Agent of Heaven

Chapter 160 Lanruo Temple

Chapter 160 Lanruo Temple

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the greasy luster on the bench, and couldn't help frowning. She always likes to be clean, so naturally she hates such hygienic conditions.

Mu Feng noticed Jiang Xiaoyue's displeasure, and quietly let out a sword energy, and under his extremely precise control, he even quietly scraped off all the grease-stained places on the tables, chairs and benches.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the tables and chairs that were much cleaner, and said with a smile: "It's really rare to see someone who uses sword energy like you."

Mu Feng said: "I call it active learning and active application. Who said that sword qi spells can only be used to kill people? Wouldn't it be better if they could be used to bring convenience to one's life?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "You are the only one who is poor!"

Not long after, the owner of the inn came out with a few plates of dishes. He seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the tables and chairs, but he just let out a light sigh and put the dishes in his hand on the table .

Mu Feng picked up the chopsticks and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I had a hot meal, let me taste it first!" He picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, but immediately spit it on the table and said: "Okay salty!"

Jiang Xiaoyue also picked up a piece of eggplant and tasted it, then spat it on the table with an ugly face and said: "This eggplant is still raw!"

Mu Feng called out to the boss who was dozing off behind the counter: "Boss, what's wrong with your food? Either it's undercooked or there's too much salt?"

The boss with a face full of flesh immediately showed a look of impatience, and said cursingly: "Boy! Are you here to eat or find fault?"

Mu Feng also lowered his face: "How can people eat your dishes?"

The boss said: "I don't care if you can eat or not! This table of dishes costs 1000 yuan, and if you lose one dish in a while, one of your legs will be broken!"

It was only then that Mu Feng realized that he had encountered a black shop, and when he was about to explode, he suddenly saw a young man break into the shop.

Afterwards, he grew up with delicate features and was quite handsome. After he came in, he went straight to the front of the counter, and said to the black shop owner, "Excuse me, are you Boss Zhang?"

The owner of the black shop said: "I am! What do you want from me?"

The young man smiled and said, "Great, I finally found you!" He took out a small notebook from his pocket and said, "You owe us Mr. Li half a year's rent, and he asked me to collect it."

Hearing that the young man came to collect the rent, the owner of the black shop turned cold instantly, and snorted coldly: "What kind of rent do you charge? Look at this place. The house hasn’t asked him for money, but he wants to ask me for rent.”

The young man straightened his back, although his words were still very polite, but he didn't mean to back down: "Boss Zhang is wrong to say that, you signed a contract with our Mr. Li, and this shop can't be rented for nothing. Here you are!" As he spoke, he reached into the briefcase, looking for something.

The owner of the black shop showed a reluctance, and muttered: "If you collect the rent, you will collect the rent! What kind of contract are you negotiating with me, as if I owe you this little rent!" He lowered his head and wanted to get money at the counter.

But the young man rummaged through the briefcase for a while, but found nothing.

The owner of the black shop shouted as if he had caught the savior: "Show me the contract first!" Then he put the money back on the counter.

The young man stammered, "This... this... I left in a hurry, so I didn't bring it here!"

The owner of the black shop shouted angrily: "What this and that! I won't give you money if you don't show me the contract!"

The young man said: "But... But if you give me more money, I won't even have the travel expenses to go back!"

The owner of the black shop said disdainfully: "Who cares how you go back? Get out! Don't stand here and obstruct my business!"

The young man sighed, turned and walked out of the store.

Jiang Xiaoyue said to Mu Feng: "Why didn't you let me help that young man just now, the boss of this black shop is really too much."

Mu Feng said: "I was blessed to the heart just now, and suddenly I figured out that the young man and I have a relationship as a master and apprentice."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Really? But in that case, you should help him even more!"

Mu Feng resorted to the divination technique he learned from Wuzhuangguan Middle School, and counted with his fingers: "Don't be impatient, he still has a lot of kalpas before he accepts me as his teacher, and I'm afraid it just happens to be fulfilled in these few days."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then let's go out together and see what fate this kid has."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Okay!"

The two stood up and walked outside.

This time, the owner of the black shop stood up directly from behind the counter, and he said angrily to Mu Feng: "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I told you just now? A table of dishes costs 1000 yuan!" He walked directly to the front door of the store, pulled down the shutter door, and then stood in front of Mu Feng alone, his tower-like body seemed to absorb all the sunlight outside.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "If you don't remind me, I would have really forgotten you just now!"

The owner of the black shop said: "Remember now? Give me the money! If you don't give me the money, you are not allowed to leave! You were going to run away just now, so you give me twice as much money, and give me two thousand! Otherwise, I will smash your face!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Actually, I wanted to give you the money, but two of my friends refused!"

The owner of the black shop asked: "What friend, you let him come with you! Talk to your face!"

Mu Feng raised his fists and said with a smile: "This is my two friends who didn't agree!"

The owner of the black shop said angrily: "You actually teased me!"

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!Snapped! ...

Fierce slaps sounded, but a quarter of an hour later, the owner of the black shop had already collapsed.His face was already covered with dense slap marks!

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue walked out of the inn together, and walked towards the street where there were few people outside.

The vacuum model here is terrible, I can't hear the red name of the car or other sounds, but when I look up, I see that young man is marking a pedestrian pattern.

"Do you know that there is no place nearby where you can live without paying?",

The passer-by who was asked said with a smile: "But you can live with money? You can live in 'Lanruo Temple'!"

As soon as the words Lanruo Temple came out, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded from the sky!As if the two are echoing each other.

The young man heard the words but didn't seem to understand the meaning of the passerby's joke, but thought carefully: "Lanruo Temple? It sounds like a Buddhist temple? How do I get there?"

A passer-by asked in surprise, "You don't know about Lanruo Temple?"

The young man asked persistently, "Is it really possible to spend the night there for free?"

The passer-by said: "Of course this is possible, but..."

The passer-by hadn't finished speaking, but the young man turned around and left.

"But Lanruo Temple is not a place where people can stay!" It's a pity that the young man didn't hear this sentence.

He went in the direction of Lanruo Temple!

(End of this chapter)

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