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Chapter 124 Who Is The Acting General Manager?

Chapter 124 Who Is The Acting General Manager?
Lu Yunyao is just one of the company's artists, and she's still not very popular, how could the president condescend to come and tell her in person?

No matter how she heard it, Fei Nanmei felt it was unreasonable.

After reacting, Fei Nanmei suddenly burst into laughter, and then said with a serious face: "This joke is not funny at all."

Lu Yunyao knew that Fei Nanmei would not believe what she said, so she continued to fool Fei Nanmei.

"Didn't I tell you that I was sick?"

Lu Yunyao didn't say anything, but just told Fei Nanmei about her previous illness.

But to Fei Nanmei's ears, there was a hint of meaning in the words.

"Well, I remember, but what does that have to do with that?"

Although Fei Nanmei subconsciously felt that there must be something wrong with speaking, but she couldn't say it clearly, she wanted Lu Yunyao to tell the truth by herself.

Lu Yunyao knew that Fei Nanmei would play dumb, so she deliberately didn't say anything clearly.

"If you tell me who is the person you hate the most in this company, then I will tell you why the president told me about this in person."

Fei Nanmei still doesn't understand why Lu Yunyao asked such a question. Is there any relationship between the two?

Is it? !
Or is it that Lu Yunyao wants to tell her that the position of acting general manager is given to the person she hates?

No way? !

But why did the president tell Lu Yunyao such a confidential matter?without telling her?
Logically speaking, the position of acting general manager should be given to her?

She is the president's niece.

Lu Yunyao watched the expression on Fei Nanmei's face constantly changing, she pursed her lips and smiled, but did not speak.

Seeing Lu Yunyao's calm expression, Fei Nanmei felt more and more terrified. Could it be what she thought?

Lu Yunyao, who had no patience, decided to give Fei Nanmei a final blow.

"I passed by the hospital that day and heard the president's arrangement, but it may not be announced until tomorrow at the earliest."

Lu Yunyao didn't say who that person was, but deliberately left some space for Fei Nanmei to fantasize.

Fei Nanmei was half-believed by what Lu Yunyao said, and subconsciously resisted this matter.

Seeing Fei Nanmei's disgusted expression, Lu Yunyao knew that Fei Nanmei had been fooled.

It seems that she is really suitable for acting, and Fei Nanmei didn't find out that it was fake.

The more Fei Nanmei thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Why did the CEO promote others but not her?
Lu Yunyao, who originally thought that the matter would go through smoothly, never expected that Fei Nanmei would suddenly ask back: "The CEO is my own uncle. In terms of employing people, the reason is that I assist him. How could it be possible for an outsider to be the acting general manager?"

"Or, did you recognize the wrong person? After all, you have no chance to meet the president."

Fei Nanmei's questioning words made Lu Yunyao subconsciously feel aggrieved.

What do you mean she has no chance to meet the president?

Whenever your president has something important, doesn't he have to get her approval?

Lu Yunyao, who was a little angry, put down her words and stood up, ready to leave.

"Believe it or not, it's the truth anyway."

Fei Nanmei looked at Lu Yunyao's leaving back, hesitated to speak, and finally closed her mouth without saying a word, but her brows were furrowed tightly.

The president has been hospitalized recently. It is indeed true, but no one knows about such an internal matter!

What's more, if Lu Yunyao was really sick, maybe she accidentally overheard it in the hospital, so this possibility should be quite high.

But in terms of ability, how can she not compare to that person?
Before closing the door, Lu Yunyao made a point of saying: "The CEO said that if you use your own people, you are afraid of public opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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