Agent of Heaven

Chapter 283 Goodbye

Chapter 283 Goodbye
Guo Anguo didn't go to work today because he knew that if he offended Director Niu, he would definitely lose his job.But what he didn't expect was that the police would come to the door.

"Guo Anguo! Someone has accused you of murder and wounding, come with me." The police officer with a big cap said coldly.

Guo Cheng stepped forward and said, "Father, nothing will happen!"

The policeman pointed to Guo Cheng and said, "According to witnesses, you were there at the time. Come with us to the bureau to make a record!" He took out a notebook from his pocket and looked through it: "It is said that there is another fool, It's your nephew, let him come out and come with us."

Guo Anguo said: "He's in the toilet."

The policeman said, "Then we will wait for him for a while."

Guo Cheng said awkwardly: "I'm afraid he won't be able to come out for a while."

The policeman wondered, "Why?"

Guo Anguo said: "Now he insists that he is a toilet, and he has been squatting in the toilet without moving for 10 to [-] minutes."

The policeman opened the door of the toilet, and saw Mu Feng squatting inside without moving, and his expression remained unchanged: "Guo Anguo, what's your nephew's name?" The policeman turned to look at Lao Guo.

Guo Anguo was stunned for a moment, how did he know the name of this idiot?It is worth telling the truth: "I don't know what his name is."

The policeman was furious: "You don't even know the name of your own nephew! Do you think I will believe it?"

Guo Anguo said: "Actually, he is not my nephew..."

The policeman said angrily, "Could it be that you picked this man up on a rainy day?"

Guo's father and son nodded, and said in unison: "Yes, I really picked it up on a rainy day!"

The policeman felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted, and shouted angrily: "Follow me back to the bureau first."

In the police station, two policemen, a man and a woman, sat together in the interrogation room, looking at Mu Feng who was giggling non-stop.

"I advise you to stop pretending to be crazy and acting stupid. Be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist! Young people, don't make one wrong step. You will be held accountable for pretending to be crazy and deceiving the judiciary!" The female police officer said with a serious expression on her face.

Mu Feng: "Hey... I'm a frog, croak!" He will puff up his cheeks and pretend to be a frog. .

The old police officer said: "Young man, you can tell us about any grievances and difficulties you have. Our police will help you, so don't pretend to be crazy!" He spoke earnestly, with the air of a kind elder.

Obviously, these two policemen are the standard one to sing the red face and the other to sing the bad face.

Mu Feng played with the handcuffs on his hands, squeezed hard, and the handcuffs were naturally crushed in front of his divine power.

The two policemen were shocked when they saw this, and the old policeman pointed at Mu Feng and said, "Young man, you should think twice before doing things!"

Mu Feng bit the handcuffs into pieces with his teeth, and then ate them like potato chips.

The two policemen walked out of the interrogation room with a broken face, and walked towards the chief's office. The old policeman cried out as he walked, "I'm afraid that such a person will not be under the control of our police, so we must report to the higher authorities quickly.

The chief of police saw two of his capable subordinates coming in, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

The old policeman replied: "There is a person who should not be under our control, but this person seems to be a lunatic, and we can't collect any useful information from him.

The police chief nodded and said, "Then let's verify his fingerprints."

The old policeman said: "Report to the chief, we can't verify his fingerprints at all."

The police chief patted the table and said: "Why can't it be verified? Even if he is a supernatural being, he is still handcuffed now. Could it be that he can eat the handcuffs?"

The old policeman wiped the bulging veins on his forehead: "But...he really ate the handcuffs!"

The chief of police ordered to go down: "Bring him to me!

A little policeman shouted outside the door: "It's not good! The lunatic you captured ate the iron railing outside the cell!"

The police chief stood up and said, "Forget it, let me go see him!"

The police chief walked into the interrogation room himself, saw Mu Feng who was gnawing on the steel bars in the interrogation room, and said, "May I ask who you are?"

Mu Feng turned around and said, "I'm not an expert, I'm just a pangolin." After speaking, he continued to gnaw on the reinforced concrete in the interrogation room, as if eating sesame candy.

The police chief said to the policeman next to him: "Scan his portrait and see if you can find out the information of this person."

After a while, a policewoman dressed as a secretary came to report: "Director, this person's name is Mu Feng, and I can't find anything else!"

The chief turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

The policewoman replied: "This person's file is an SSS-level top-secret file, and we have no right to inquire."

The director widened his eyes and said, "What? SSS level? Our country's top secret file! We can't go any further, or we will cause big trouble."

The policewoman said: "Then we will report to the Public Security Bureau now!"

The director said: "No need, the Public Security Bureau of this level can't control it, just report to the Ninth Bureau of National Security! Send his photo to the office of the Ninth Bureau."

Fifteen minutes later, several men in Chinese tunic suits walked in, and the leader was Cheng Liang, Mu Feng's old acquaintance.

After Cheng Liang came in, he asked anxiously, "Where is he?"

The director carefully brought him into the interrogation room. Cheng Liang looked at the leaky, riddled interrogation room and asked curiously, "What have you guys experienced just now?"

The director pointed to Mu Feng who was squatting on the sofa and said, "He insisted that he was a pangolin, and he almost ate up our walls."

Cheng Liang quickly walked up to Mu Feng, and asked anxiously, "Where have you been recently?"

Mu Feng held his head and squatted on the sofa without saying a word.

Cheng Liang said: "Why don't you speak? Are you really as stupid as they said?"

Mu Feng retorted: "I'm not stupid, you are. I'm a mushroom now, and you talk to me, do you think you're stupid!"

Cheng Liang: "..."

The director said: "He was like this when we saw him, just now he hugged a policeman on our side and insisted that he was a koala..."

Cheng Liang said: "The ghost knows what he has experienced recently. Where is the person who first saw him?"

The director said: "It's a father and son. Now we have temporarily arranged to wait in the lounge."

Cheng Liang said in a deep voice: "We will take this person back first, and we will also take the father and son back." There was a dangerous light in his eyes: "What you saw and happened today, you must not be wrong. Anyone mention it, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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