Bug anger

Chapter 62

Chapter 62
"Okay, I'll get off here!" Lan Xin said to Zhao Xing and Xiao Xuan halfway through the car.

After Zhao Xing looked at the car, there were three maglev cars following behind him, all of which were Lan Xin's bodyguards. Zhao Xing felt relieved and nodded: "Okay! If you have time, often come to my place to play."

Lan Xin smiled and nodded at him, then opened the car door and got out of the car, and before leaving, blew him a kiss.Seeing Zhao Xing, he turned his head in embarrassment. At this moment, he remembered how embarrassing he was in the bar.

When returning to the residence, when the car stopped, Zhao Xing felt a little dizzy. This was the first time he drank so much alcohol!At this time, the spirit of wine came up.

"Boss, are you okay?" After getting off the car, Xiao Xuan asked worriedly seeing Zhao Xing covering his forehead.

Zhao Xing waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm still awake."

The two opened the door and entered the living room, Xiao Xuan immediately poured a glass of white water for Zhao Xing.

After Zhao Xing drank it in one gulp, he felt clearer.

"Go and rest! We have to deal with the qualifiers tomorrow." Zhao Xing said to Xiao Xuan.

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol on his head, when Xiao Xuan went upstairs, Zhao Xing kept staring at her buttocks and legs in black stockings.

It wasn't until Xiao Xuan's back disappeared at the corner of the stairs that Zhao Xing reluctantly looked back, and at the same time cursed himself for being shameless, and actually had a lust for Xiao Xuan.

After blaming himself, Zhao Xing suddenly felt very lonely. He was an orphan since he was a child.From the time he could remember to the time he left Federal University, he had never felt this way.

The feeling of loneliness was hard, and suddenly, he wanted to drink again, and he was very drunk.

Zhao Xing doesn't like drinking, because he knows that drinking is bad for his nerves, so he never prepares alcohol at home.However, since Xiao Xuan came, the empty wine cabinet in the living room has been filled with wine bottles. These are all low-alcohol, good-tasting wines suitable for women.

The reason why Xiao Xuan wants to fill the wine cabinet with wine and add various drinks to the beverage cabinet is, in her words, because it doesn’t look good when the cabinet is empty, and it’s not good if guests come Hospitality, you can't let others drink plain water, right?

At that time, Zhao Xing remembered Lan Xin's first visit, when he asked Lan Xin what kind of drink he wanted to drink, and he immediately agreed.It didn't cost much to buy these drinks and drinks, only a few thousand federal coins in total.

Zhao Xing opened the wine cabinet, without looking at it, just took a bottle, took a glass next to it, and sat on the sofa alone to drink it.

"Wine is really a good thing! It really relieves worries." Zhao Xing murmured.

He has already drank a whole bottle of red wine, he is half drunk, and his nerves are a little numb.However, the feeling of loneliness is no longer so strong,
At some point, Xiao Xuan stood on the stairs on the second floor, looking at Zhao Xing's back.

"Xiao Xuan, why aren't you sleeping? Since you're here, why don't you drink with me!" Zhao Xing didn't look back, he raised his hand and waved back.Zhao Xing's perception ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people. When Xiao Xuan came down from upstairs, he heard footsteps.Even though Xiao Xuan was wearing soft slippers, she deliberately walked lightly.

"Zhao Xing." Xiao Xuan called softly.At this time, she didn't call Boss Zhao Xing, because she also felt Zhao Xing's loneliness.She paused for a moment, then continued: "There is a competition tomorrow, so drink less."

After Xiao Xuan finished speaking, she turned and went upstairs.


Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief at this time, thinking about tomorrow's game, his mind became clearer.Putting down his wine glass, he went straight upstairs to rest.

Although he drank some wine, Zhao Xing woke up at 06:30 in the morning, went into the bathroom, and took a cold shower.Perhaps because of his strong constitution, he drank a lot of wine last night, but he didn't feel groggy at this time.

Opening the door, just as he was about to go down the stairs, Zhao Xing smelled a smell of food, like rice porridge.

No need to guess, he knew that Xiao Xuan must have made breakfast again.

This woman is very meticulous in her life. She doesn't like convenience food like nutrition pills. She would rather be busy and eat the food she made herself.

In the half month since she came here, Zhao Xing has enjoyed this kind of benefit, and tasted a lot of food that he has only heard of but never eaten.

"If someone marries her, it's really a blessing!" Zhao Xing laughed in his heart.Then went downstairs.

Seeing Zhao Xing coming down, Xiao Xuan smiled at him and said, "Boss, I guess you will come down at this time. This is a bowl of millet porridge, drink it while it's hot."

Seeing that there was only one bowl on the table, Zhao Xing asked, "What about you?"

"I have already eaten it, because today is the qualifier, which is very important. If you win this match, boss, you will get 25 yuan, and you can get back more than half of the total bet."

Xiao Xuan said, sat down opposite Zhao Xing, opened a folder, and said: "As long as you win today's game, the 25 federal currency will be credited to the account immediately. If you are confident, you can entrust me to help You bet, because after the qualifiers, there will be [-] worms that will advance to the preliminary round. At this time, all casinos including Paradise Entertainment will announce the numbers of these [-] worms, allowing audiences from all over the universe to bet .If you are confident, you can sign this entrustment contract."

As Xiao Xuan said, she took out three pieces of special paper that had already been printed out from the folder, and handed them to Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing took a sip of the millet porridge, and while feeling the sweetness of the rice porridge, he took over the entrustment contract and read it.

It said that Xiao Xuan was fully authorized to help him with the betting management of the Fighting Insect Contest, and try to help Zhao Xing win more bonuses.And she only charges 5 yuan for running errands.

This is equivalent to betting and financial management. It lists many classic betting methods in the past, as well as some reputable casinos, and estimates what betting methods they will offer, etc.

Zhao Xing was overwhelmed, and said with a smile: "You can figure it out! I believe in you. However, the commission of 5 yuan is really too little, um, how about giving you [-]%?"

Zhao Xing looked into Xiao Xuan's eyes, only to find that her eyelids were a bit swollen, and the eyeballs were still bloodshot. He guessed that she might not have slept last night, or she had very little sleep time.

"One percent? Ha ha! Boss, you said that!" Xiao Xuan laughed.

"Of course, you have worked very hard to make such a plan, and you deserve it!"

"Okay! Then I'll immediately reprint a commission contract, it only takes 5 minutes." Xiao Xuan got up immediately and was about to go upstairs.

"No need! Don't you trust me?" Zhao Xing joked.

"Boss, no matter how good our relationship is, this is necessary." After Xiao Xuan finished speaking, she turned and went upstairs.

After signing the entrustment contract, it was exactly seven o'clock.

At this time Xiao Xuan looked at the small laptop she was carrying, which was about the size of a palm, thin and compact.It is very similar to the smart phone thousands of years ago, but its functions are countless times more powerful.

Looking at the display screen, Xiao Xuan said to Zhao Xing: "Boss, the competition system has sent a message. It's still yesterday's venue. Your opponent's number is WXT170, which is also a sickle bug."

(End of this chapter)

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