Chapter 172 That Cousin?

But just as Lu Yunyao walked out of the room, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

Why are so many people calling her today?
While complaining, Lu Yunyao took out the mobile phone from her pocket, and when she saw that it was her best friend, she naturally pressed the answer button.


Lu Yunyao's voice just came out of her throat, and then a loud and sharp voice came from her ears.

"Lu Yunyao! Is what is said on the Internet true? It says you are with President Duan?"

The loud voice made Lu Yunyao couldn't help keeping the phone away from her ears, trying to make her ears feel better.

"Hu Sining, what's wrong with you? Why are you so loud?"

Lu Yunyao frowned, complaining that Hu Sining's noise made her very uncomfortable.

Hu Sining, who couldn't wait to know the answer, lowered the volume a few degrees.

"Quickly tell me, are you with President Duan?"

At this time, Hu Sining really wanted to know whether the rumors circulating on the Internet were true.

Although she has a very good relationship with Lu Yunyao, since everyone went out to work hard, it took almost half a year to see each other. As a result, Hu Sining was not too sure whether the person in the photo was Lu Yunyao himself.

Hu Sining's questioning made Lu Yunyao feel subconsciously being questioned.

If it was the past, she would definitely tell Hu Sining the truth without reservation, but for some reason, she suddenly wanted to cover it up.

"Do you believe what the internet says?"

Lu Yunyao did not reply to Hu Sining, but asked her question, which was enough to make people unable to deduce whether it was true or not.

"If there is a choice, I certainly hope it is true. If this matter is true, then our relationship will go to a higher level."

Take it to the next level?

Lu Yunyao listened to the excited Hu Sining's speech, but her mind was full of doubts.

"What's the relationship to the next level?"

Suddenly, Hu Sining's tone was apologetic and said: "Yaoyao, do you still remember that I asked you for help in a fake marriage?"

"Well, remember, your cousin doesn't like women, and the family forced marriage."

Lu Yunyao recalled what Hu Sining called her before.

Fortunately, she turned around in time and her head was still clear, otherwise, she would have received the certificate from a man she was very unfamiliar with.

Although she got the certificate with a strange man in the end, at least she knew Duan Yixing before getting the certificate...

It made her feel a little bit better about herself.

Before Lu Yunyao could recover from the memory, Hu Sining's excited voice suddenly raised a few more frequencies.

"That President Duan is the cousin I mentioned to you! After going around, you are still together! Is this fate?"

Lu Yunyao captured several key words from Hu Sining's long speech.

President Duan is Hu Sining's cousin?About the legendary cousin who likes men?
Duan Yixing is Hu Sining's cousin?

Duan Yixing likes men?
No way? !

"I remember you said that your cousin doesn't like women..."

Lu Yunyao didn't dare to continue to say the following words, for fear of embarrassment for both parties.

When Hu Sining heard this, he remembered the reason why he made it up in order to trick Lu Yunyao into marrying Duan Yixing.

But did not expect ...

If the two of them are already together, of course they can't tell it. If one of them is upset, no matter what, it will be her who suffers.

Seeing that there was no sound coming from the phone, Lu Yunyao thought that the signal was not good, and maybe Hu Sining had hung up on her.

(End of this chapter)

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