Bug anger

Chapter 86 Extraterrestrial Civilization

Chapter 86 Extraterrestrial Civilization ([-])

Li Tian said that everyone was relieved, the low-intensity magnetic field storm did not have much impact on the parallel spacecraft.If the intensity reaches level [-], it is a real magnetic field storm, and any spaceship involved in it will only be finished.

Magnetic field storms can be seen everywhere in the universe. This was discovered when human beings entered the era of the big universe and opened up the universe. It is just like the wind on the earth, and it may occur anytime and anywhere.Some last for a long time, as long as hundreds of years, and some are only a few minutes, erratic, and scientists cannot predict when and where it will happen.

After shaking for a few minutes, the spaceship finally calmed down.

Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief, "Our speed is very fast, and we have passed through the magnetic field storm." After speaking, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

At this time, a red button on the bridge flashed.The intelligent control system of the spaceship emits an electronically synthesized sound: Electromagnetic signal received...

At this time, the planet in front of us was already very close, and the landforms on it could be seen with the naked eye.

"Green, there's green on it! And blue, it's water!" Yinfeng, who has always been calm, was the first to call out.

Discovering a planet with life is undoubtedly an exciting thing.

Li Tian said loudly again at this time: "Captain, the electromagnetic signal is sent by this planet. It is a regular electromagnetic signal, which seems to be sent by humans."

Zhao Xing nodded and said, "After the spaceship enters its gravitational range, it will fly in orbit."

The speed of the spaceship was very fast. As soon as Zhao Xing finished speaking, he entered the gravitational range of the planet.Xiao Cheng immediately activated the braking device, the spacecraft began to slow down, and then stayed at an altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers.

This planet looks very similar to the earth, and Li Tian is decoding the electromagnetic signal sent over.Xiao Cheng immediately turned on the planet scanning system, and soon, the data about this star came out.

Xiao Chengdao: "This planet is very similar to our home planet, the Earth. The ocean area accounts for 60.00% [-]%, and the rest is islands and continents. Its volume is half larger than that of the Earth, and its gravity is a little less than that of the Earth. Five times."

As Xiao Cheng said, he turned on the high-altitude camera again to display the images on the planet.

Immediately, a light curtain was projected from the top of the cockpit. A continent first appeared on the screen, then slowly enlarged, and finally it was frozen.

The screen actually shows a city, its architectural style is very similar to the architectural style of the Qin and Han Dynasties thousands of years ago on the earth.

"There are intelligent life on it!" This was the first thought in everyone's mind after seeing this city.

Xiao Cheng continued to zoom in on the screen, and then... what appeared was even more surprising. In the spacious city, countless ancient buildings appeared, and in the middle of the ancient buildings, countless small dots were constantly moving.

The screen stopped for a few seconds, and then zoomed in, revealing countless humans.

Li Tian suddenly said: "After analyzing the electromagnetic signal, I found that it is a very long sound signal, let's listen to it!"

After Li Tian finished speaking, he pressed a green button.

In the cockpit, a middle-aged man's voice immediately sounded.

"I am the captain of the 005 exploration spacecraft, and my name is Shu He. It is now 2235:45 am on September [-], [-] AD. After one month and five days of hard work, we have finally assembled a simple solar power generation device , recorders and electromagnetic signal transmitters.

Due to the limited capacity of the recorder, I can only record once in a long period of time.

After ten years of voyage, our exploration ship finally discovered a small galaxy similar to our solar system one month ago.Due to our haste, we broke into an electromagnetic storm, and the electronic equipment on board was destroyed. We were forced to activate the mechanical escape device and landed on this planet we named 'Easy Star'.

Of the 1000 and 530 crew members on board, 320 survived.There were [-] one woman and two hundred and nine men.

Our luck is very good. The atmospheric environment of Yixing is suitable for human survival, and the oxygen content is [-]% higher than that of the earth.Because the gravitational force of Yi star is [-] times higher than that of the earth, we cannot be active on Yi star for a long time.The first recording is temporarily here, because there are still wounded people who need to be treated.

It is now 2235:32 am on October [-], [-] AD, and it has been more than half a month since the last recording. After observation, we found that the rotation speed of Yi Xing is faster than that of the earth, and the time of day is one hour longer than that of the earth. point.This kind of observation is actually useless for our current situation.

Three days ago, our bodies were finally invaded by microbes, luckily we took antibiotics and they worked.After getting sick for the first time, our immune system kicked in and we slowly began to adjust to life on this planet.This recording is over.

It is now January 2236, 26 AD, and we have been here for more than four months.The food we brought was gone, and we had to get out of here to find food farther afield in order to survive.Twenty-six elderly volunteers tried some of the food, 12 died immediately, and seven developed symptoms of poisoning after five days...Finally, we identified five plants that could be used as food...

It has been more than a year since the last recording!Because my mechanical watch, which is the only tool we have to determine Earth time, was broken during an animal capture.After the damage, we discussed and considered that it would take a long time or never to leave Yixing, so we started to use Yixing's time and finished the recording.

I have forgotten the earth time, even if it is extrapolated, it doesn't make any sense, according to Yi Xing's time, we have been here for two years.In order to reproduce in Yixing, we held a group wedding, and I married three female crew members who were more than ten years younger than me at the same time.This recording is over.

Now five years have passed in Yixing, and I am 50 years old, but I am still in good health. I lead the crew to continue to develop, and finally have a stable life in this strange Yixing.In five years, three wives bore me twelve children, seven girls and five boys, the oldest boy is now four years and one month old.It is a pity that all three wives died due to childbirth, because I still have the ability to bear children, and today I married two female crew members in their 30s. Their husbands all died of accidents.This recording is over.

It has been ten years since I came to Yixing, and I am 55 years old. Due to the harsh environment, I am already very old. More than half of the surviving crew members have left, less than 200.The good news is that our population has increased to more than 1000 and [-] people, most of whom are children in their teens.They are better adapted and stronger than our older generations.I can already predict that our descendants will multiply on Yixing and occupy the entire Yixing.This recording is over.

I'm 60 years old, I can't run anymore, I don't think I can live long, ahem, this may be my last recording.Our offspring already have the ability to reproduce, although their oldest is less than 16 years old, but in order to reproduce, they have to start reproduction prematurely.Of the older generation of crew members, less than 40 survived.

After more than ten years of experience in Yixing, I am deeply touched that our technology is advanced, but the knowledge in our minds is less.Without computers, we can only pass on to future generations the words and simple mathematics for communication.

Because the baby's head in the mother's body is getting bigger and bigger, female childbirth is more and more dangerous, and most of the female boats die because of it.Now, none of the five surviving crew members has a female surname.Cough cough, I am very tired, so I will record it here for now.

I'm already 65, ahem!I never thought I would still be alive.My oldest grandson is four and a half years old, and now the total population is more than 6000.During those five years, my son had ambitions and built a country, which is ridiculous to say the least.Kekekeke ~ a country with more than 5000 people.I am very much in favor of this, because there are too many people, and without the country as a social group, people cannot be united together, and sooner or later they will be naturally eliminated.

This is my last recording, cough, cough, cough~ I am already sick, I don’t know what it is, my head is hot, my body is weak, and I am still coughing, coughing, coughing...

Me, I have one last word.I hope that after you discover Yi Xing, treat the humans on this planet well, and don't treat them as slaves, because they are the descendants of our pioneers and have the same roots as you..."

The entire recording was in Shu He's voice.The further back he got, the older his voice became.

After listening to the recording, Zhao Xing sighed: "Now I finally understand how the extraterrestrial civilization of human beings came into being. They are all descendants of explorers!"

"What should we do now? According to the picture on the map, this extraterrestrial civilization is in the Iron Age, and the social form is like a feudal period. If we directly drive down the spaceship, they will worship us as gods!" Li Tian After speaking, he smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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