Bug anger

Chapter 77 Trials

Chapter 77 Trials
After everyone boarded the spaceship, they all entered the cockpit.

The space of the cab is triangular, and the front and both sides are simulated monitors outside the window. It looks like windows are opened on three sides, which is very realistic.

Near the bow of the cockpit is a row of arc-shaped bridges, with densely packed buttons and more than ten data display screens.Behind the driver's station, there are two rows of sofa seats, which can seat twelve people.Between every two seats, there is also a small square table where food and drinks can be placed...

In the corner of the cockpit, there is also a luxuriously decorated wine cabinet, which is full of wine utensils, various wines and beverage bottles.If there is no bridge, the entire cockpit is more like a small banquet hall.

As soon as Zhao Xing and the others entered, the lights in the cockpit automatically turned on.Xiao Cheng excitedly sat down in front of the bridge, looking at the densely packed buttons with bright eyes.

Li Tian was also very interested in this aspect, and sat down beside Xiao Cheng, and the two soon had a lively discussion.

Han Xiaolong is messing around, looking very excited.Because he knew that this spaceship would soon be able to go to the chaotic star field and take his mother to live on a planet under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

Although the lights in the cockpit were on, the system hadn't been activated, and the various electronic devices hadn't been powered on.

"Brother-in-law, start the system quickly, let's take off immediately." Xiao Cheng suddenly shouted.

The word "brother-in-law" made Xiao Xuan's face red immediately.Now everyone knows her relationship with Zhao Xing, this is nothing.But last night, Zhao Xing walked into the room and treated Lan Xin as her... making her very embarrassed in front of Lan Xin.

Zhao Xing thought to himself, this kid has a really sweet mouth, so he immediately stepped forward, covered the palmprint reader with his palm, and pressed it lightly.Various buttons on the bridge lit up at once, and data screens appeared on more than ten display screens.

"Now it can start." Xiao Cheng said, and tapped a green button on the driving console with his finger.Li Tian cooperated and pulled a few movable brakes...

"The power cabin is activated, and it is ready to fly." The horn in the cockpit issued an electronically synthesized voice.

"Everyone sit still, let's start flying!" Xiao Cheng yelled, and pushed up the manual brake on the bridge.

The spaceship vibrated slightly, then calmed down.However, at this time, the scenery outside the window was falling rapidly, indicating that the spaceship was already in the process of rapid ascent.

"It has been connected to the planetary navigation system and is in the state of guided flight."

At this time, the horn in the cockpit sounded electronic synthesis again.

On a prosperous commercial planet like Paradise Star, thousands of spaceships come and go every day. The takeoff and landing of each spaceship must be guided by the planetary navigation system, otherwise, the planetary defense system will be triggered.You will be warned first, and if you ignore it, you will be attacked by particle cannons.

When entering a planet with navigation and defense systems, the spaceship is not free. Only when it enters the vast space can it fly freely.Ten seconds later, the circular landform of Paradise Star appeared outside the window, and its size shrank rapidly, showing that the spacecraft had begun to leave its atmosphere.

At this time, a voice signal from the navigation station sounded in the cockpit: "Navigation is complete, you can fly freely, welcome to Paradise Star next time."

"Where are we going?" Xiao Cheng asked at this time.

Zhao Xing said casually: "Whatever, anyway, just return before ten o'clock in the evening."

"Then there are still more than ten hours! Let's try to fly faster than the speed of light." Xiao Cheng said to Li Tian beside him.

Li Tian nodded.

In fact, the super-light flight is not that the speed of the spacecraft exceeds the speed of light, but that the space folder is prepared on the spacecraft, which can enter the space to jump and fly.

For example, compare the space to a piece of paper, and the flying distance is the two corners of the paper.The space folder folds the paper so that the two corners of the paper touch together, and the spaceship jumps directly from one corner to the other.

This technology, in a short period of time, can make the spacecraft reach very distant places.

Zhao Xing looked out the window, and the heaven star behind the spaceship was getting farther and farther away, but when the spaceship started to fly faster than the speed of light, the heaven star quickly reversed, and within a second, it changed from the size of a millstone to a small dot, and then Disappear.The stars outside also receded rapidly, and the speed became faster and faster. After more than ten seconds, the outside became pitch black.

At this time, the state of superluminal flight has been reached.

"Where are you going now?" Zhao Xing asked.

Xiao Cheng said: "The Tianyang star is the closest to the Tianyang star."

With that said, Xiao Cheng turned on the 3D projector on the bridge, which displayed a three-dimensional star map.Xiao Cheng tapped one of the planets with his finger, and the tapped planet was immediately enlarged.

This magnified planet is Tianyang. In the image, it is slowly rotating, and there are five satellites evenly distributed around it.

After calling out the 3D image of Tianyangxing, Xiao Cheng called up its text description.

This is a habitable star developed more than a hundred years ago. Its gravity is [-] times that of the earth. Due to being ravaged by Zerg, the environment on it has deteriorated and it has become a deserted planet...

"Such a desolate planet, what are you doing there?" Xiao Xuan frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

Xiao Cheng looked at Xiao Xuan pretending to be aggrieved, and said, "Didn't my brother-in-law say to go anywhere? In fact, I have long wanted to explore this planet, because its geological structure is complex, and water has completely seeped into the ground, forming a large number of planets. This will produce many amazing natural wonders. I didn’t come here just because there are still residual bugs and the risk factor is very high.”

"There are bugs on it?" Zhao Xing asked very interested.

Xiao Cheng nodded, "It's just an estimate, because no one has been to this planet for more than ten years. Because of the complicated geographical structure, it is very likely that bugs will exist due to unclean cleaning."

Zhao Xing nodded, "Then don't land, fly around it, watch its surface, and then return."

Xiao Cheng nodded helplessly. For geological exploration enthusiasts like him, Tianyang Xing is very attractive.

an hour later.

Xiao Cheng said with some excitement: "It's already arrived, and now we are out of the state of flying faster than the speed of light."

After Xiao Cheng finished speaking, he clearly felt that the spaceship was blocked by something, and paused.Then the outside world lit up, and a beautiful starry sky appeared.The transparent windows on three sides of the cockpit are actually monitors, which can simultaneously display the outside situation, just like real windows.

Once out of the state of superluminal flight, you can move freely.Although you can move freely when flying faster than the speed of light, you will consciously stay in your seat. This is a kind of safety awareness just like wearing a seat belt when driving a car more than a thousand years ago.

Zhao Xing came to the window at the front of the cockpit and watched Tianyang Xing grow bigger and bigger in his field of vision, giving him a feeling of rushing towards him.

When the spaceship entered the gravitational range of the Tianyang star, Xiao Cheng and Li Tian set the spaceship to orbit, like a satellite, slowly revolving around the Tianyang star.

Xiao Xuan and Yinyue took out wine and glasses from the wine cabinet at this time, and poured a glass for each of them.

Everyone stood in front of the window with wine, tasting the taste of the wine while admiring the surface scenery of Tianyang Star.

Although Tianyang Star is deserted and has a grayish-yellow color, there are still plants growing. They gather and grow one by one. Seen from a height, the entire Tianyang Star is covered with green spots.

(End of this chapter)

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