Bug anger

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

After the two finished their meal in silence, Xiao Xuan went to clean up the dishes.

Zhao Xing sat on the sofa, looking forward to it.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came from the kitchen.It sounded like a ceramic bowl being broken.

Zhao Xing got up immediately and quickly walked into the kitchen, only to see Xiao Xuan was leaning softly on the refrigerator.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Zhao Xing said worriedly, and walked over to support Xiao Xuan.

The keen sense made Zhao Xing suddenly feel that something was wrong, but the faint fragrance that rushed into his nose...

it is more than words.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Zhao Xing and Xiao Xuan rushed up to the second floor.

"Hee hee~"

Han Xiaolong poked his head out of the study suddenly, watched Zhao Xing close the bedroom, covered his mouth and giggled.

When Zhao Xing woke up and opened his eyes, Xiao Xuan was no longer in the bed.

Zhao Xing turned over the quilt and couldn't help scratching his head and laughing.Then he got out of bed immediately, took a hot shower in the bathroom, put on loose sportswear and went downstairs.

In the living room on the first floor, Xiao Xuan was sitting on the sofa looking through a stack of things that looked like documents, while Han Xiaolong was sitting opposite her, with his head down, as if he had done something wrong.

What happened last night, Zhao Xing already knew that Han Xiaolong did it.

"As expected, he came out of the chaotic star field. He is lawless! Where did his medicine come from..." Zhao Xing thought while walking down the stairs, frowning.

Hearing Zhao Xing's voice coming downstairs, Han Xiaolong buried his head even lower.

It's already ten o'clock. After Zhao Xing went downstairs, Xiao Xuan got up immediately, and said with a smile, "You're awake! I'll get you a bowl of porridge." After speaking, he staggered towards the kitchen.

Zhao Xing immediately grabbed Xiao Xuan, let her sit on the sofa, and said with a smile: "It's almost lunch time, I'm not hungry yet."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he folded his hands and looked at Han Xiaolong, and said in a stern voice: "Xiaolong, what did you do last night?"

When Zhao Xing asked, Xiao Xuanqiao blushed, stood up, and said, "I'm going upstairs to rest for a while."

After sending Xiao Xuan to the bedroom on the third floor, Zhao Xing immediately returned to the living room. When he went downstairs, he keenly noticed that the corner of Han Xiaolong's mouth twitched, as if he was smiling.


Zhao Xing sat opposite Han Xiaolong again, and asked with a blank expression.

Han Xiaolong lowered his head and said, "I put medicine in the porridge you were drinking last night, and added it to the wine."

"Where's the rest of the medicine?" Zhao Xing stretched out his hand.

Han Xiaolong shook his head and said, "No more. In fact, if you and your sister don't have that kind of intention, the medicine won't work."

Zhao Xing withdrew his hand and said coldly: "Xiaolong, you know it's wrong for you to do this. Even if you have good intentions, you can't impose your expectations on others. Especially for relatives and friends. You should think carefully about things in the future. Together, I hope there will be no next time."

Zhao Xing spoke in a very cold tone. After he finished speaking, Han Xiaolong's eyes were filled with tears.

"Uncle, I know I was wrong." Han Xiaolong said with a tear in his voice.

"I hope you really know that you are wrong. I won't punish you this time, just sit here and think about it!" After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he got up and went upstairs.

Zhao Xing felt that what he said just now was very harsh, but he had to teach Han Xiaolong a lesson.

Perhaps due to the influence of his growing environment, Han Xiaolong does things as he pleases, regardless of other people's feelings, although last night he had good intentions.

However, this is a bad phenomenon. If you can't restrain yourself when you are young, what about when you grow up?Will it become stronger in the future?

Zhao Xing is a kind-hearted person, so he naturally doesn't want Han Xiaolong to be a villain who will hurt his relatives and friends without any scruples when he grows up.

What Han Xiaolong did this time has touched Zhao De's bottom line, otherwise, according to Zhao Xing's character, he would not have coldly reprimanded Han Xiaolong.

Zhao Xing went upstairs, entered the study, and turned on the optical brain.

At this time, Han Xiaolong followed in.

"Uncle, I want to know the difference between a good person and a bad person." Han Xiaolong asked crisply.

Zhao Xing turned his head to look at Han Xiaolong, saw that his eyes were still red, his heart softened, he stretched out his hand to touch his head, and said with a smile: "This world is a world where the weak prey on the strong. On the surface, good people and bad people are inseparable. differentiated.

I have also thought about this issue, and I think that good people do things, at least have a bottom line.You will not hurt your relatives and friends, and you will not hurt innocent people who are weaker than you at will.

As for the bad guys, they only have interests in their eyes, and they will do anything to satisfy their selfish desires, even their relatives and friends can be betrayed.Such a person is a bad person. "

Han Xiaolong nodded solemnly, "Thank you Uncle, I understand."

Zhao Xing opened his email page, and there was another new email.It was from Li Tian, ​​which said that he had received an email from Yinfeng, and that he was now on the spaceship to Paradise Star.

Zhao Xing laughed happily, Li Tian came, and now his team members in the God of War world are all there.

Unfortunately, because Lan Xin ran away from marriage again, they couldn't get together for a few days.Zhao Xing really wanted to know what kind of expression Lan Xin would have when he knew that he was the captain.

Zhao Xing calculated the time when Li Tian and Yinfeng arrived, and found that the difference was less than an hour. It seems that Li Tian probably calculated the time.

"Ding ~"

At this moment, the smart doorbell downstairs rang.

The smart doorbell belongs to the external monitoring system of the home. Xiao Xuan bought it for convenience.When someone comes to visit, it can not only automatically remind the owner, but also can see the situation outside while sitting in the house.

Zhao Xing immediately clicked a few times on the monitor, and a picture appeared, a young man with a bag on his back was standing outside the door, waiting leisurely.

"Who are you?" Seeing this strange man, Zhao Xing was sure he didn't know him, so he clicked the speaker icon on the display screen and asked.

"My name is Xiao Cheng, is my sister here?" The young man outside the house replied.

"Uncle, your brother-in-law is here." Han Xiaolong smiled.

After Xiao Cheng signed up, Zhao Xing noticed that the face and eyes of Xiao Cheng in the picture were somewhat similar to Xiao Xuan's.

"Please come in!"

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he clicked the icon to open the door on the monitor.

(End of this chapter)

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