Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 163 Pregnant Hot Searches

Chapter 163 Pregnant Hot Searches
[Carrot: I think so too, she must be adopted, otherwise why are there so many expensive jewelry suddenly, she must be a sugar daddy. 】

【Unique: It must be!A woman like her who loves vanity, puts money wherever she has money, she is shameless. 】

Lu Yunyao complained while commenting, "Why are there trolls everywhere."

Uh?not right...

President Duan?Lu Yunyao glanced at the man sitting next to her and asked quietly.

"You burst out?"

I saw the man nodded silently while typing on the keyboard.

The moment Lu Yunyao saw the man nodding, the anger in her heart burned quickly, and she was so angry that she almost wanted to beat the man up.

Lu Yunyao got angry and threw a pillow on President Duan's body.

"Is it you! You stinky man!"

"Who told you to deny my existence in front of the camera."


Regarding the hot search for the ring, Duan Yixing has already been pulled down, and now there are only those two, he made the top search.

Hearing this, Lu Yunyao couldn't help inquiring angrily, and said angrily to Duan Yixing: "Do you believe there will be hot searches about fake marriages tomorrow?"

"Then do you believe there will be a hot search for your pregnancy tomorrow?"

Lu Yunyao stared at Duan Yixing for a long time, and could only hold back her anger. Compared with the hidden marriage, she felt that the pregnancy was even more outrageous. If her parents found out, they would really think she was pregnant!It's embarrassing then!

In order to avoid unnecessary things from happening, Lu Yunyao could only swallow her anger and say: " win!"

Duan Yixing seemed very satisfied with Lu Yunyao's answer, and subconsciously answered something that drove Lu Yunyao crazy.


"What? Duan Yixing, are you tired of working? Be good! Go to the guest room tonight!"

After Lu Yunyao finished speaking, she immediately went upstairs, locked the door of the bedroom, and even moved a chair to block the door, in order to prevent Duan Yixing from entering the bedroom.

Ever since, the next day, the hot search for #一些卫姓艺术人pregnancy# suddenly topped the list.

The first person to see this trending search was not Lu Yunyao, but Fei Nanmei. After seeing Lu Yunyao's recent trending searches one after another, she was about to explode in anger.

Not a single good thing!

[Kangkang is me: I got pregnant in one night?The news of being adopted only came out yesterday. 】

[Hehehe: Suspicious, very suspicious, and it's on the top of the list of hot searches. To be honest, did Lu Yunyao offend anyone? 】

[Mr. Liu: No way?When she was on the show yesterday, she still wore high heels. If she was pregnant, wouldn't she still wear high heels? 】

[Xining Donggua: It was revealed that she was dating the Duan Group last night, and she was pregnant today. Could it be that the child belongs to the Duan Group? 】

[Liu Ning's woman: You can't really be adopted, right?I haven't heard that Lu Yunyao is married, and I haven't heard that President Duan is married? 】

Fei Nanmei looked at the comments, and couldn't help sighing softly. She just asked Lu Yunyao not long ago why there was no scandal at all, but now she is throwing out scandals one after another.

Fei Nanmei purposely zoomed in on those photos to try to find the mistakes, so that she could post a post to clarify that the person who was pushing the road with the man that night was not Lu Yunyao herself, it was just similar.

But no matter how she looked at it, the people in the photos were very similar to Lu Yunyao.

However, Lu Yunyao had just woken up and was still eating breakfast, so she didn't know anything about it until Mo Miaomiao called to tell her.

"Yaoyao, the photos of you and your husband pressing the road are all over the Internet now."

"I know this... Wait! That's not my husband!"

Mo Miaomiao said helplessly: "Who am I? Would I know that you have a husband?"

(End of this chapter)

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