Agent of Heaven

Chapter 114 The Drunk Kuimu Wolf

Chapter 114 The Drunk Kuimu Wolf
After everyone satiated with wine and food, they walked to the street under the reluctant watch of the KFC manager.

"Come back if you're free~" the manager of KFC waved a handkerchief and said to Mu Feng and others.

Mu Feng thought to himself, damn it, I won't come next time!This meal is more than 1 yuan. If I pay for it myself, I will stay at KFC to wash dishes and pay off the debt.

The most important thing is that KFC doesn't have a bowl for Mu Feng to wash!
Gu Mei looked at the satiated crowd and said with a smile: "After dinner, let's go out to play together?"

The old pig smiled and said, "What are you playing? It's the most comfortable to go home and sleep late after eating."

Gu Mei smiled and said, "Go to the beach to play."

Kui Mulang asked: "What is a beach bathing place?"

The old pig jumped up and said with a smile, "Go, go, go!"

Yang Jian glanced sideways at Lao Zhu, and said with a smile, "Let's go to the beach and find some beauties named Zhen Zhen Ai Ai and Lian Lian..."

The old pig said: "Yang Erlang, why did you expose my black history? The Buddha said, you can't be like this!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "When did the Buddha say that?"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "The Buddha told Lao Zhu in his dream."

He Miaomiao lively took Kui Mulang's hand and asked, "What black history is it? Tell me and listen!"

Kui Mulang hesitated to answer.

At that time, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Manjusri, and the old mother of Lishan turned into a wealthy family to test the Taoism of Tang Seng and others.Only Laozhu was greedy for beauty and failed to pass the test, so he was dropped on the Internet.

Everyone knew about Laozhu's dark history, but it was hard to tell He Miaomiao and Gu Mei.After all, only the two of them are real mortals.

Jiang Xiaoyue changed the subject with a smile: "I've wanted to go to the beach bathing place for a long time, let's go and have a look!"

Mu Feng nodded quickly: "Go! Drive."

Everyone came all the way to Miaoqian Street by car, there was no way to do it, after all there were two mortals in the team, they were really embarrassed to frighten the two little girls.

Mu Feng, Lao Zhu, Yang Jian, Zhen Yuanzi, and Kui Mulang got into Jiang Xiaoyue's Hummer together.

And He Miaomiao and Xiao Qingsu got into Gu Mei's BMW together.

Lijiangzhou is actually not a coastal city, so if you want to go to the beach, you have to go to the nearby Yunhai City.Fortunately, the distance is not very far, it should take two hours by car.

However, an unfortunate thing happened, that is, Mu Feng and the others encountered a traffic jam!
Yunhai City is one of the largest cities in China, and it is followed by one of the largest congestion.The crowd disappeared in two and arrived at the sea of ​​clouds, but they were stuck in a traffic jam on the way to the beach.

It's so clogged, it's that simple.

Sitting in the back row, Mu Feng passed cigarettes to Lao Zhu and Yang Jian. They rolled up the window and smoked in distress.

Zhen Yuanzi asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Mu Feng also passed cigarettes to Master.

The appearance of Zhen Yuanzi's scholars pointed to himself, took a sip, and said with a smile: "This feeling seems a little unforgettable."

Three men were sitting in the back row smoking, Kui Mulang turned his head and said, "He Miaomiao told me that he doesn't like boys who smoke."

Mu Feng laughed and said, "Get out of here!"

The old pig vomited a smoke ring: "Then tell me, what else can you do if you don't smoke in traffic jams?"

Mu Feng said to Lao Zhu: "You look more and more like a modern person."

The old pig put one palm upright in front of his chest and said: "Amitabha, people can only live in the present."

Yang Jian snorted and said, "You are obviously still thinking about whether you can see a beautiful woman in a swimsuit in a while."

The old pig said: "It's not the appearance, but the appearance of the heart. When you think about it, it's the appearance of me."

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "It's unexpected that the Buddha Dharma practice of the Envoy of the Purification Altar has advanced so far."

After the shock, Mu Feng didn't realize how high Laozhu's Dharma practice was, because when they arrived at the beach bathing place, it was already dark and the bathing place had already been closed.The old pig who couldn't see the beauty in the swimsuit stamped his feet angrily, without the demeanor of a generation of eminent monks at all.

There is no way, everyone deserves to stay in a hotel near the beach.

Naturally, there is no shortage of star-rated hotels in places like seaside bathing beaches for rich people to entertain.Under Gu Mei's arrangement of a phone call, everyone stayed in a luxurious five-star hotel.

This time, everyone came in luxury cars, and as soon as they arrived at the gate, there was a doorman in white who politely instructed them how to park.

Walking into the luxurious hall, you will feel dazzled. There are hundreds of chandeliers emitting golden lights hanging on the ceiling. Opposite the hall is a glass wall. The lights are reflected on it like stars. Through the glass, you can directly I saw the slightly rippling sea not far away.

The central part of the hall is a little higher than the rest, and it is made of wood to imitate the shape of a deck, and there are many dining tables on it.There is also a rudder placed on the deck facing the sea, which has a Titanic feel.

Mu Feng smiled at Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Why don't we go up and do yourjump! Ijump!"

Jiang Xiaoyue gave Mu Feng a blank look: "I want to jump myself."

Gu Mei opened two presidential suites for everyone, one for men and one for women.

After Mu Feng entered the room, he looked around, like a country bumpkin, damn it cost 1 yuan a night, and this was the first time he lived in such an expensive place!
As soon as Lao Zhu and Yang Jian came in, they began to rummage in the wine cabinet, and finally threw out several bottles of unknown brand of foreign wine.Opened a bottle for everyone.

Who knew that Kui Mulang was a person with extremely poor wine quality, and basically started going crazy after drinking a glass, crying and calling him dad while hugging Mu Feng's leg, it was useless for Mu Feng to kick him.

In the end, Mu Feng had no choice but to point to Zhen Yuanzi and say to Kui Mulang, "I will meet Master first."

Kui Mulang ran in front of Zhen Yuanzi drunkenly, crying: "Master! Master! Don't you know the boy?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "I know, I know."

Kui Mulang cried, "Master, I am your Wuji child!"

The old pig smiled and said, "I watched too much "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" yesterday." He pointed to Yang Jian and asked Kui Mulang, "Who do you think he is?"

Kui Mulang pointed at Yang Jian and said, "I know you!"

Yang Jian said helplessly, "Are you sure you know me?"

Kui Mulang said: "Of course I know you! Little Li Feidao, you are absolutely right! You are Li Xunhuan."

Yang Jian:"……"

Kui Mulang suddenly yelled hoarsely: "Li Xunhuan! Hand over Shen Lang quickly! Guo Daxia has already led the army to surround this place."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "What is this all about? Legend of the King of Heroes?"

This time, there was a knock on the door. Mu Feng opened the door and saw that Jiang Xiaoyue, Gu Mei, He Miaomiao, and Xiao Qingsu were all standing at the door.

Gu Mei took out two decks of poker and said with a smile, "It's still early and I can't sleep, why don't we play poker together!"

This is when Kui Mulang saw He Miaomiao, and his expression instantly returned to normal.

The old pig smiled and said, "Miss He seems to be Kui Mulang's hangover cure!"

However, it was too early for him to say this, Kui Mulang stretched out one hand in front of him, and with piercing eyes, he said to He Miaomiao, "Ziwei~ Do you still remember Erkang by the Daming Lake? "

He Miaomiao: "Huh?"

Mu Feng covered his forehead: "Why did he even read Qiong Yao?"

(End of this chapter)

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