Agent of Heaven

Chapter 342

Chapter 342
After drinking three rounds, tea has five flavors.Kui Mulang chatted with Wu Zhiqi more and more acquainted.From the first acquaintance in the underwater palace in the past, we talked about Kui Mulang being beaten into the list of gods, but Wu Zhiqi was unable to rescue him because he was sealed.

The two chatted more and more like each other, and they almost hugged each other and cried.

Mu Feng couldn't stand it anymore, so he coughed slightly on the plate.Kui Mulang woke up drunk for three minutes, and then began to introduce Mu Feng to Wu Zhiqi: "Look at the two brothers, we chatted too well, and I forgot about him. Let me introduce you. This is the reincarnation of the ancient water god Yinglong."

Unexpectedly, Wu Zhiqi's face turned cold when he heard these words, and he threw his hands on the ground.The wine glass shattered, and the white nectar spilled all over the floor.

Mu Feng looked at Wu Zhiqi, there was no anger in his eyes, only deepness.

Kui Mulang stood up and glared at Wu Zhiqi: "Old Yuan, what are you doing? This is the friend I brought!"

Wu Zhiqi snorted coldly: "That is the friend you brought, if he came alone, I will take weapons and fight him for three hundred rounds now!"

Kui Mulang looked at Mu Feng suspiciously, and said via voice transmission: "Have you offended him before?"

Mu Feng said via voice transmission: "I have never offended him before, but Dayu and I are good friends. The avatar I left in the world once helped Dayu when he was controlling the floods, and this Wu Zhiqi and Dayu are He is a mortal enemy. So he has also hated me."

Kui Mulang was puzzled: "How can you and Dayu be friends? He should not have been born when you were reincarnated."

Mu Feng said: "You don't know about this. Dayu was a black dragon who had practiced for thousands of years before he was born into a human womb. He was an old friend of mine in the Dragon Clan period. He owed Xuanyuan Shenghuang a big That's why I promised to help the human race when they encountered a crisis they couldn't resist."

Kui Mulang said: "That's right, if Dayu hadn't been a dragon in his previous life, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to control the waters of the five lakes and the four seas."

Wu Zhiqi saw that Mu Feng and Kui Mulang looked different, so he knew that the two of them were using the secret technique of sound transmission, and immediately waved his hands and said: "Come, see off!"

Kui Mulang stood up and said, "What are you doing? Are you driving me away?"

Wu Zhiqi said: "I'm not trying to drive you away, next time you come here by yourself, I'll drink with you for three days and three nights to make amends. This long bug is here, but I have long since lost interest in drinking."

Mu Feng stood up, smiled at Wu Zhiqi and said, "You water demon, you are so courageous."

Wu Zhiqi opened his eyes angrily and said, "What did you say?"

Mu Feng said: "Dayu was ordered by heaven to control the waters to overwhelm the world. No matter what his cultivation level is, he can't reverse it. Otherwise, he will disappear in smoke! He saw that your nature is not bad, and you have never harmed the people, so he sealed you up. What I want to do is to keep you safe! But you are so ignorant of good and bad."

Wu Zhiqi laughed angrily: "Hahaha! Absurd! You mean that Dayu sealed me for thousands of years, but it was for my own good?"

Mu Feng said: "If you don't believe it, then think about it carefully. It is not uncommon for the demons in the water to have cultivations higher than yours. Why did they all die? Are you the only one who survived?"

Wu Zhiqi thought about it carefully, and felt that what Mu Feng said was indeed somewhat reasonable, but he had hated Dayu for thousands of years, and it was definitely not something that could be changed by Mu Feng's few words.Then he said to the water monster next to him: "Bring my weapon! Today I will beat these brazen lunatics to ashes!"

Mu Feng snorted coldly: "Just come and try!"

Kui Mulang stepped forward to smooth things over and said, "Don't do anything, don't do anything!"

Wu Zhiqi sneered and said, "If you dare to stop me again, I will take you down too!"

Mu Feng said: "Kui Mulang, step back, and I will teach this water monster who knows what is good and what is wrong, and has no eyes and no eyes in a few days! Let him know the power of our dragon clan!"

After a while, several water monsters came out carrying a crystal pillar.Wu Zhiqi roared, raised the crystal pillar with one hand, and said to Mu Feng: "This weapon is forged from the ten-thousand-year-old crystal from the four seas in the next life, and it weighs one hundred thousand catties! Just one click, and it will be ready for use." It can smash your soul into pieces!"

Mu Feng said: "Hmph, how dare a mere glass stick dare to speak up in front of me? I'm standing here today, let you hit me with a stick! What can you do to me?"

But Wu Zhiqi frowned: "Hurry up and do it, don't use your tongue, I, Wu Zhiqi, never kill unarmed people."

Mu Feng said: "If not, how about a bet?"

Hearing this, Kui Mulang mourned for Wu Zhiqi in his heart.This kid Mu Feng, I don't know when he learned this trick from the West!He bets with others every now and then, and every time he bets, he can still kill people half to death. In the future, it is necessary to keep him away from the monkey, his master and his disciples.What a good child at first, but now they have led them to spoil them.

But Wu Zhiqi was immediately fooled when he heard the words. A monster who has never experienced the Battle of the Conferred Gods would not know how terrifying a person who comes to bet on his own initiative is.

"Say, what are you betting on?" Wu Zhiqi asked.

Mu Feng smiled, very innocently: "I have an incarnation of Yuanshen, and I want you to hit him three times. If you injure him, I will lose!"

But Wu Zhiqi hesitated: "How important is the incarnation of the primordial spirit, if you are killed by me with a stick, it will be a loss of life for you! Although you have an old relationship with Dayu, I don't want to hurt you because of it Life!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand towards the door: "You go, I will not stop you!"

Mu Feng thought to himself: This Wu Zhiqi is indeed not bad in nature.No wonder Dayu was willing to spare his life in the past.

"You just come here. If my soul dies, I don't care about you. Turn around and leave here, and never step into this underwater palace again." Mu Feng said: "But if I win, you Be my subordinate!"

Wu Zhiqi was furious when he heard the words: "What did you say?"

Mu Feng said: "I said, if I win, you will come and be my subordinate!"

Wu Zhiqi raised the crystal pillar and said: "Madman, take your life!" After speaking, the crystal pillar directly fell on Mu Feng's head.If this is real, Mu Feng might be wiped out in ashes immediately!
Mu Feng did smile slightly, and directly called out the Primordial Spirit avatar, Taoist Hua Sha, and stood in front of him.

The crystal pillar hit Taoist Huasha accurately on the forehead, and a thunderous sound was heard.The crystal pillar in Wu Zhiqi's arms was bounced aside.

Taoist Huasha looked at Wu Zhiqi unscathed: "Your magic weapon is really useless, it can't even hurt a hair on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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