Agent of Heaven

Chapter 225 Shuofang City 2 Lich Battles

Chapter 225 Shuofang City Two Battles of Liches
Netherworld, outside Shuofang City!
The battle flags of the Yaozu army were buzzing, and the team spread out for nearly a hundred miles.Every soldier is high-spirited and murderous.It has to be said that the Bull Demon King is indeed a qualified leader, he can mobilize the morale of his troops at any time.

On the other hand, Zhou Tian's star array enveloped the entire Shuofang City from above the sky, and countless mysterious starlight condensed into a barrier, preventing the foreign demon army from attacking the city.Therefore, the ghost soldiers in the city are naturally confident. They wear their armor crookedly and grinned at the monster soldiers outside.In terms of strength, they can't beat these monster clans, but now that they are surrounded by the world's number one formation, they naturally have nothing to fear!

The Bull Demon King rode a water-avoiding golden-eyed beast and stood in front of the formation of the two armies, pointing to Shuofang City and sighing: "As long as this place is not covered by the Zhoutian Xingdou array, I will definitely let this Shuofang City not grow at all!"

Peng Demon King Wang said: "Brother is right! The army under Kong Xuan is so weak, as long as the formation is broken, it will be vulnerable!"

The macaque king turned to Wu Luo and said, "Brother Wu Luo, this week's Star Dou formation will be entrusted to you!"

Wu Luo nodded, and walked out of the camp of the monster army.Twelve large black flags fluttering in the wind flew out from behind, and each flag had a ferocious portrait of a demon god painted on it.
Wu Luo's figure began to reverberate around the entire Shuofang City through mana: "Lu Ya! The world says that the Zhoutian Star Dou formation is going to take over the Twelve Capitals of the Wu Clan, and I, Wu Luo, refuse to accept it. Come here today to learn !"

Lu Ya's voice also came from the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation: "Wu Luo, you kill my general Yingzhao, this enmity is irreconcilable! Enter the formation quickly and die!"

Wu Luo laughed wildly: "Today is the time for you to break through the Zhoutian Xingdou formation!" After finishing speaking, he stepped on his feet, drove twelve black flags, and flew into the Zhoutian Xingdou formation.As soon as I entered the formation, I felt a sense of illusion, and the surrounding space immediately changed from a gloomy underworld to a bright starry universe.

"Concealing tricks can also be used to show off, Zhou Tian's star formation is passed into your hands, Lu Ya, it's really violent!" Wu Luo snorted coldly, and a giant with a human head and a snake's body shot out from a big black pole. Drilling out of the banner, this giant is blue all over, with scales covering his cheeks, it is the phantom incarnation of the ancient great witch Gonggong!

Gonggong has been dead for countless years, and this incarnation was summoned by the power of the Twelve Capitals, the gods and demons. Naturally, his eyes are dull, and he can only act by Wuluo's manipulation, but even so, the power of the ancient demon god is still the same. Not to be underestimated, he raised his hand and released a huge wave, but within two or three breaths, the huge wave seemed endless, and began to wash away the surrounding stars.

Under the impact of the huge waves, the surrounding stars actually began to gradually deviate from their original positions, and the entire starry sky became a mess.

"Lu Ya, don't tell me, that's all you can do with the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation!" Just as Wu Luo finished speaking, he saw a scorching sun rising from the starry sky!As long as the boundless and monstrous waves approach the scorching sun, they will be immediately evaporated by the extremely hot temperature.

In the scorching sun, a three-legged golden crow screamed loudly, and started to attack Wu Luo with the sky full of fire.

Wu Luo snorted coldly: "Small tricks!" Behind Gong Gong phantom waved his arms again, a huge water dragon jumped out, and collided with Li Huo brought up by the three-legged Golden Crow.

But this Lihuo is the purest flame between heaven and earth, and Dan Dan is no match for the ordinary water dragon, and he was wiped out by the formation in a short while.

Wu Luo sighed: "It's a pity that I don't have the blood of Gonggong, otherwise, if I control Taiyin Shenshui, how can I be afraid of your Lihuo spirit?" After finishing speaking, black air surged again in the banner behind him, and another giant flew out , this person with the head of a dragon and the body surrounded by flames is none other than the ancient great witch Zhu Rong!

Seeing the three-legged Golden Crow approaching, Zhu Rong opened his arms and rushed forward, grabbed the Golden Crow, and the two began to fight.Zhu Rong is the ancient god of fire, so naturally he will not be afraid of the spirit of Lihuo. When the two sides fight, it is the real physical strength.

Lu Ya's voice came from a distance again: "Zhou Tian Xingdou, destroy!"

I saw the scattered stars above the sky that had been washed away by Zhu Rong's huge waves suddenly emitted dazzling light one by one. The light finally gathered together and turned into thousands of starlight flying swords, and began to face Wu Luo stab!

Wu Luo sneered and said, "Zhou Tian Xing Dou, that's all!" Black air surged from behind again, and he saw a body full of bones coming out, it was Xuan Ming among the twelve demon gods.Xuan Ming is the god of killing in ancient times. Although he has been dead for many years, there is still a concentrated killing intent in the eyes of the incarnation.The black energy around Xuanming kept surging, turning into patches of black saber energy, blocking all the starry flying swords that filled the sky!
It was too late to say it, and then an erratic voice came from the void at this moment: "Please turn around, baby!" It turned out that Taoist Lu Ya had already sacrificed the legendary flying knife!A huge white air appeared out of thin air, heading towards Wu Luo's Shangren head!

Wu Luo was astonished and said, "How is it possible? When you manipulated the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, you were able to sacrifice the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife?" Of course he was very surprised, because a formation consumes the most body shape, let alone Zhou Tian Xing Dou. With Lu Ya's aptitude, it was extremely difficult to manipulate such an ancient formation like this formation to such an extent.How could he have the ability to use the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife to sneak attack him?
At this moment of distraction, the white energy of the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife has arrived in front of him!It was about to take Wu Luo's head off!
"Dijiang!" Wu Luo quickly roared, and another giant with back and wings emerged from the banner behind him, it was the incarnation of Dijiang among the Twelve Ancestral Witches!Di Jiang's speed was one of the fastest in ancient times, even compared to the Golden Winged Peng Eagle!In just a blink of an eye, he stood in front of Wu Luo and forcibly received the saber aura!
There was only a click, and a crack appeared on the big black flag with Di Jiang's portrait on it, and the phantom of Di Jiang's incarnation also became blurred.

Wu Luo roared angrily: "Damn it! Lu Ya, you despicable villain! Let me tell you how you managed to manipulate the formation so well today! It seems that someone must have commanded the Star Dou formation for you this week! So that you can Hide aside and sneak attack! Come out for me!" He bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist on the twelve flags!Another ray of black air grew stronger and turned into a graceful figure behind him. The demon god who appeared this time was different from the rest of the menacing faces, but she was a beautiful woman with a benevolent look on her brows. In pity for sentient beings in general.It was the Houtu who later transformed into the Six Paths among the Twelve Ancestral Witches!
Hou Tu stretched out his finger a little, ripples rippled in the void, Lu Ya was punched out from the darkness, and stood in the void in front of him staggering.

(End of this chapter)

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