Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 155 Chased by the Host

Chapter 155 Chased by the Host
After all, I asked it myself, so of course I want to round it up.

"Because you suddenly wear a ring, it's hard for people not to think too much."

"Valentine's Day is approaching, does Goddess Yaoyao plan to date her boyfriend there?"

The host hurriedly changed the subject to avoid embarrassment. After all, it is a live broadcast now, which is different from the past and cannot be edited later.

Lu Yunyao frowned slightly, why did the host keep staring at her today?
Keep asking her questions?
Did she offend the host without knowing it?
Without the host's knowledge, Lu Yunyao misunderstood that she had offended her.

If the host heard it, she would definitely want to cry. Lu Yunyao's every word made her speechless. How could she continue hosting? If it wasn't for the order from her superiors, she would ask for trouble?

"On Valentine's Day, I will be filming in the crew, please support "Love at First Sight"."

Lu Yunyao eschewed the important thing and started promoting the TV series directly. Could it be that she said that this would have to be arranged by Duan Yixing?

The host expressed that he wanted to cry but had no tears. After asking for so long, Lu Yunyao always avoided the important ones.

Seeing that the host has been interviewing Lu Yunyao, the artistes on the side couldn't control the situation of being out of camera, so they quickly grabbed the topic.

"I heard that "Qing Qing at First Sight" was plagiarized, what do you think of Lu Yunyao?"

A word of hearing, all the charges are pushed to the ground.

When Lu Yunyao heard this, she couldn't help but said in her heart: "Hey! Let me be provocative."

Until now, the word she hated to hear the most was plagiarism. Her novel was not plagiarized, but it was forcibly labeled as plagiarism.

She has been suppressing the grievance for so long, and there is nowhere to release it. Today may be a chance.

"In this way, Miss Lin, you are also a person who is just like others? You don't have any opinions of your own? Did you see her plagiarism? Or did you hear her admit it? When no one knows the truth, please don't jump to judgment. .”

The artist surnamed Lin who had nothing to say was stunned. He just followed the TV series promoted by Lu Yunyao to find a common topic, but he didn't expect to be bullied.

I was stunned on the spot and had nothing to say. Sure enough, the topic that was snatched up still required the ability to bear and the consequences.

Another artist who was present was very dissatisfied with Lu Yunyao's remarks, and immediately turned on him.

"I'm sorry, I know 'A Red Wall'. She told me that her novel was plagiarized, but the background of the other party, Lu Lu Wuwei, is too strong. Little authors like her can only bear with it."

The sentence I know a red wall silences everyone, what a breaking news!

There is an artist who knows a red wall.

What the artist said has strong credibility, so as soon as this passage appeared on the live broadcast, a group of swearing trolls immediately appeared in the comment area.

"You say that, I still know Lu Lu Wuwei! She always told me the same dialogue as you, who do you think I should believe?"

Lu Yunyao's obvious provocation made the whole atmosphere solemn.

The quick-tempered Lu Yunyao ran over immediately, do you know each other very well?She is still in "Is Mr. Gu in Love?" "Where is the author of the novel!

Has she ever been proud?Does she show off around?
After the host received the hint from the director, he quickly joined in to make a rescue: "According to me! What the public says is right, what the mother says is right, the truth will come out sooner or later."

The host had just finished speaking, and Lu Yunyao quite agreed: "Yes! Skynet is very sparse and not missing."

It is your unremitting recommendation votes that pulled me back when I was on the verge of giving up. Your collections, recommendation tickets, rewards, and messages will all become my motivation. Thank you Ping who has been voting for me during the days when I gave up. Son, I am familiar with you.

(End of this chapter)

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