't dawdle here."

Li Tian said indifferently: "Okay! You are the captain, you have the final say."

After forming a team of five, Li Tian called a car and came to the God of War World Management Office.Knowing that Zhao Xing is a complete rookie, Li Tian pointed to the gate of the management office and said, "This kind of management office is available in every city. We have to go through the formalities of forming a team. After entering the gate, we will all enter the rightmost This way, the five of us won't be interviewed alone."

After the five people entered the gate as Li Tian said, they turned right and entered a hall.The layout of the hall.Just like the hall where Zhao Xingchu came, the waiter was still the half-race beauty in cheongsam.The procedures are very simple. After Zhao Xing paid [-] federal currency, he got an electronic form.

Zhao Xing wrote down his name on the captain's column—Death is silent, and after that, the other four people also filled in their names one by one.

"You need to pay for the formalities of forming a team!" After leaving the management office, Zhao Xing said with some heartache.

Li Tian said at this time: "There will be more places to spend money in the future! The city we are in now is Chuying City, also known as Xinshou Village. We will go to other cities, other planets, etc. in the future, which requires teleportation You have to pay for using the teleportation array. In some places, tolls are also required, and renting transportation tools, etc., all require money. And they are all federal currency."

Zhao Xing said in surprise: "It's not the captain who pays, right? I'm poor!"

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Li Tian and Yinfeng pursed their mouths at the same time.

Li Tiandao: "You are the captain, and you have obtained the most God of War points, so of course you have to pay."

"Captain...how about I pay for it!" The red worm on the side suddenly said, "I will pay all the expenses in this area in the future, how about it?"

"This is so embarrassing!" Zhao Xing scratched his head and smiled honestly.

"The red worm is a rich man! We have found a treasure! Our team has just been established, so we have to celebrate. Captain, the money for treating us to dinner can't come from the red worm, right?" Li Tian joked.

"Of course I'll pay for this! Li Tian, ​​find a place where we can have a good meal. But...don't be too expensive!"

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, not only Li Tian and Yinfeng, but even Yinyue and Red Chongzi rolled their eyes, despising Zhao Xing for being stingy.

The world of God of War is virtual, and of course the food eaten here is also virtual, but the sense of taste can be imitated extremely realistically.

"Follow me, teammates! Let's go eat barbecue. The authentic ancient Chinese flavor will definitely satisfy you." Li Tian said, beckoning for a maglev car.

The car stopped in front of a barbecue restaurant called 'Superb and Delicious'.

After entering the door, Zhao Xing immediately smelled the aroma of barbecue. He hadn't eaten natural food for a long time, so he swallowed unconsciously.

"Welcome everyone! Do you want to eat in the private room? Or outside." A service lady came forward and asked.

"Of course it's outside! That's the atmosphere." Li Tiandao.

Everyone was taken to the backyard, which was a compound covering an area of ​​tens of acres. There were many barbecue tables in the yard, more than ten meters apart from each other.It seems that this barbecue shop is doing very well, most of the tables are full of customers.

Li Tian chose a round barbecue table. After the five sat down, a waiter brought up various ingredients and seasonings.

"Another bucket of beer!" Li Tian snapped his fingers and said to the waiter.

There are many ingredients, mainly all kinds of meat.After all the ingredients were prepared, Li Tian greeted them, and everyone started to work. First, they roasted their favorite food on a charcoal fire, put it on a plate, and cut it into small pieces with a knife.

When the beer came later, Li Tian poured wine into everyone's glasses, raised the glasses and said, "Let's do one first! Then let's introduce ourselves. After all, we will be a team in the future, and we need to help each other."

Zhao Xing took off the wooden mask at this time, revealing an ordinary face.

Seeing Zhao Xing's face, Yinfeng said in surprise: "You, you are that guy!"

"I just died without saying a word. I offended you before." As he spoke, Zhao Xing picked up the wine glass and drank it dry in one gulp.

Li Tian said with a smile: "Captain is refreshing! Let's do it too!"

After the four finished drinking, Zhao Xing said with a smile: "I'm the captain, let me introduce myself first! My name is Death Silence, and I'm currently unemployed. I like bugs, so the mech I'm driving is also a bug armor."

After Zhao Xing introduced himself, starting with Li Tian, ​​the four of them briefly introduced themselves.

In fact, there is nothing to introduce, because this is a virtual world, and the people here are not completely real, and no one wants to reveal their identity in the real world.

Doing this is just to get closer to each other, which is a way for team players to get closer.

After the brief introduction, the atmosphere really became much more harmonious.

Everyone ate and chatted, and finally talked about the future plan.For the world of God of War, Li Tian is an old fritter. He said: "Except for Yinfeng, the four of us are all newcomers. The first stop, we are going to No. [-] Bug Star. There is a mission to eliminate bugs there. Every time you kill one, you will be rewarded with ten God of War points. This is a process of accumulation, and it is also boring, but it is a good opportunity for us novices to exercise their skills. As long as our team, all members will reach the warrior level , and then you can enter the mother wormhole of No. [-] worm star. In the words of game players, this is a copy.

hey-hey!After killing the female worm, not only can you get a lot of God of War points, but you will also explode some materials and equipment, and it is also possible to directly explode the federal currency!However, in order to prevent high-level players from swiping money, this dungeon only allows warrior-level players to enter, and each person can only enter once. "

"How much money can you charge?" Zhao Xing asked curiously at this time.

Li Tiandao: "In the past ten years, only one team has succeeded. I heard that it has exploded 100 million federal coins, and there are many precious materials for making mechs."

(End of this chapter)

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