Agent of Heaven

Chapter 133 Fengdu

Chapter 133 Fengdu
In the wild grass, next to the new grave.

The three stood quietly in the wind.

Fang Jianhong's eyes couldn't see joy or sorrow, but there was only confusion and bewilderment.

When he was young, living in an orphanage, he had imagined the scene of reuniting with his biological parents countless times.Maybe weep with joy, maybe hate each other.

He also fantasized about the appearance of his parents, who should be as gentle as the head grandmother of the orphanage.

But what he didn't expect was that the first time he saw his mother, he would see a cold corpse.

Mu Feng brought Fang Jianhong's mother's body back, and watched this seemingly strong man cry like a grandson in front of her for the first time.

Fang Jianhong originally thought that he should have gotten used to life without parents.He has never had this kind of extravagant family affection, but after seeing it, he will still burst into tears because of the complete loss.

With tears in his eyes, he took his mother back to China's hometown and buried her on a hill not far behind his orphanage.When he was young, he always thought that there were gods living in the mountains, and the gods could lead him to find his parents.

Today, there are no gods in the back mountain, only a solitary tomb carved out of the wild grass.

Mu Feng stood not far behind him and said: "The time of sadness should have passed, have you thought about what you want to do in the future?"

Fang Jianhong's throat moved up and down a few times, and he said in a dry voice, "I'm going abroad."

Mu Feng said: "Oh? Are you really sure you don't want to stay in Huaxia?"

Fang Jianhong said with a smile: "China has an expert like you, so it's useless for me to stay."

Mu Feng said: "What you said is too flattering to me!"

Fang Jianhong said: "I want to go back to England, and I want to be a vampire hunter!"

Mu Feng's jaw almost dropped in surprise: " are a vampire yourself!"

Fang Jianhong smiled and said, "I learned a truth from Professor Sean, everything has good and bad, and so do vampires! I will travel throughout Europe in the future, catching those evil vampires along the way."

Wei Ruosi stroked her hair in the breeze, and Fang Jianhong said, "Brother, I will go with you." Ever since she knew that she was made of Fang Jianhong's mother's blood, she has been calling him elder brother.

Fang Jianhong smiled: "Sister, wandering the world is very hard, if you want to follow me, you will suffer." The two of them are really related by blood, so it is not too strange that siblings match each other .

Wei Ruosi smiled lightly, "I'm not afraid of suffering."

Fang Jianhong smiled and shook his head.

Wei Rousi wanted to say something more, but Mu Feng said: "Miss Wei Rousi, you are really not suitable to be by your brother's side."

Wei Ruosi asked: "Why?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Although the dark council has been seriously injured, it is still a big force. Your brother went here to fight against them. There are many bumps and bumps along the way, and many times it takes you with you. It will be inconvenient."

Wei Ruosi was disappointed: "Okay, but I really, really want to help my brother."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "If you really want to help your brother so much, why don't you go to the church for a walk."

Wei Ruosi waved her hands in horror: "No! I don't want to go back to such a terrible place!" It seems that she has not come out of the shadow of the church laboratory.

Mu Feng said gently: "Don't worry, I'm letting you go back this time, not to make you suffer, but to let you control all the power of the church."

Wei Ruosi's beautiful eyes lit up and said, "Really? Don't lie to me."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, you only need to do what you want to do."

Many years later, when Fang Jianhong really became the most powerful vampire hunter in Europe, no one thought that the Holy Mother who was so popular in the church would be his sister who was related by blood.

No one would have thought that the mastermind behind this event was Mu Feng, the peerless master of Huaxia Kingdom.

In April and a half, at sunset, four people were fishing by the small lake.

Cheng Liang came to Mu Feng and said with a bitter face, "Something has happened."

Mu Feng said: "What made our deputy director Cheng so panic-stricken?"

Cheng Liang said: "This time is not an ordinary matter, it is beyond my ability to solve it!"

Mu Feng smiled and threw out the bait in his hand: "I have just returned from Europe for a few days, where do you want me to go to work for you?"

Cheng Liang smiled and said, "Don't worry, you don't have to go too far this time."

Mu Feng said: "Speak."

Cheng Liang said: "I would like to invite you to take a trip to Fengdu City!"

"What?" Mu Feng looked at Chen Liang in surprise, "Fengdu ghost town?"

Cheng Liang nodded: "That's right there."

Mu Feng said: "I heard that it is a very dangerous place."

Yang Jian, who was fishing not far from Mu Feng, said disdainfully: "What a terrible place? The real Fengdu City is in the Nine Nethers, and Fengdu in the human world is just a remnant entrance, and there are many ghosts in the hands, so nothing can come out. event."

After Mu Feng heard this, he didn't show a relieved expression. Instead, his expression became more serious. He said to Cheng Liang: "I will go for a walk."

Cheng Liang achieved his goal, happily put some materials on the ground, then turned and left.

Mu Feng frowned and didn't pick up the materials, Cheng Liang actually took the initiative to invite himself to Fengdu City, it can be seen that something must have happened there, that's why he asked Jiuju to trouble him to dispatch.

After all, Mu Feng is now considered a strategic weapon in the nine innings.

But Yang Jian said that Fengdu has ghost soldiers all year round, and under normal circumstances there will be no problems.

So now I can only explain one problem!That's what happened to the underworld!

Mu Feng picked up the information, and a few lines of confidential documents were followed by bright red characters: "Fengdu city haunted incident!"

"Are you going?" Jiang Xiaoyue came out of the pavilion with a teapot in hand.

Mu Feng nodded.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "If you want to go, you must take me with you."

Mu Feng frowned and said: "This time it may be more dangerous, if possible..."

Jiang Xiaoyue put her finger on Mu Feng's lips: "I don't want to hear your next words."

Mu Feng smiled helplessly: "If you don't want to listen, you have to listen, you have to know that honest words are harmful to the ear and good for action!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I don't care, if you don't take me there, I will follow by myself, you know I can do such a thing!"

Mu Feng smiled helplessly, he knew that Jiang Xiaoyue could really do such a thing!

(End of this chapter)

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