Bug anger

Chapter 8 Insect Armor Master

Chapter 8: Insect Armor Master ([-])

If the insect's shell is placed under a high-power microscope, it looks like a nest, full of fine holes. Although it is very hard, it has no toughness.

He didn't pay attention to this bug for several days. When Zhao Xing squatted beside it and looked at its dark shell, he found that its shell was much brighter, and it looked like it had a metallic texture.He scratched lightly on the worm's triangular head with a drill bit, and a tiny scratch appeared.

From this point of view, although the worm has grown once and eaten a lot of metal, the hardness of the shell is still not comparable to that of the drill.

Now, Zhao Xing was a little more confident. At least the drill bit was harder than its skull. It shouldn't be a problem to drill a small hole, it just took some time.

After finding the correct position on the worm's head, Zhao Xing started to act.He put the tip of the drill on a point directly above the worm's brain, pressed the end of the drill with one hand, and gently twisted it with the other...

Soon, more than four hours passed.Zhao Xing's hands were almost blistered, and finally drilled a small hole five millimeters in diameter and one centimeter deep in the bug's head.

At this time, Zhao Xing didn't dare to drill down anymore, because the shell of the bug became softer as it went inside. If the bug's brain was destroyed by too much force, his previous expectations would be over.

The next thing was simple, Zhao Xing drove another receiving and input device in the implanter, which was half the size of a grain of rice, into this tiny hole.

The self-healing ability of insects is very strong, and this tiny hole will heal automatically in a short time.As for whether the devices in it would be excluded, Zhao Xing didn't think about it at all.If he and this bug clone can really use the consciousness transmitter to change consciousness from a distance, we can think of a way later.

After inserting the two chips into the two slots of the optical brain, below is the crucial experiment of consciousness conversion.

Zhao Xing is very nervous now. If the experiment is successful, relying on the powerful bug avatar, it may be easy to realize the ideal buried in his heart.Everyone will yearn for it, and Zhao Xing is no exception. He has already thought about how to use this bug clone and how to make this bug stronger and stronger.

However, if it fails, the process will be very troublesome to realize his previous vision.

Zhao Xing lay on his back on the bed with some uneasiness, and slowly closed his eyes. It took a long time before he calmed down.

"Consciousness transmission starts, password..."

Zhao Xing concentrated his mental power on the top of his head and said in his mind.

When the human brain is carrying out thought activities, it will produce brain waves, which is now called mental power.

The electronic device implanted on the top of his head is driven by the bioelectricity in his body, capturing his consciousness all the time.When he spoke the language to activate the consciousness transmitter in his mind and said the password, the signal was immediately captured by the consciousness transmitter.

In an instant, all the components in the consciousness transmitter started to work.

At this time, Zhao Xing was not only worried about whether his consciousness could enter the worm's body through the consciousness transmitter, but also worried about whether his consciousness could be recognized by the network.

For long-distance consciousness transmission, it must rely on the federal communication network.After an accident at the Federal University, Zhao Xing's mental power was judged to be mutated and unable to access the communication network.The specific reason is that after his consciousness was translated, it was a bunch of 'garbled characters'.This pile of 'garbled characters' can be transmitted, but there is no corresponding device to translate it.

However, since it has reached this point now, Zhao Xing doesn't need to give up, and decides to give it a try. Those electronic devices can't recognize his 'garbled codes', which doesn't mean the bug avatar can't recognize it.

"Ding~" Just as Zhao Xing was about to shift his consciousness, a crisp voice sounded in his mind.This sound directly acts on the auditory nerve of the brain through the consciousness transmitter.

Before the sound fell, his optic nerve came into contact with a three-dimensional picture.

This picture imitates the visual nerve response of a person watching a 3D image. Although it directly appears in Zhao Xing's mind, it is extremely clear and lifelike. Moreover, Zhao Xing's body is also simulated, giving Zhao Xing a feeling of traveling to another world. a feeling of.

"Thank you for ordering our company's products during the promotion period. In order to thank you, in addition to presenting you with a newest optical computer, our company will also give you an anonymous account of the 'Zhenshen' platform. You can log in to the Zhanshen platform at any time, Compete with players from all over the universe..."

At this moment, standing in front of Zhao Xing was a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament, thanking him with a nice voice.Then, it began to introduce other products of Bluestar.

"Advertisements are actually placed in the product..."

Zhao Xing was speechless for a while, there was no way to do this, many high-tech electronic products are like this now, but after the user uses it for the first time, after the advertisement appears, the advertisement will not appear after the user uses it later.

"God of War platform!"

After a few minutes of commercials ended, Zhao Xing looked at the flat video page that appeared in front of him, and with a heart move, he stretched out his hand and clicked on the promotional page of the virtual online game 'God of War'.

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed and jumped to the login page.Zhao Xing used the account number given by the virtual beauty.

Unfortunately, as it was more than a year ago, an error message immediately popped up on the screen—sorry, there is a problem with your consciousness input device, and you cannot log in. Please change the device and try again.

"Oh! It's still the same!"

Zhao Xing could only smile wryly, and immediately quit the advertising video that suddenly popped up in his mind.

After being interrupted by the commercial, Zhao Xing felt a little more relaxed.He began to concentrate, his consciousness passed through the teleporter, and he began to contact the mental power fluctuations from the bug's brain.

When he came into contact with the mental power fluctuations of Bug Chong, the familiar feeling came again.

After waking up from a short period of confusion, Zhao Xing found that his consciousness had completely transferred to the worm's brain.His previous vision has been fully realized!
These four words can now be used to describe Zhao Xing's mental state, just like a poor man who suddenly won a big prize. !
Just when he was happy, Zhao Xing suddenly felt a burst of swelling in his abdomen, and then there was a 'poof' sound from the tail of the bug, and a large lump of black residue was ejected.

Immediately afterwards, there was another gush of spray.

The worms started excreting.

After a burst of 'puff puff' sound, there was a burst of relief in the abdomen, and at the same time a sense of emptiness.

During the growth period, insects eat a lot and need to eat, digest and excrete constantly.In order not to starve the worms into a panic and stimulate the instinct to eat, Zhao Xing controlled the worms to eat a large amount of wood and metal after excreting.

After feeding the worm avatar, Zhao Xing planned to return to the main body.It's already late at night, and I have to go to work tomorrow.

Now, Zhao Xing already had the idea of ​​leaving Lan Yaoxing, but he was not ready to leave, because there were still many trivial matters to be dealt with, where would he go after leaving here?I didn't think about this either.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to class for a period of time.

Just when Zhao Xing's consciousness was about to return to his body, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.Heart said: "The mental power from the brain of the main body is different, what about the brain of the bug?"

With the mentality of giving it a try, Zhao Xing opened the page of the virtual online game 'God of War' again, entered the anonymous account he got, and followed the changes on the page with anticipation.

A few seconds later, the desolate and tragic music sounded.

"It's done!"

Zhao Xing was ecstatic. If it was the main body, the roar would definitely be in human language, but his consciousness is now in the brain of the bug, and what he uttered was a scream of 'squeak'.

 Ask for collection!Please recommend!Ask for a reward!All kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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