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Chapter 174 The Fighter Among Scumbags

Chapter 174 The Fighter Among Scumbags

When Duan Yixing heard the word divorce, she was so frightened that she quickly stepped towards Lu Yunyao, but the closer she was to Lu Yunyao, the more Lu Yunyao retreated.

As Lu Yunyao stepped back, she said displeasedly, "Don't come near me, you scumbag!"

"Honey, listen to my explanation."

As soon as Duan Yixing got close to Lu Yunyao, Duan Yixing backed away. No need to guess, he knew that Lu Yunyao was angry.

"You don't need to explain! I won't listen."

After speaking, Lu Yunyao covered her ears with her hands, with an expression of unwillingness to accept.

Hu Sining's call just now stimulated her and made her more defensive against Duan Yixing.

From the very beginning, Duan Yixing approached her purposefully and deliberately planned to marry her.

Even though he has a lover and a child, he dared to provoke her, and even confessed to her, saying that he wanted her to accept her.

The sudden appearance of the mother and son stimulated Lu Yunyao.

Seeing Lu Yunyao's resistance, Duan Yixing wanted to explain even more.

"Honey, things are not what you think, listen to my explanation."

Lu Yunyao backed up so much that she couldn't back up until her back touched the wall, her anger had already blinded her thinking.


In order to prevent Duan Yixing from approaching her any further, Lu Yunyao slapped her.

The two people who were watching the fun froze when they saw Duan Yixing being slapped.

The atmosphere at the scene dropped rapidly.

Duan Yixing couldn't believe his face, and was slapped.

Lu Yunyao was also a little surprised, she didn't expect that she would do anything to Duan Yixing.

Duan Yixing, who was expressionless, just looked at Lu Yunyao quietly like this, and felt chills when he saw her.

" told you to come closer."

Lu Yunyao couldn't help but judge her behavior.

The reason why she hit Duan Yixing was because Duan Yixing insisted on getting close to her, which made her feel a sense of crisis, so she made the following defensive attack.

"So can you listen to my explanation now? Or do you have to beat the other side before listening?"

When Duan Yixing said this, Lu Yunyao couldn't believe it, and she instantly suspected that she had auditory hallucinations in her ears.

Duan Yixing actually asked to be beaten again? !

Just to explain to her?

She accidentally slapped Duan Yixing just now, and she was a little guilty afterwards, and Duan Yixing's reaction made her unable to calm down.

Duan Yixing looked at the stunned Lu Yunyao, suddenly grabbed her hand, rubbed it gently and asked, "Does your hand hurt?"

Lu Yunyao looked astonished, she seemed to be beaten by Duan Yixing, but he actually came to ask her if the beating hand hurt.

After realizing it, Lu Yunyao quickly withdrew her hand, Duan Yixing dared to eat her tofu in front of his lover and children!
It really is a fighter among scumbags!

"Scumbag! Get the hell out of here."

"Honey, things are not what you think."

Duan Yixing also wanted to explain to Lu Yunyao about the sudden appearance of mother and child.

As soon as Duan Yixing's words fell, a child's baby voice suddenly came from the living room: "Mom, godfather, what are they doing?"


The word godfather suddenly broke into Lu Yunyao's ears, and she was completely stunned.

Did she hear correctly just now?
That kid called Duan Yixing his godfather?

Before Lu Yunyao recovered, another female voice came from the living room: "Your godfather and your godmother may fight, son, let's go back."

The child continued to ask shamelessly, "Fight? Why fight?"

Duan Yixing also followed the words and explained to Lu Yunyao: "They are my brother's wife and children."

Brother's wife and children?
Suddenly Lu Yunyao felt her cheeks were warm, just now... she burst out of embarrassment just now.

(End of this chapter)

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