Bug anger

Chapter 52 Huge reward

Chapter 52 Huge reward ([-])
Zhao Xing drove the insect armor, turned his head, and attacked the nearest egg pile.

"Puff puff……"

The insect beetle moved forward quickly, and the insects in front of it were either cut into several sections by the hobbing knife, or were knocked into the air.

It is less than a hundred meters away from the nearest egg pile!

At this time, Zhao Xing could see through the layers of insects that there were at least a thousand eggs in the egg pile, some larvae had come out of their shells, and some eggshells were breaking...

This is a pile of beetle eggs. Seeing the enemy getting closer, the adult beetle worms who were waiting in front of the eggs started to stir up again.

Most creatures are born with a feeling of caring for their offspring, and the Zerg is no exception. When Zhao Xing and the others attacked within 50 meters of the beetle eggs, suddenly, Zhao Xing clearly felt a burst of energy fluctuations.

At this time, there were a lot of screaming insects, and the fluctuations produced by the sound transmission were everywhere, but this sudden fluctuation was so special that when Zhao Xing noticed it, he immediately identified it with his keen intuition. It is issued by the wise mother insect.

"In that direction! Come with me!"

Zhao Xing let out a cry of excitement, immediately turned his head, and attacked in the direction of the energy fluctuation.

Zhao Xing's insect beetle turned around, and after entering a certain distance between the dense insect swarm, perhaps the wise mother insect panicked, and it issued several orders to the insect swarm one after another.

This time, Zhao Xing completely locked its position.

"The camouflage is really good!" Zhao Xing couldn't help sighing after capturing the location of the wisdom mother worm and looking there.

More than [-] meters away from the insect shell, there is a protruding round boulder. At first glance, it is just a stone protruding from the mountain wall, but if you look closely, you will find that the color of this boulder is lighter.

"That round boulder in front!" Zhao Xing immediately reminded his teammates.

"Haha! Finally found this guy!" Li Tian shouted excitedly.

"It's not that easy to kill it! Look at the six caves on the left, are the elite bugs already out?"

Yinfeng's words were like a basin of cold water being poured on everyone's heads.

Controlling the insect beetle and turning his head, Zhao Xing was shocked to find that a large number of insects were gushing out from those six caves, and behind them were elite insects that were one-third larger than ordinary insects.

As soon as more than 20 elite insects came out, the insect swarm around Zhao Xing and the others receded like a tide.

"Damn! It's over!" Li Tian, ​​who was excited just now, screamed.

Zhao Xing watched the surrounding insect swarm recede, leaving a large open space, and said with a sneer, "It seems that the wise mother insect already knows that we have found its location."

"What should we do now?" Yinfeng asked calmly.

Zhao Xing thought about it quickly, and said: "Now we have to divide the troops. I will block those elite worms, and you go kill the female worm."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Li Tian immediately said: "I'll stay too! I still have rotten acid bombs here, which can just stop those elite bugs."

"it is good!"

Zhao Xing let out a loud cry, drove the insect beetle into the insect swarm, and faced the more than 20 elite insects.

Li Tian's black mech followed closely behind the bug armor. At this time, he fired several rotten acid bombs one after another to seal the back, and then quickly took out a grenade bomb from his waist, pulled out the pull ring on it, and threw it out. .


The rotten acid bomb exploded like a smoke bomb, because the entire cave was long, and the rotting acid mist just blocked the way of the elite bugs.


There was a dense sizzling sound, and the surroundings were covered with rancid bugs, and the body began to melt rapidly.

Seeing the amazing insect-killing ability of the rotten acid bomb, Li Tian sighed: "This thing is really useful, but it's a pity that only five were made, otherwise this bomb alone can kill the insects in this hole."


While Li Tian was speaking, Zhao Xing's beetle suddenly collided with a giant beetle, knocking the beetle back tens of meters.After all, it must be an elite bug. If it was an ordinary bug, it would be no wonder if it wasn't smashed to pieces.

Zhao Xing ignored the giant beetle, but jumped up high, brandishing two huge hobbing knives, and slashed at the giant ant beside him...

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Zhao Xing's goal at this moment was to block the passage of more than 20 elite insects, and try to buy time for Yinfeng and the others.

The acid mist formed after the rotten acid bomb exploded lasted less than five seconds, and then began to thin out. Li Tian threw two more bombs in succession. After two 'booms', the surrounding area was once again covered by acid mist.

"Yinfeng, hurry up, we'll last less than half a minute." Li Tian shouted anxiously after throwing out two rotten acid bombs.

Elite bugs are much smarter than ordinary bugs. As soon as they come into contact with rotten acid, they immediately retreat, unlike ordinary bugs who rush desperately into the acid mist.

"Hey! It's good if you know to be afraid, at least you can procrastinate for a while." Zhao Xing sneered as he saw more than 20 elite bugs hesitating outside the acid mist.

"Haha! It really is the cave of the wise mother insect, but it is very deep inside. Captain, we have already entered the cave. You can back up and help us block the entrance of the cave."

At this moment, Yinfeng's voice came from Zhao Xing's ear.

"Great! Let's retreat. As long as Yinfeng and the others enter the wormhole, things will be easy." After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he drove the worm armor and began to retreat slowly.

At this moment, Zhao Xing felt a burst of dense energy fluctuations coming from the wisdom mother worm again, and it seemed that he was even more anxious.

"It would be great if I could understand its specific meaning..." Zhao Xing thought.Of course, Zhao Xing wanted to tell Yinfeng and the others about this key information, "Yinfeng, that female worm is even more anxious. I believe you are already close to it. Work harder. Li Tian and I won't be able to hold on for long."

Hearing the urgent call of the wise mother worm, more than 20 elite worms finally stopped hesitating. Four giant ant worms and three giant spider worms climbed up the cave wall, trying to pass through the top of the thin acid mist. .The rest ignored the damage to it from the acid mist, and rushed into the acid mist.


Li Tian immediately detonated the remaining two acid mist bombs.

"Captain, come quickly, there are too many bugs, my laser cannon is overheated, and I can't continue firing anymore! Silver Moon is dying too, we can't hold on anymore!"

Suddenly, the anxious voice of the red bug rang in Zhao Xing's ear.

The task of Red Worm and Silver Moon is to seal the hole and prevent the bugs from entering, but at this moment, after receiving the distress signal from the wise mother insect, the bugs began to break in desperately.

"Hold on for another ten seconds, and we'll be there soon!" Zhao Xing roared anxiously when he heard the red worm's rescue.

The beetle immediately turned around and headed for the female wormhole as fast as possible.


Zhao Xing no longer wielded the hobbing knife, which affected the speed of running, but relied on the body weighing more than 50 tons to force his way through. The bugs hit by the beetle were either knocked into the air or crushed.

"Captain went crazy again! Haha!" Li Tian laughed loudly, turned his black mecha and followed closely.

At this time, more than 20 elite bugs behind Zhao Xing and the others finally rushed out of the rotten fog.Their bodies were pitted and corroded due to exposure to putrid acid, and black smoke was still emitting from them. It looked like they were all injured.

Especially the three giant mosquitoes, their wings were corroded, and when they rushed out of the acid mist, they fell to the ground fluffy.

(End of this chapter)

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