Agent of Heaven

Chapter 209 Seeking the Five Views

Chapter 209

Longevity Hill, Wuzhuang Temple.Zhen Yuanzi sat cross-legged under the ginseng fruit tree, Qingfengmingyue and Qingfengmingyue stood on his left and right, the great immortal looked majestic and pinched his hands, as if he was trying to figure out the secrets between heaven and earth.

After a while, Zhen Yuanzi opened his eyes and said with a smile: "A distinguished guest has arrived, and he has already arrived outside the Longevity Mountain. The breeze is bright and the moon is bright, you go and greet him."

Qingfeng Mingyue said in unison: "Follow Master's decree."

The two set up a cloud and flew down Longevity Hill.As soon as they landed, they saw a round of red sun rising from the west, and several figures shone under the red sun.

Qingfeng sighed: "Master really has a clever plan, this red sun is clearly the Golden Crow incarnation of the legendary Great Sun Tathagata Buddha."

Mingyue said: "Hey, look, Junior Brother Mu Feng and that monkey actually came with Dari Tathagata Buddha."

I saw five people coming from the sky under the red sun, and the leader was none other than Zen Master Wuchao, the Buddha of the Great Sun.Mu Feng and Hou Zi separated on both sides, and a man with a horse face and a man with a red face followed behind.

Qingfeng went forward and said to Zen Master Wuchao: "My master has already predicted that the Buddha will come, and ordered me to wait here."

Zen Master Wuchao smiled and said, "I'm sorry for the trouble of the two fairies."

Mu Feng blinked at Mingyue, and said via voice transmission: "Could it be that Master has already expected all this? What else did he say to you?"

Mingyue also said via voice transmission: "I'm at a loss, let's go in first and see Master, we will know for ourselves."

Then everyone followed the breeze and the moon to the main hall of Wuzhuang Temple.Zhen Yuanzi was already sitting in the main seat, and tea had already been served on the surrounding seats.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Wuchao, fellow Taoist Yingzhao Jimeng, long time no see!"

Zen Master Wuchao clasped his palms together and saluted, "I've seen the Great Immortal Zhenyuan."

Zhen Yuanzi dodged and said: "You are the Buddha of the West, and I am the patriarch of Taoism, so I cannot be your courtesy!"

Zen Master Wuchao said: "You deserve it, you deserve it! Regardless of the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism. In the past, when my father was in power, he and the Great Immortal were also good friends, and we sat down and discussed Taoism several times. The poor monk should also give the junior salute to the Great Immortal!" Said After that, he bowed and bowed again.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't argue anymore, he really accepted this gift.

Ji Mengyingzhao also bowed to Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Fellow Wuchao salutes me because I have grown up for so many years. You two are also demon gods who have existed since the beginning of the world, but I really can't bear your courtesy."

In the past, the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu was still there, but Mengying's move was the god who held the most power in the Heavenly Court, and he seemed extremely arrogant.Even now that the Yaozu has fallen, the two of them can still live freely because of their incomparably strong strength.They really don't need to salute Zhen Yuanzi.

Unexpectedly, Ji Meng said: "I am waiting to come this time because the monster clan has something to ask the Great Immortal. Naturally, we should come here with courtesy."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "I already know the purpose of your visit, but the details still need to be discussed and understood. Otherwise, I really dare not accept your big gift."

Ji Meng stammered: "This..."

Mu Feng said: "I brought you to see my master just to discuss cooperation with you. Even though it is true."

Yingzhao said: "We are here to hope that Zhenyuan Daxian and fellow Taoist Mu Feng can help us win the ruling power of the demon world."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Nowadays, in the demon world, it is the territory of the golden-winged roc! There are millions of demon soldiers and thousands of demon kings. Don't say that you are poor, even if the Buddha from Xitian Lingshan went together , I'm afraid it's only for death, why do you come to beg for poverty?"

Zen Master Wuchao said, "It's only because of destiny."

Zhen Yuanzi frowned and said, "You want to say that you can see through the destiny?"

Zen Master Wuchao said: "I can't understand the Mandate of Heaven, but the Holy Emperor Fuxi can understand it, and Hetu Luoshu can understand it!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "I know that you came to look for my disciple Mu Feng after receiving the advice of the Holy Emperor Fuxi. But have you ever thought that everything is foregone? , even if it is destiny, I am afraid it will change!"

Zen Master Wuchao laughed and said, "Great Immortal Zhenyuan said it well! Everything is foregone, and if not forewarned, it will be abandoned. That's exactly the case! We have already prepared a way to deal with Dapeng, and we only need the help of Mr. Mu Feng." Already!"

Mu Feng said: "What do you need me to do for you?"

Yingzhao said: "It's very simple, as long as you are with us..."

Zhen Yuanzi interrupted Yingzhao's words with a wave of his hand, and turned to ask Zen Master Wuchao, "Tell me about your plan to deal with the Golden-winged Roc Eagle. The Golden-winged Roc Eagle's ability is beyond yours. Your Majesty, now you are in charge of all the demons in the demon world and the Six Great Sages, although you have a few powerful magic weapons in your hands, I am afraid that you are indeed no match for them."

Zen Master Wuchao said: "What Immortal Zhenyuan said is very true! But may I ask, did all the six great sages really return to their hearts and carve with the golden-winged roc? Among them, there are probably not a few people who are as capable as him. According to me Look, the Bull Demon King is one of them!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Even if the Six Great Sages don't completely obey the orders of the Golden Winged Roc, that's not the reason why you can defeat him." There are internal conflicts and struggles, and you, a down-and-out demon prince, can not settle him with two demon gods!
Zen Master Wuchao is such a smart person, he can naturally hear the meaning of Zhenyuanzi's words directly.However, he was not angry because he was underestimated, instead he said with a smile: "The Great Immortal Zhenyuan is right, but I still have a helper. , I am not afraid at all."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Oh? Who are you talking about, who actually has such great abilities?"

Mu Feng kept searching for the powerful gods in his mind, but he didn't find anyone who could be as powerful as Zen Master Wuchao said.

Zen Master Wuchao spat out two words softly: "Kong Xuan!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, Mu Feng said: "Kong are talking about the one who is still in hell?"

Zen Master Wuchao smiled and said, "That's right, besides him, who else could it be?"

In Mu Feng's mind, Kong Xuan's figure standing proudly between the sky and the earth appeared again involuntarily, and the five-color divine light that brushed everything behind him and urged him against all difficulties.The strength of this man is No. 1 that he has seen in his life.Also claiming to be the Demon Emperor, this Kong Xuan's mana is obviously higher than that of the roc.If there is a real fight, even if Kong Xuan meets a saint, he will be able to have the power of peer ethics.

Zen Master Wuchao seemed to understand the doubts in Mu Feng's heart, so he said with a smile: "All chances and coincidences, the number of hits is free!"

(End of this chapter)

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