Chapter 65
The autumn is cold, the leaves are falling, and the wind is bleak.

Longevity Mountain, Wuzhuang View.

Zhen Yuanzi stood under the ginseng fruit tree with a jade whisk in his hand, and not far in front of him, Mu Feng sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.There are beads of sweat on the forehead from time to time.

Zhen Yuanzi waved the whisk in his hand, and a clear light stayed on Mu Feng's head, showing the picture of Mu Feng's state of mind.

In the state of mind, Mu Feng held the Qingming Sword and confronted Yinglong's divine consciousness.The two stared at each other, their eyes sparkling.Their looks are the same, even the posture of holding the sword is the same!
Zhen Yuanzi was just watching from the outside, as if he could feel the sword energy emanating from the two of them.

Even Zhen Yuanzi would feel frightened by this fierce sword energy.

But what is even more terrifying are the two people exuding this sword energy!

Ying Long's spiritual sense suddenly said: "This year, you have made great progress."

Mu Feng said: "Thanks for the compliment."

Ying Long's divine sense said: "This battle, how sure are you of defeating me?"

Mu Feng replied: "First floor!"

Ying Long's divine sense smiled and said, "First floor?"

Mu Feng said: "When I win you, even if I say I have ten levels of confidence, then what's the matter?"

Ying Long's divine sense said: "If that's the case, let's do it!"

Mu Feng said: "Do it!"

Suddenly, a dragon chant sounded from the ground, and the sword energy went straight to the ninth heaven!

The sword of Yinglong's spiritual consciousness has been unsheathed, he has full confidence in himself, the two have fought too many times.Although Mu Feng made progress every time, he couldn't beat him every time.This time will be no exception!

"Liufeng Style!" This sword is the fastest to start, and then it will be the two familiar moves. After a hundred rounds, he will defeat Mu Feng again.

When the sword light passed by, it seemed to hear the breeze singing.

But this time, Mu Feng didn't use his sword!He still held Qing Mingjian tightly in his hand, his hand was very steady, and the fingertips holding the sword had already started to turn white.But he still didn't draw the sword!He just turned his body slightly to the side, avoiding the vital parts of his body.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the long sword of Yinglong's spiritual consciousness pierced Mu Feng's body.

Ying Long's divine sense said: "Are you sending yourself to death?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm winning!"

A sound of sword chant sounded, and Mu Feng's sword touched the neck of Yinglong's spiritual consciousness.

Ying Long's spiritual sense said: "You use the price of being seriously injured to get close to me, and then make a move?"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Only in this way, when my sword cuts off your head, your sword will not be able to return." This is the only way he has concluded after many failures that he can win.

The sword light turned into a silver thread, light as if startled, across the throat of Yinglong's consciousness, causing his head to fly into the sky.

Mu Feng also fell to the ground, blood soaked into his clothes from his chest, and spread to his whole body.A khaki-yellow light shrouded down, rolling up Mu Feng, who was already unconscious.

The soaring head of Yinglong's spiritual consciousness landed on his body again, a golden light flashed, but he recovered as before.He looked at the khaki light and said, "Thank you, old ghost of Zhenyuan!"

Zhen Yuanzi's voice came in: "There is no need to do this, he is also my apprentice."

Ying Long's divine sense said: "You did a good job, but it's not too late."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "After all, the opportunity has not come yet."

Ying Long's divine sense said: "When the opportunity comes, I will integrate with him."

On a sunny day, the dim sunlight shines through the shade of trees in the courtyard of Wuzhuang Temple.

Mu Feng slowly opened his eyes and found that Zhen Yuanzi was sitting cross-legged not far away.

"You're awake." Zhen Yuanzi said calmly.

Mu Feng said: "Master, I won?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "No."

Mu Feng was startled, but if he lost, he should have been killed by Ying Long's consciousness long ago.

Zhen Yuanzi said: "You didn't lose either."

Mu Feng said: "Is it a tie?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "It's a tie."

Mu Feng said: "Then how should we deal with it?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Yinglong's spiritual consciousness in your body will automatically return to silence, and when you feel that you are strong enough, you can fight him and kill him, only then can you reach the realm of the unity of Dao and me. "

Mu Feng was overjoyed, winked and said: "Then he won't harass me anymore, or want to take over my body?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "Although you haven't defeated it, it has recognized your strength. Naturally, it won't occupy your body anymore."

Mu Feng let out a long sigh of relief, he finally didn't have to worry about being killed by another self in his body one day.

Zhen Yuanzi said: "You have been cultivating with me for ten years." He pinched his fingers and said: "Almost a year has passed in the human world outside, and it is time for you to go back."

Mu Feng was in a trance for a while: Has ten years passed in Longevity Hill?I practice and listen to lectures here every day, and my Dao heart is clear, but I don't feel that time is passing fast.If he just stayed in Longevity Hill like this, even if it passed a thousand years, he would feel that it was only a flick of a finger.

After Zhen Yuanzi made a point, Mu Feng realized that he hadn't returned to that flashy world for ten years.He didn't miss the feasting and feasting in the world, but he suddenly missed his relatives and parents.He also misses Laozhu, Yang Jian, and Xiao Qingsu a little.

Fortunately, he misses Jiang Xiaoyue.

This rambunctious girl hasn't seen herself for a year, and she doesn't know what has become of her?Now she should lead the four heavenly kings to hunt monsters everywhere in Jiangzhou every day, right?

The image of Jiang Xiaoyue wrinkling her nose began to appear in front of Mu Feng's eyes.

"Stinky boy, what are you smirking at?" Zhen Yuanzi slapped Mu Feng's forehead with a whisk and laughed.

Mu Feng covered his head and said with a smile: "I didn't think about anything, I didn't think about anything."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Since there are people you miss, go back quickly."

Mu Feng said: "Shouldn't the apprentice go to say goodbye to the brothers?"

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hands and said with a smile: "If you want to leave, let's go quickly. Immortals of my generation are all free and unrestrained, and the attitude of young children is the most taboo."

Mu Feng thanked him and said: "Thank you, master, for your kindness in teaching and solving puzzles over the years. My disciple is gone!" He bowed and kowtowed to Zhen Yuanzi with red eyes. After thanking his master, he set up his cloud head and wanted to fly away.

Zhen Yuanzi stopped Mu Feng and said, "Wait a minute!"

Mu Feng fell down from the clouds and said, "Is there anything else Master can tell you?"

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Where did you learn the art of flying and soaring the clouds?"

Mu Feng said: "After the disciple has cultivated into a fairy body, he will come to comprehend it by himself."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "My generation of immortals should be able to reach the cloud-climbing ability like yours in 'You Beihai Twilight Cangwu'. It is too simple and slow, but it is not possible. After going out, I am afraid that I will lose my Wuzhuang Temple. face."

Mu Feng's eyes lit up: "Master taught the disciples a 'somersault cloud'."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and smiled: "'Somersaulting Cloud' is a trick of my good brother Wukong, of course I don't know how to do it, but I can teach you a 'Heaven and Earth Escape Method' to practice to the extreme, not weaker than that somersaulting cloud !"

The somersault cloud is not the same as the way of escape from the sky and the earth. The somersault cloud soars in the air and can cover a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles with one somersault, just like the advertisement for a certain milk tea, which can circle the earth and a half.

But the supernatural power of the Heaven and Earth Escaping Method can be used at will, and it can be used to walk in the air or shrink the ground into an inch.Stepping into the sky and soaring into the clouds, you can travel thousands of miles in an instant!But Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, so this technique will naturally run faster on the ground.The distance of [-] miles can be reduced to an inch!If you practice to the extreme, it is not impossible to chase somersault cloud in one step.

(End of this chapter)

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