Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 134 Shooting a Short Video

Chapter 134 Shooting a Short Video
Mo Miaomiao took the mobile phone from Lu Yunyao, stood up decisively after taking the mobile phone, and went to the balcony.

Lu Yunyao looked at Mo Miaomiao with a puzzled expression on her face.

What is so mysterious that she cannot hear it?
What they were talking about, it seemed, was about her own itinerary?
Although Lu Yunyao was curious, she did not go over to eavesdrop on the conversation between Mo Miaomiao and Fei Nanmei.

In the end, she didn't know what Mo Miaomiao and Fei Nanmei talked about, but she only knew that the phone was returned to her.

Lu Yunyao preliminarily speculated that Mo Miaomiao had already got her schedule, because Mo Miaomiao suddenly told Lu Yunyao while swiping her phone, "You have a variety show coming up tomorrow. Although it's an online variety show, you should perform well. Might be able to get some fans."


Lu Yunyao nodded slowly. She had been on vacation for too long and hadn't been on a variety show for a long time. Although almost all the variety shows she appeared on were online variety shows, online variety shows were divided into popular and non-popular.

Obviously, without Lu Yunyao guessing, it must be those variety shows with little traffic.

"By the way, your manager asked you to post a short video to tell your fans that you are going to be on a certain variety show."

Mentioning this short video, Lu Yunyao wondered, Fei Nanmei knew she wouldn't make those short videos, but asked her to post them, did she deliberately find fault?

Lu Yunyao suddenly said in embarrassment: "I don't know how to do this. My assistant did it for me before."

Hearing this, Mo Miaomiao couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said helplessly, "Then will you broadcast live?"

Lu Yunyao nodded, she knows how to do this!

Mo Miaomiao continued to say helplessly: "You just changed the live broadcast into a short video and sent it out. You won't tell me, you don't know how to use the video recording function?"

Lu Yunyao, who knew it later, felt that she was asking all kinds of questions, and suddenly she felt so embarrassed...

"I will... I will record it later."

While swiping her phone, Mo Miaomiao continued: "Because you were sick before, the notices were all piled up, so you have to be mentally prepared to be busy soon."

Lu Yunyao didn't take Mo Miaomiao's words to heart at all. She knew how much her workload was, even if it piled up, it wouldn't be too much.

But what she overlooked was that since Lu Yunyao fought against the Best Man of the Century that day, she has inexplicably attracted many invitations to this type of scripts and variety shows.

It may be because Lu Yunyao voiced for the popular female voice and was sought after by many women.

Mo Miaomiao glanced at Lu Yunyao, who was obviously not worried, and continued to report the itinerary.

"Tomorrow morning, so-and-so variety show, the theme of this variety show is women, I am the biggest. Then in the afternoon, you will go to the headquarters of pulana (Plana) to endorse their clothing. In the evening, you will go to "See you "Qing Qing" press conference, tomorrow's work is probably so much, the day after tomorrow, I will report to you tomorrow."

Pulana (Pulana) specializes in petty bourgeois business, so in Lu Yunyao's current capacity, endorsing the brand of Pulana (Pulana) can actually directly increase Lu Yunyao's social status.

Before, Lu Yunyao heard from her old assistant that pulana would only invite popular artists to speak for her, but now she has found her?

Curious, Lu Yunyao still couldn't help asking: "I heard that pulana (Pulana) only seeks endorsements from popular artists, why did they suddenly seek endorsement from me?"

Lu Yunyao is very self-aware, knowing that she doesn't have the qualifications, what's more, I heard that pulana has very high requirements on the body and facial features of the endorsement, especially the height.

(End of this chapter)

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