Bug anger

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

After killing the last beetle mother worm and receiving the reward, Zhao Xing and the others were teleported outside the cave, which was the hillside where they were standing before.

Looking at the thick fog in the valley below the mountain, Li Tian said: "If we rush down again and enter the wormhole, what do you think will happen?"

Yinfeng said lightly: "This is a virtual world. Everything in the wormhole may be back to normal. Even if you kill the female worm again, you won't get any rewards. Besides, we can't get in again."

"Hey~ It would be great if such good things happen more times. In less than a day, more than 8000 million harvest!" Li Tian sighed.

"Everyone is tired now, let's go back and talk about it!" Zhao Xing suggested at this time.He didn't feel it in the wormhole, but as soon as he was teleported out, Zhao Xing felt mentally weak, like himself, let alone his teammates who were not as strong in mental strength.

"Well, I feel very tired too." The red worm said, and released the large transport vehicle from the space ring.

The five of them quickly returned to the nameless town.

After taking back their mechs to the Space Ring, they first went to the management office and exchanged six exchange cards into federal currency, a total of 600 million.

"How about sharing the money equally?" Zhao Xing suggested.

No one objected to Zhao Xing's proposal.A total of 600 million, each person can share 120 million.After the transfer, Zhao Xing immediately credited 100 million to Red Worm's account, leaving 20 for himself.He said to the red worm: "I borrowed you 500 million, and now I will pay you back 100 million, and there is still a shortfall of 400 million. I will pay you back when I have it."

"Yeah." The red bug nodded slightly.

"Now it's time to distribute the materials." After distributing 600 million in cash, Li Tian said again: "The total value of the various materials obtained exceeds 6000 million. I propose to keep one-third of these materials, and the remaining Sell ​​the ones that are sold, um...it is estimated that there will be more than 4000 million federal coins, and each of us can get 800 million federal coins. Are you asking for money? Or just distribute the materials and sell them yourself?"

After Li Tian finished speaking, Zhao Xing said with a smile: "Needless to say, you are familiar with this aspect, and you can just share the money if you sell it. What do you think?"

As Zhao Xing said, he glanced at Yinfeng.

Zhao Xing was a little worried at this time, worried that Yinfeng would raise his opinion as rumored, and distribute the rewards according to his merits. He had no objection to splitting the money before, but what about now?
But Yinfeng nodded and said: "The captain is right, it is most suitable for Li Tian to handle the materials."

Maybe it was aware of the way Zhao Xing was looking at him just now. After Yinfeng finished speaking, he scratched his head and smiled, and said with some embarrassment: "The teams I participated in before were all temporary teams, and there was no relationship between teammates. So The rewards will be distributed according to the merits. Our team is long-term, so it should be distributed evenly. Besides, Yinyue didn't contribute much..."

"Yinfeng, needless to say, everyone in our team deserves the same credit." Zhao Xing interrupted Yinfeng.After finishing speaking, he continued to ask: "Yinfeng, do you have any difficulties, especially in terms of money, we can help you!"

Zhao Xing analyzed Yinfeng's previous actions and saw that he had only one purpose, which was to get money, and it was a lot of money.If Yinfeng really needed money, Zhao Xing felt that he should do his best to help him.

The relationship between people is so wonderful. Some people can become lifelong confidants without saying a few words when they meet each other.Some people get along with each other for a lifetime, but in the end they still can't get each other's trust.

Zhao Xing intuitively felt that Yinfeng was trustworthy no matter in this virtual world or in reality.

"This...is my private matter, can I not talk about it?" Yinfeng felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother~ Tell the truth! The captain, brother Li Tian, ​​and Red Worm are all very nice people. You shouldn't hide your difficulties from them! Besides, I also want to live a normal life, and I don't want you Keep working hard, woo~"

Yinyue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.After she finished speaking, she knelt down and began to cry.

Red Worm hurriedly helped her up, comforting her softly.

Seeing his sister crying, Yinfeng finally sighed, and said slowly: "My sister and I are not citizens of the federal government. We came from the chaotic star field and escaped. It was five years ago. We went to the federal government The flame star under management is a planet that has just been developed and has a relatively high temperature. You should know this habitable star.

We settled down on this planet, and we thought we could live a peaceful life, but... But not long after, my sister had an accident and injured the nerves in her neck, causing her whole body to be paralyzed.The current science and technology are extremely advanced, and it can be treated. However, since my sister and I are not federal citizens, the medical expenses need to be paid in full. The total is [-] million federal currency. How can we have so much money.Until now, the younger sister is still lying on the bed unable to move, and can only use the virtual world to experience the life of a normal person. "

"How far are you?" After Yinfeng finished speaking, Zhao Xing asked immediately.

Yinfeng smiled wryly and said: "For more than four years, I have saved more than 2000 million yuan. This time, my sister and I can get almost 2000 million yuan, which is more than 8000 million yuan. There is still a shortfall of more than [-] million yuan."

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said, "Li Tian, ​​don't you still have the R metal mine? You estimate how much you can sell it after refining it."

Li Tian rubbed his nose to calculate, and then said: "R metal is also a rare metal, but the price is not high, but the quantity is large. I checked the content before, and it is about 50.00%. It is estimated that the total amount is 5000 tons. If [-] tons are extracted... it will be worth about [-] million federation coins."

Zhao Xing said bluntly: "Give it all to Yinfeng, he will have more than 7000 million, and there is still more than 2000 million left. The three of us will each pay... Forget it, the three of us don't want the next 800 million. Maybe just enough. Li Tian, ​​red bug, do you have any opinions?"

The red bug immediately said: "Of course I have no objection! How about..."

Zhao Xing knew what the red bug was going to say later, it was nothing more than saying that she could pay all the medical expenses in advance.Zhao Xing felt that this was not good, so he immediately pulled her arm and interrupted her.

At this time, Li Tian also nodded, and said with a smile: "It is right to help teammates! It turns out that Yinfeng needs money to heal his sister, so... Alas! To be honest, ever since Yinfeng asked for the corpse After reading the material, I was a little dissatisfied with him in my heart, and now I finally know. Yinfeng, don't be angry!"

"No! No!" Yinfeng waved his hand immediately, and said again: "Thank you everyone this time, I don't want to be arrogant, when Yinyue recovers, in the real world, I invite everyone to dinner, thank you in person. I don’t know if you will be willing or not!”

"Haha! This is necessary." Zhao Xing laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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