Chapter 110 Don't Spit

Smoothie honeydew immediately attached a screenshot.

Three hot searches are clearly seen on the screenshot.

#Lu Yunyao is confirmed to participate in "Love at First Sight"#
#Lu Yunyao playing big names#
#Lu Luwuwei bullies others#
When Lu Yunyao saw those three trending searches, she suddenly felt unwell.

Why is she on the trending search again out of nowhere, she obviously didn't do anything these two days.

She only admitted one of the hot searches above, and that was that she would star in the TV series "Love at First Sight".

Before Lu Yunyao could react, the phone suddenly rang, which shocked Lu Yunyao on the spot.

Seeing the caller ID on the phone, Lu Yunyao connected decisively.

Lu Yunyao's voice was still slightly hoarse: "Hello?"

After Hu Sining heard the hoarse voice, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Are you really sick?"

"Yeah." Lu Yunyao, who was belatedly aware of it, realized something was wrong. Not many people knew about her illness?

How could Hu Sining know?

Lu Yunyao asked suspiciously: "How do you know?"

Hu Sining didn't expect Lu Yunyao to ask such a question, so he answered it naturally.

"Your company Weibo says you have a cold."

Hu Sining's words made Lu Yunyao puzzled. Why did the company tell about her illness?
Is it worth it?
Is it to clarify the trending search about her playing big names?

Lu Yunyao absent-mindedly explained: "Well, the weather has turned cold recently, and I caught a cold."

Lu Yunyao, who just sat up to talk on the phone, looked at Duan Yixing who pushed the door in surprise. Duan Yixing didn't know if he didn't want to make the infection between them worse, so he put on a mask on his face.

Duan Yixing belongs to those who wear a mask and feel like a handsome guy.

But she knew that even without a mask, Duan Yixing was still a handsome guy.

It was rumored on the Internet before that a person who looks handsome while wearing a mask is an ugly monster after taking off the mask.

But she felt that this legend could not be applied to Duan Yixing, because he was handsome regardless of whether he wore a mask or not.

Lu Yunyao was so focused on admiring Duan Yixing's handsomeness that she forgot to respond to Hu Sining on the phone.

Hu Sining: "I heard that your company has bought the crew and film and television rights of "Love at First Sight"."

While staring at Duan Yixing, Lu Yunyao replied casually: "Really? It seems to be the case."

and many more? !
What did Hu Sining just say?
This is the second time she has heard this. Could it be that the company really bought the crew and copyright of "Love at First Sight"?
Suddenly a spoonful of porridge was brought to her mouth, and Lu Yunyao swallowed the porridge naturally. The moment she ate it, she thought the porridge was hot and soft, but she didn't expect it to be bitter.

The bitter taste made Lu Yunyao want to vomit subconsciously.

Just when she was about to spit out the bitter porridge in her mouth, Duan Yixing's harsh words suddenly came from her ears.

"Don't spit."

Duan Yixing's refrain from vomit made Lu Yunyao accidentally swallow the porridge in her mouth in fright.

Just as Lu Yunyao was surprised that she swallowed the porridge, Hu Sining's surprised voice suddenly came from her ear: "Yaoyao, why is there a man's voice beside you?"

Since Duan Yixing was also sick, the magnetic voice became even more magnetic.

Hu Sining's curiosity made Lu Yunyao hang up the phone in fright.

But before she hung up the phone, she explained it to Hu Sining so that she wouldn't think about it.

"I'm watching TV."

(End of this chapter)

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